"Peter, all your words are nonsense, you lie!"

Karen frantically said to Lin Haishan.

Lin Haishan raised the paternity test in his hand:
"I have something to prove it, Mr. Karen, if you don't admit it, then you have to show it!"

"The evidence is that your paternity test is fake, you forged it!

Peter, you are really capable. You have been lurking in our royal family for more than ten years, and even forged some things. This is your capital, right?

Don't forget, you got these things after hiding in our royal family for more than ten years, and you have the capital to forge them.

But with your own money and connections, can you do that?I doubt it, but how did you do it alone?

All these things of yours are fake, and all these things are your nonsense! "

Karen felt that if he refused to admit it at this time, the other party might not be able to confirm it.

It felt like he was holding on to the last straw, and he would never let go.

How much has he suffered and how hard has he worked to get to where he is today?

Although those in the royal family accepted him back then, because his parents were cousins, he was looked down upon and made things difficult for him since he was a child.

The mother was also kicked out of the royal family and suffered a lot, both physically and psychologically.

You must know how bleak it is for my mother to be a princess of the royal family, and to lead such a down-and-out life all of a sudden.

If those people weren't so cruel, his mother wouldn't have died of dystocia when giving birth to him, and he wouldn't have been abused by his father and lived such a hard life.

It was because those people were too vicious and caused his mother's death that his father abused him like that and was full of hostility towards him.

His childhood didn't have any sunshine, it was full of haze, he never had real happiness, and he lived in beatings and scolding every day.

It wasn't until later that he cruelly killed his father that he was relieved.

He has gone through countless efforts and made countless sacrifices before he has reached the point where he is today.

How could he allow Lin Haishan's words to destroy all of this?He will never admit it!

"I think you have a purpose in doing all this, and there must be someone behind me who is instigating you behind the scenes.

He asked you to do this, am I right? As Karen said, she turned to look at Boss Zhang.

He was signaling Boss Zhang with his eyes to quickly resolve the situation in front of him, he didn't want to stay here anymore.

Staying here will only make things more and more troublesome, and he will become more and more dangerous.

He firmly believed that as long as he left here, he could solve this difficulty. As for what happened just now, he could find a solution to explain it, and it was nothing at all.

Boss Zhang is also very anxious at this time. It's not that he doesn't want to solve the problem, but that he doesn't have the ability to solve this problem now.

After all, at this moment, there are too few people under him, and there are too many people here, he really has no way to deal with it.

"Karen, are you not guilty of saying these words?" At this moment, a loud female voice came out.

Everyone looked in this direction.

Lin Qianqian did not know when she came to the scene, she went straight to Karen, and looked at him coldly:
"Things have come to this point, Karen, you just admit it, stop struggling to die, it's pointless!"

God knows that in so many years, it was the first time Lin Qianqian spoke so loudly and confidently in front of Karen.

This feeling made her very emotional, as if she hadn't stood up so straight for a long time.

She really misses this feeling. She didn't care about it before, but only after losing it did she realize how precious it is.

Such a life with head held high is the real life.

She didn't want to wag her tail like a pug, begging for food from Karen all her life, and only by pleasing him would she not be starved to death or abused.

She wants to be an upright person, she wants to live out her self, and she will never have that kind of aggrieved life anymore!
"Lin Qianqian, whoever allowed you to come here, get the hell out of here!"

When Karen saw this woman also jumped out, her face turned ashen.

What right does this woman have to jump up and down in front of him, she's just his dog!

What the hell is going on today?Is the whole world crazy?
Why are all the people persecuting him and betraying him?
Regardless of whether he is related to him or not, everyone around him is betraying him!
He felt like he was on the battlefield, and there was no way out for the enemy.

He felt that it was the time when he was beaten by his father and had no place to hide.

That feeling, he was so weak and pitiful at that time, how similar to the feeling now, as if the him when he was a child and the him now are slowly overlapping.

"You told me to go back? Am I not qualified to speak?
Karen, have you forgotten?How do you treat me every day?How did you hurt me?

You should know in your heart why I came here, and am I considered a victim of yours in your heart?
No matter what you think, I'm here, and I won't leave, I'm here to expose your crimes!

Although, you have always regarded me as a dog, as a pet, hug me if you are happy, and kick me away if you are not happy.

But barely speaking, I can be regarded as your pillow person. I have more contact with your news and more accurate.

It's only my fault that even though you were on guard against me, you didn't guard against me enough. In the end, your dirty crimes failed to hide from me and were exposed in front of me! "

Lin Qianqian spoke angrily, as if all the anger she had had in the past few years had exploded, and she looked a little elated.

"What did you say!" Karen was shocked and couldn't believe it:

"I don't believe it! You lied to me, even you bitch wants to lie to me, don't you!"

Lin Qianqian raised the pocket in her hand and scattered the photos one after another: "Am I lying to you? You can see for yourself."

All the photos are like countless big snowflakes falling on the ground.

It fell everywhere on the ground, and everyone looked down at the photos, and some even picked up a lot of photos to look at.

Lin Qianqian dropped the pocket in her hand and explained:

"I found these photos from Karen's computer and took the time to develop them.

If you are interested, you can pick it up and see for yourself to see if what I said is true?
Karen still wanted to try to hide all this, and even wanted to deny it, it was just a dream! "

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