"Why, Mr. Karen is not a member of the organization, but the organization asks you to do everything?"

After hearing what he said, Leng Gongchen still had a smile on his face:

"It seems that you are very familiar with the people in the organization, and the relationship seems very unusual."

Karen's face changed involuntarily, and then he resumed his usual smile, then raised his hand and waved:

"Mr. Leng Gongchen, what you say now is just delaying time, I don't want to talk nonsense with you anymore.

Well, now everyone obeys my order and starts to forcibly demolish this factory. "

He gave an order, and all the excavators were started, and they began to frantically plan to demolish the factory.

Several excavators were working at the same time, the sound was very loud, the noise made people upset, and there was rumbling everywhere.

Everyone took a step back.

At this moment, a righteous voice sounded: "Everyone stop, don't move!"

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice.

He saw Lin Jiejun leading a group of people, each with a weapon in their hand, blocking in front of the excavators.

"I'm Lin Jiejun, and I received a report from the masses that someone demolished a building in violation of regulations.

So I came here to check the situation. We will stop this kind of illegal behavior. "

Lin Jiejun said righteously.

"Lin Jiejun?"

Karen raised her eyebrows slightly at first, then stared at him, then narrowed her eyes, as if she saw something interesting.

This is really a Cheng Yaojin halfway through.

But why is he so familiar?

He thought about it carefully, as if he remembered it, he showed a cold smile:

"I remember, Lin Jiejun, I remember you, you are the one who came back to my house, right?"

Lin Jiejun didn't answer him.

Karen took out the document again and turned the angle of the document to Lin Jiejun.

"Although you eat national food, you have no right to stop us. This is a notice issued by the organization, and we are just implementing it.

Please don't stop the organization from carrying out its official duties, and quickly take the group of people under your command out of here. "

Lin Jiejun glanced at the document lightly, and then said:
"Why have I never heard of the documents issued by the organization? When was this issued, and who signed it?
Under normal circumstances, we all know what notices the organization has.

Could it be that this document of yours was originally forged by you, something that does not exist, and you deliberately made a fake one? "

Karen's complexion became ugly. This Lin Jiejun clearly did it on purpose. He wanted to admit the authenticity of this document, thinking that this would delay the process?
Don't you know that there is a saying in their country that if you can hide from the first day of the junior high school, you can't hide from the fifteenth day?

This is just a futile struggle, and it will only delay for a few minutes at most.

"As a person who eats from the state, don't you know the official seal of the organization? You should still have the ability to distinguish the authenticity from the false, right?
Otherwise, I really don't think much of the clothes you wear. said Karen sarcastically.

Lin Jiejun looked indifferent, he shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands.

"Mr. Karen, I really want to disappoint you, whether you look down on me or not, I really can't tell the authenticity of this document.

Because the current counterfeiting technology is so advanced, we have specialized personnel to identify the documents issued by these organizations.

This is not within the scope of my duties, but a special person is in charge, and now professional technicians have not come with us.

Whether your document is genuine or not remains to be determined, Mr. Karen, until we are sure that this document is genuine.

Please stop your crazy behavior first, it will do no one any good. "

Karen hadn't had time to speak yet.

Lin Jiejun turned around again, suddenly raised his voice, and slowed down the group of reporters:
"And Mr. Karen, you have evil intentions, and you deliberately brought these media and reporters here, which attracted the attention of the masses and caused turmoil and panic among the masses.

If any unfavorable public opinion is spread, you will have to pay a serious price for it, and this legal responsibility must be borne by you.

Mr. Karen, let me remind you that you are the royal family of country C, and your every move reflects your motherland. I think it is better for you not to be too impulsive.

Otherwise, on behalf of your country, you have caused some bad influence in our country. It seems that it is not a very good thing for you, right? "

Karen's face turned livid at what he said, and she was speechless for a while.

He really should consider his personal image. Even if he is unwilling, he is still a member of the royal family of country C, so of course he has to consider for his own country.

Although those things are bullshit in his eyes, he can't show it in front of so many people.

Just when he was in a dilemma, suddenly there was a shout:
"Lin Jiejun, what are you doing!"

Everyone looked at the speaker one after another, but unexpectedly it was Zhang Ju who came!

Lin Jiejun looked at Zhang Ju, and his face was sour and a little ugly: "Why do you come here when you have time, just leave this matter to me..."

Zhang Jianbo's face was livid, he walked over angrily, punched him on the shoulder, and said angrily:
"Which one allowed you to bring so many people here? How did I tell you, why didn't you take it to heart?
Lin Jiejun, Lin Jiejun, you are not mad at me, am I not going to give up, are you?You really want me to have an accident because of you, so you feel at ease, don't you! "

"No, this matter is unfair to him..." Lin Jiejun wanted to explain.

"Stop talking!" Zhang Jianbo roared angrily: "Lead me to retreat now, and immediately don't delay for a second!"

"I'm sorry..." Lin Jiejun lowered his head, his face full of guilt.

But Zhang Jianbo's order was not carried out.

Seeing that he didn't listen to his words, Zhang Jianbo couldn't help being even more angry:
"Do as I say right away, I don't want to repeat my words, hurry up!"

Lin Jiejun hesitated for a moment, finally gritted his teeth and looked up at Zhang Jianbo:
"I'm really sorry, I can only say sorry to you, I can't carry out your order, I really can't do it!"

Zhang Jianbo was so excited that he was so angry that his whole body trembled slightly, staring straight at him with both eyes, as if waiting for him to change his mind.

But after waiting for a long time, Lin Jiejun still stood there indifferent.

Although his face was full of guilt, it didn't help. He still insisted on what he wanted to do and didn't want to change anything.

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