Both of them lowered their heads and did not speak.

Lin Qianqian changed her face again and stretched out her hand.

"I said it angrily, but if you don't listen, let me tell you that my patience has a limit, so I will give you 5 minutes.

If you don't think about it anymore and don't let me go in to see my boyfriend, I suspect that what I just said is indeed true.

In order for my boyfriend to get better treatment, when members of the royal family of country C contact me, I will tell them the actual situation.

I hope they can take my boyfriend to their country for proper treatment. "

The other party relaxed after hearing her words.

"Miss Lin, go in and take a look." One of them thought for a while and said:

"But you can only go in for a maximum of 10 minutes, which is the maximum amount of time.

Letting you in has actually violated the regulations above. If the people above know, I will definitely not be able to afford it!

So please don't cause trouble for us, go in quickly, and come out quickly! "

"I know, thank you." Lin Qianqian nodded and thanked them before walking in.

When I walked out, I saw a luxurious hospital bed in a luxurious ward, surrounded by various instruments.

Karen lay in a hospital bed with various tubes inserted into her body.

With a breathing mask on his face, his face was as white as a piece of paper, and he didn't have his usual scary appearance.

Karen, did you really get into a car accident and get hit like this?
Lin Qianqian walked over and stared at the man on the hospital bed, she hardly dared to be confident.

She clearly knew how terrifying this man was, and the devil-like torture she had personally experienced.

When she first came into contact with this man, she was almost as dead as alive.

But she is not a person who chooses to die easily, and she is not willing to die like this.

All I want is to run away from this man, go back to my own country, live my own life, and start over and everything will be fine.

In fact, the reason why Lin Qianqian met Karen was also because of Lin Shengsheng.

She always felt that Lin Shengsheng harmed her.

Lin Shengsheng's parents passed away at that time, but they were also her legal parents.

At that time, Lin Shengsheng insisted that her parents died strangely, and insisted on going abroad to investigate the cause of their death.

As the youngest daughter of the Lin family, my sister has already gone to investigate this matter. If she doesn't go, it seems a little unreasonable.

So, she followed suit.

But at that time, she just had the attitude of going for fun. She didn't want to do anything in the past, and she didn't really want to investigate the truth.

At that time, she met Karen, the man she had always been afraid of.

When she first met this man, she found him extremely attractive.

He is full of incomparable extravagance, looks very handsome, and is very rich and wears very expensive clothes.

Especially the warm smile on his face always makes people feel very comfortable.

Lin Qianqian was still a girl who had little experience in the outside world at the time, and was quickly attracted to this man.

She didn't come home for days and nights.

Lin Shengsheng was busy investigating the cause of her parents' death at the time, and had no time to care whether she had returned home or not.

Lin Qianqian thought that she had not fulfilled her responsibilities as a sister, and let her wander outside like this.

Otherwise, how could she have gotten deeper and deeper into that situation in the end!Being deceived by this man, I was deeply immersed in it.

But one time, she accidentally learned some of Karen's secrets, and Karen stopped hiding, revealed her true colors, and locked her up directly.

Lin Qianqian always believed that all of this was Lin Shengsheng's fault.

Although she was an illegitimate daughter, the Lin family took her back. She could have found a good boyfriend and lived a good life. Thinking about it, she felt very happy.

However, now Lin Shengsheng has turned her into what she is now, and she will never turn back.

"Karen! Although Lin Shengsheng is the chief culprit, you should be damned too!" Lin Qianqian said through gritted teeth.

She has murderous intent in her eyes.

Wasn't it all because of this man that she was tortured in the past?

Karen, if I hadn't been tricked by you, how could I have gotten to where I am today?
I will definitely live a very happy life, and I may not marry a very rich and powerful person.

But I will also find a man who I like and who also likes me to marry him, and I will live a very happy life.

I wouldn't get pregnant without being married, and I wouldn't have a child because of it.

I would never look at a useless man like Zhou Zichuan!

Karen, it's all because of you!You should pay for this too!

Now is really a good opportunity given by God, so I will send you to die, it can be regarded as revenge for myself, and I will be a new me from now on!
Lin Qianqian took out a bottle of medicine from her pocket and opened the lid.

But she hesitated again, as if she was a little scared, and quickly put the lid back on.

She was holding the medicine bottle with her fingertips, and the situation in her heart seemed particularly complicated.

Lin Qianqian, don't be nervous, this medicine won't take effect so quickly.

With this buffer time, plus the money you secretly saved during this period, it is enough for you to escape abroad.

As long as you escape to an unknown and distant small country, no one will recognize you after changing your appearance, and no one will find that you are Lin Qianqian.

In the future life, with that money, I will live very well.

Isn't Zhang Wenwu captured now?

Although such a man will not have much future, but he will definitely protect you well.

Lin Qianqian, don't be too greedy, you have experienced so much in the first half of your life, it is even more exciting than movies, you should also learn to distinguish.

Now lie to Zhang Wenwu to take you away, and if there is a suitable man at that time, kick him again.

Zhang Wenwu will definitely listen to you.

When Lin Qianqian was about to reopen the medicine bottle with a force in her hand, Karen who was on the bed suddenly opened her eyes.

Lin Qianqian glanced at it from the corner of her eye, she might as well scream out in fright: "Ah!"

The bottle in her hand slipped to the floor.

Karen heard the voice and asked, "What is that?"

"There is nothing." Lin Qianqian quickly bent down to pick up the medicine bottle and put it in her pocket.

"Why, you want to murder me!" Karen said calmly.

Lin Qianqian trembled in fright, and then showed an ugly smile:

"How is it possible, I love you so much, how can I have such an idea? Are you confused!"

"I got hit?"

After being reminded by her, Karen suddenly felt pain in her head, and reached out to touch the bandage on her head.

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