At this time, all relatives have been hurt by the royal family, and those who have suffered hurt themselves.

They all began to surge with passion, and kept screaming, wanting to rush forward for revenge.

"Stop it, all of you! Don't be impulsive, do you know the consequences of what you do!" Princess Page became frightened.

She led Karen back and forth constantly, for fear that these impulsive people would suddenly rush up and do something irreversible to them.

Then Boss Zhang also became nervous. After all, he is a member of the organization. At this time, he must stand up to protect Karen and Princess Page.

It's not because he really wants to help them, or because he wants to benefit from them, it's mainly from the perspective of the overall situation.

No matter what kind of charges these two people have, how much crime they have, and whether they really deserve to die or not.

That would have to be judged in country C. He must protect these two people in this place and not let them make any mistakes.

If in front of him, these two people have some accidents, or if they are really dead, there will be something wrong.

It's not just what he wants to play, the whole organization is probably going to be played, and the higher-ups will never let them go.

He didn't want to fall into a big stumble because of this, so he had to take these people to protect Karen and Princess Page.

He did as well, and led people to block Karen and Princess Page, preventing the excited crowd from rushing up and causing them any harm.

Lin Haishan smiled, and then waved his hands generously: "Actually, you don't need to be so nervous, we don't mean to hurt them.

After all, they are also important figures in country C. I am of the yellow race, and it is not our turn to judge. I just speak out about their crimes.

Let them not be guilty and leave like this. After listening to me, the victim, I have finished speaking, and there is still time to leave. "

Boss Zhang hesitated.

Leng Gongchen, who had been listening all the time, could see the entanglement in Boss Zhang's heart.

At this moment, even if Boss Zhang really wanted to keep these two people, he might not be able to, because the difference in the number of people was too great.

He walked through the crowd, deliberately lowered his voice and said:

"Boss Zhang, it's not an option for you to do this now, the matter has already reached this point, if you take your people to forcefully take these two people away.

With so many people in this place, the scene will definitely get out of control.You have to think about it carefully, count yourself, you are just such a small number of people.

How many people are there in this place?If there is any turmoil, not one or two people will be injured, but a large group of innocent people will be injured.

And I think that if something like that becomes a big deal, it must be difficult to clean up.Now we have no other intentions, just want them to listen to my father-in-law quietly.

This is not what I mean by myself, it is to comply with public opinion, Boss Zhang, why don't you just agree? "

Boss Zhang hesitated:

"If there is something wrong with these two people, I can't explain it to myself, and the whole organization will be implicated by me.

Moreover, this is related to the cooperation between the two parties and the friendship between the two countries. I can't act rashly, you understand what I mean? "

Leng Gongchen nodded with a smile: "Even if you don't tell me this kind of thing, I know it, you don't need to tell me these things, I know it well.

In fact, I have been abandoned by you and the organization now, haven't I!So, what face do you have for telling me these profound and righteous words?
I have been abandoned, and I have no obligation to help you, right?I don't think you need to tell me. "

Leng Gongchen felt that what Boss Zhang said at this time was simply funny, and they had already done such things to themselves.

Doesn't he find it ridiculous that he still has the nerve to make such a statement?

This is simply a big joke!

Boss Zhang still argued: "You misunderstood me, and you also misunderstood the organization's meaning.

The organization has never thought of giving up on you, nor has it ever thought of what to do to you, it's just you thinking more about yourself. "

Leng Gongchen smiled and shook his head, but the smile didn't reach his eyes at all, it was just a perfunctory smile:

"I am a normal person, I also have the ability to think independently, my eyes can see the world, and my heart can distinguish right from wrong.

This matter is not what you say is yes, and what you say is no is not, and you should not try to comfort it with a few words of yours.

can change my mind, do you think I'm such an easily persuaded person? "

"Leng Gongchen, I don't think you should..." Boss Zhang's expression changed.

However, he knew that now was not the time to turn against Leng Gongchen, so he hesitated, should he continue talking?

Leng Gongchen took his words directly: "It's okay, you guys are shameless, but I still want shame.

Don't worry, I won't do anything shameless. I have my own standards and my own sense of proportion when doing things.

I hope that for the next thing, Boss Zhang can just watch quietly by the side. I will fulfill my promise, and I also hope that you can keep your promise.

If you act rashly and really cause the scene to lose control, then I may really have no way to control it.

You have to know that if a turmoil really breaks out, it will not be so easy to quell it.You can't control it just by the people present, can you? "

Boss Zhang was silent. He knew that the current situation was indeed the case, and he couldn't help it.

So he kept silent, which can be regarded as a kind of tacit consent.

Because of this place, most people have a deep hostility towards Karen, if they are taken away by force, it will definitely cause a certain amount of turmoil.

He didn't dare to take such a risk. It's not a joke to trigger public outrage.

Moreover, there are many invisible dangers now.

There must have been an uproar on the Internet at this time, and it should have caused a sensation all over the country.

It is estimated that the entire network is about to be paralyzed, and everyone is discussing this matter.

Today's public opinion is no longer as easy to grasp as it used to be.

If there is a slight disturbance, everyone will get news from all over the country within a few hours.

So this matter cannot be resolved in a few words. If the masses do not cooperate, he cannot easily take people away.

Boss Zhang also understood this truth in his heart, so he acquiesced.

Leng Gongchen nodded secretly to Lin Haishan.

Lin Haishan saw that everyone was quiet, so he raised his hand and showed a faint smile:

"Next, I'm going to announce an incredible thing to everyone. Please keep your ears open and listen clearly!"

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