"It's coming soon!"

Looking at the figure in the distance, Lin Qianqian seemed to see hope, her steps increased, and she ran faster than before.

But when she got closer, what greeted her was despair!
She didn't see the person and the car that came to meet her at all, but instead saw the most conspicuous person among those few people.

Leng Gongchen!
Why is he here!

Lin Qianqian was so frightened that she turned around and ran in the direction she came from just now.

At this time, her legs had already lost strength, and she didn't know whether it was because she was scared or she was too tired from running, and she couldn't walk far at all with weak steps.

"Leng Gongchen...I warn you, don't come here...I have a knife in my hand! If you come here again, I will kill him!"

As Lin Qianqian said, she mercilessly put the knife in her hand on Pingping's neck again.

Ping Ping wailed loudly, without stopping at all, his hoarse voice made people feel distressed.

Leng Gongchen suddenly bent down, picked up a stone and threw it at Lin Qianqian.


It doesn't make a sound but works.

That stone was hitting Lin Qianqian's forehead, she couldn't bear the dizziness, and she fell backwards.

And Lin Mengmeng, who had been running along with him, reached out to pick up the child at a critical moment.

Lin Qianqian lay on the ground with a wound on her head, and blood gushed out.

Leng Gongchen rushed over and took it, the child carefully comforted the child, and gently patted the child on the back with unskilled techniques:
"Baby don't cry, Daddy is here, Daddy saved you!"

At this time, the people under Leng Gongchen also rushed over and picked up Lin Qianqian who was on the ground.

Lin Qianqian let them carry her like a rag doll, but when she suddenly felt that they were pulling her to move, Lin Qianqian became afraid.

She didn't want to die, and she didn't want to experience this feeling of imminent death!
"Leng Gongchen, what are you going to do? Where are you taking me! What do you people want to do!
Leng Gongchen, let me tell you, murder is against the law!You can't kill me! "

As she spoke, she suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

She was in a mess, with blood everywhere, and she looked particularly terrifying.

Lin Qianqian still did not give up, and said in a vague voice:

"Leng Gongchen, you can't kill me, let me tell you, that's illegal!
Let me tell you, I'm not an ordinary person, I'm Karen's woman, if you kill me, he won't let you go!

I still have a lot of fans, and my fans are always following my news, if you dare to kill me, you will definitely have a hard time in the future! "

But to Lin Qianqian's despair, Leng Gongchen didn't respond to her words, as if she didn't hear anything, and completely ignored her.

Lin Qianqian was soon forcibly dragged into a car.

The car went straight all the way to the beach.

It was a cliff, about ten meters long, and Lin Qianqian was pushed down before she could speak.


There was a huge splash in the water.

Lin Qianqian fell down defenselessly, because she had a wound in the first place.

Falling into the sea like this must have passed out all at once, and sank directly without thumping at all.

When she opened her eyes again, she was still soaking in the sea water.

She was surrounded by a fishing net, her head fell on the surface of the sea, and her whole body was submerged in the sea water.

Probably because of soaking in the water for too long, Lin Qianqian felt that her whole body was uncomfortable, as if it wasn't hers.

She lowered her head to look at herself, and found that the skin on her body had some wrinkles due to soaking in water for too long.

White disgusting folds, like a disgusting old lady.

The salty sea water stayed on her forehead, and after the consciousness gradually returned, the painful feeling returned to her body.

"It hurts……"

Lin Qianqian couldn't help but said, her voice was hoarse, she couldn't help sticking out her tongue and licking her lips:

"I'm so thirsty, is there anyone, can someone give me some water..."

Lin Qianqian was so painful that she didn't even have the strength to raise her head, but she was still struggling to call for help.

This is the sea at night, it is really cold, she is sore and cold all over, shivering constantly.

She couldn't shout loudly, so she could only whisper.

"Help, help... I'm dying, please help me!"

Lin Qianqian cried out in despair.

But no matter how she yelled, there was silence all around, except for the occasional animal voice, the rest was dead.

"Ah, it hurts!" Lin Qianqian felt a sudden pain in her wound.

It was as if something had bitten her.

She lowered her head and looked into the sea. Could it be that the fish was biting her?She tried her best to look under her body.

Did those fish smell blood, so they came to bite her?

She looked over with difficulty, and saw a dozen fish wandering around her. Those fish seemed to regard her as a delicacy, and kept biting her around.

And, with every bite, a piece of meat is torn off alive.

What kind of fish are these, with such powerful teeth!

"Could it be a piranha!" Lin Qianqian said softly.

She was frightened all of a sudden, like crazy, if no one came to save her, she would soon turn into a skeleton!

help!She doesn't want to die, she really doesn't want to die, if this continues, she will really die!

"Help, help! Can someone help me, help me!" Lin Qianqian yelled desperately like she was going crazy.

She really doesn't want to die.

Because of being soaked in sea water for a long time, and because it was too cold outside, Lin Qianqian could hardly hear it, it was her own voice.

She didn't know if she yelled out, but she kept saying, "Help, help..."

Even if her voice was weak, she didn't want to give up.

How could she be willing to die like this!


At this time, Lin Qianqian heard the sound of the rope being cut.

Then with a light body, she rode straight towards the sea.

At this time, both shoulders suddenly tightened.

Someone lifted her up like a piece of trash.

With the last of her strength, Lin Qianqian opened her eyes and looked at the person who came, and found that it was Karen!
Before she could make any expression, she tilted her head and passed out completely.

Karen's face became even more ugly. He wished he could tear this woman into pieces and throw them into the sea to feed the merman.

However, he was very rational in doing things, so following his reason, he still rescued this woman.

Because of this idiot's ineffectiveness, he lost a project, and the profit from this project was enough for him to open three more factories.

Originally thought that Leng Gongchen should be an indecisive person who loves children, but today I finally saw how fierce Leng Gongchen is!

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