Lin Qianqian thought about it carefully. She was caught by Karen that time, and she hadn't had time to look carefully.

If I think about it now, it can appear in his computer, and he is such a cherished person.

It must not be an ordinary person, presumably there must be some background.

So could this woman be the one arguing with Karen on the phone?Thinking about it this way, it seems quite possible.

After thinking for a while, she made a bold decision, walked towards the computer, and turned on the computer.

The computer turned on quickly, but the lock screen password unexpectedly appeared on the screen.

Lin Qianqian frowned and thought about it carefully, then entered a password, unexpectedly she got in all at once.

That time Karen was busy at the computer, and she lay on the bed beside her and pretended to be asleep.

In fact, she roughly remembered the password he used to do it, and then guessed the password, but she didn't expect it to be this password.

It was three or four o'clock in the morning, probably because the lights in the house were not turned on, and Karen only turned on a computer.

He just sat motionless in front of the computer and looked at those photos. Looking back now, Lin Qianqian felt that the man must have been looking at the photos of this woman.

It's just that his body blocked the distance and was a little far away. Lin Qianqian didn't see the woman's face clearly.

After she turned on the computer, she clicked on the photo album file on the computer, but she didn't expect that the photo album file also required a password to enter.

Lin Qianqian tried to enter the password just now, but it showed that the password was wrong.

Now she has no clue, so she can only turn off the computer in a hurry.

She was afraid that the man would come back suddenly and discover all this, and it would be over. She straightened the computer and restored it to its original appearance.

Only then did she return to the bed, covering her chest with both hands, feeling the beating of her heart.

I was so nervous, I felt like my heart was about to jump out.

She lay on the bed to calm down her mood, and by the way, she also thought about the previous things, but she didn't expect that the more she thought about it, the more energetic she became, and she didn't even have the slightest intention of going to sleep.

She just sat up, took out her mobile phone, and started searching for things about the royal family of country C, and those people.

But it didn't matter if she looked at it this way, she actually saw the woman who appeared on Karen's computer in those photos!

In terms of seniority, this woman should be Karen's niece.

Lin Qianqian quickly searched on her mobile phone, and there was all the news about Karen, the niece.

But no matter what, I couldn't find it. The most mentioned news was that this woman didn't know which country she went to for further studies.

There are also some gossips from some netizens, saying that this woman is crazy.

The royal family was afraid that it would be too embarrassing, and they lost all their face, so they hid this woman's blood and never appeared again.

However, there are other kinds of gossip, and the Internet is full of these anyway, without any basis.

Lin Qianqian will not easily believe such words, because they are too unreliable, and the specific situation needs to be studied according to the details.

So why would Karen put a photo of her niece on the computer and keep staring at it?

If it were an ordinary person, it would not be surprising, but this person is Karen, so it is a bit thought-provoking.

Karen is not a normal person in essence. He is moody and has a different personality from normal people.

And there is no concept of family affection at all, it is impossible to stare at her photo because of concern for his niece.

So why is he collecting photos of this niece?

Simply want to collect photos of those relatives of the royal family?

So who else is in that photo album?Is it just this niece?
Or, are there photos of all the members of the royal family?

This question is worthy of further study, and even if the answer is obtained, the problems you want to face will be different.

If only the niece is the only one, then this matter is worth pondering...

Just when Lin Qianqian was puzzled, she suddenly heard the sound of the door being opened.

Lin Qianqian hastily turned off her cell phone, closed her eyes, and pretended to be asleep.

She heard very light footsteps, as if she had been by this bed for a long time, Lin Qianqian wondered if he had left with his own hands?
But did he hear footsteps, so he could only close his eyes and continue pretending to sleep.

Immediately afterwards, Karen's footsteps sounded, and Lin Qianqian breathed a sigh of relief.

When he thought he was about to leave, he suddenly heard him sitting down on a stool, followed by the sound of the computer starting up.

Lin Qianqian couldn't help but wonder, does he still need to look at the computer at this time?

After a while, Karen's laughter was heard.

Lin Qianqian was terrified in her heart, but she still restrained her curiosity and gently pulled the quilt back a little.

She opened her eyes and secretly looked in that direction, which happened to be a corner of the computer screen.

Because the sky was not too dark yet, the light was better, and Lin Qianqian could already see some content this time.

She looked hard at the photos on the computer screen and saw faces one after another.

It is true that his niece and daughter are not alone, but there are faces of all kinds of people.

They are indeed photos of all members of the royal family of country C, that is, those relatives of Karen.

But why was Karen smiling at them?And it's still facing the photo, which is very weird.

Lin Qianqian only felt that this scene was very scary and very penetrating, which made her hairs stand on end.

She felt cold sweat all over her back, it was just too scary!

She was afraid of being discovered by this man, and she would be silenced by then.

She wanted to put her hands down and continue to cover herself with the quilt so that she would not be discovered, but she still couldn't hold back her curiosity and continued to watch.

Karen went through the pictures, and then started over again when she was done.

Only then did Lin Qianqian let go of the quilt and hid herself in the quilt. She felt chilly all over her body, and she was covered in cold sweat, even on her face.

This situation is very strange.

She sensitively sensed that there seemed to be something wrong. Not only was the man smiling at those photos, but there was also something very wrong.

Lin Qianqian couldn't think of it for a while, probably because she was too nervous, she reminded herself to be calm and calm.

She needs to think about what is wrong, what is going on?
She closed her eyes and tried hard to think that everything was wrong. There must be something wrong. What is it?
She suddenly opened her eyes, she thought of it!

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