Leng Gongchen continued slowly:

"But you didn't show the slightest bit of grief, but instead took a fake letter of intent to trick my mother into letting my company cooperate with your company.

I really want to know what the hell you're up to?When the two of us drank red wine and chatted, I kind of regarded you as a friend.

However, I feel that friendship is not as good as a soap bubble in your eyes, it is too fragile, too fragile, you really let me down. "

As Leng Gongchen spoke, he picked up the letter of intent and tore it into pieces.

Karen finally regained his composure during this period of time. He sorted out his emotions and put away all serious emotions. Then he pulled his lips to laugh.

But it was hard to smile as freely as usual.

"Leng Gongchen, you tore up this letter of intent in front of so many people, you should know better than me that although the letter of intent is not a formal contract, it is still legally binding.

What you did was unilaterally violating the treaty. Are you really not afraid that I will sue you and your company because of the meager friendship between us? "

Leng Gongchen shrugged indifferently:

"This letter of intent was forged by you, and the signature on it was also fake. It should be me who took you to court instead."

And these reporters also forgot the purpose of their visit this time, and began to desperately ask questions in their hearts. What they asked were all hot topics now:

"Mr. Leng Gongchen, can I trouble you to answer us, how did you escape from such a tragic car accident?"

"Mr. Leng, didn't you and your wife die in that car accident? Who is the dead?"

"About this car accident, do you have anything to explain? Is it a traffic accident? Or did someone commit the crime on purpose?"

"Have you found any clues about this matter?"

"We did find some clues." Leng Gongchen responded to the reporter very rarely.

The reporters were all excited.

Leng Gongchen said loudly to the outside: "Okay, you can bring people in!"

Then, two men in black walked in with a middle-aged man on their backs.

The man seemed to have been severely beaten, and the clothes on his body were still stained with dark red blood, which was obviously old blood.

And there were some bloodstains on his face, which made the scar on his face look even more terrifying.

"Give me a sigh!"

The bodyguard kicked him.

Unable to bear the strength, Liu Dawen fell to his knees on the ground.

Leng Gongchen looked around at the reporters, and then asked:
"Look carefully at this person's figure and see who he looks more like?"

Those reporters looked at Liu Dawen, and suddenly someone exclaimed loudly:
"Isn't this the driver who caused the accident? He, didn't he escape?"

As soon as someone said this, others followed suit:

"When you said that, I remembered that it was indeed this person. Although it was just a back view, it was definitely this person. It was so similar!"

"Since it's the driver who caused the accident, then send it to the police station as soon as possible, I believe he will be imprisoned!"

At this time, sirens sounded from far and near.

Then three or four people came in, and the leader was Lin Jiejun.

He and Leng Gongchen looked at each other and smiled, walked up to Liu Dawen, looked at him condescendingly, and said righteously:

"Now I'm going to take you to the Bureau, if you have something to say, you can say it now and ask for clemency.

Otherwise, you really have to sit in prison. "

At this time, Karen stood up first and said, "What can I say to this kind of desperado? Just hand it over to the court for trial."

Liu Dawen looked at Karen coldly: "Please help me."

Karen's face became ugly: "You are a drunk driver, and you dare to escape, how dare you ask me to help you?
If it wasn't for my good friend Leng Gongchen, I would never let you go after I catch you.

You should go back with them properly, reflect on yourself in the bureau, wash away your sins, and then come out to be a human being.

Remember not to do this kind of thing in the future, if you behave well in prison, you can commute your sentence and come out earlier. "

But Liu Dawen didn't seem to understand what he meant, and he didn't feel that he had committed any serious crimes, nor did he feel that Karen would help him.

A desperado like him naturally knows that a chess piece that has lost its use value must be abandoned.

"Karen, you are so cruel!"

Liu Dawen gritted his teeth and stared at him, every sentence seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth:
"I tried my best to do so many things for you, is this how you treat me?

Is it because I have no use value for you now, so you plan to kick me away like a dead dog? "

Karen immediately turned to look at Leng Gongchen:
"Did you ask him to say these words? We are friends anyway, so there's no need to say that! It's a joke, but it's a bit big."

Leng Gongchen didn't speak, he didn't want to cooperate with this guy in acting, and he didn't want to talk nonsense with him.

Liu Dawen continued to speak at this time:

"Obviously it was you who asked me to drive a car to kill the two of them, and it was you who asked me to kill that person so that Leng Gongchen could be blamed.

Because of you, I have a few more lives in my hand, and I am sure to die.

Now that it's over and I've been arrested, you're going to kick me away and leave me alone, aren't you?

Let me tell you Karen, things are not that simple, the game key starts, it doesn't end if you want it to end!

Since you ordered me to do all this, do you think you can still escape unscathed?Do you think that people like me won't give themselves some backs?
You want to get out of your body, it's not that simple. "

The reason why he said that was not because he wanted to help Leng Gongchen, nor did he expect Leng Gongchen to help him.

It is to tell Karen that he has evidence in his hand, and any piece of evidence can kill him and make him never stand up again!

This is telling him, don't try to throw him away as a pawn, the most important thing is to save him quickly.

"Sure enough, that person is you!" Lin Jiejun took out a document from his bag.

There is a color photo on the A4 paper, which is the picture in the surveillance near the dead reporter.

He sent people to check the surveillance cameras day and night, and finally found such a suspicious person inside.

Because Liu Dawen is so famous on the most wanted list, especially the scar on his face, it's hard not to notice it.

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