Chen Junkai said coldly: "If you want to know the truth of the matter, just do as I tell you!

Do you think I'm still the old Chen Junkai?Do you think I'm still obedient to you?
If you want to know the truth, then obediently listen to me and show a little sincerity so that I can decide whether to tell you the truth about these things. "

"Shut your mouth! I don't want to say any more nonsense to you!" Lin Shengsheng pulled off the Bluetooth headset and threw it aside.

At this time, a black van rushed out from the opposite side and knocked her car over.


There were two loud bangs.

Another car came, rushed out from the same direction, and knocked over the black van directly.


"Last night, there was a serious car accident on the highway, the president of the Leng Group, Leng Gongchen, and his newly married wife were both killed in this car accident.

According to the investigation, the perpetrator of the accident was a drunk driver who escaped suddenly on the way to the hospital.

The police have now searched across the city, and the big screen behind them is the photo of the perpetrator of the car accident.

The possibility that he has escaped from the city cannot be ruled out, and I hope everyone will report actively, and there will be rewards for reporting, our hotline for reporting is..."

Karen raised the remote control in his hand, showed a satisfied smile, picked up the suit on the side and put it on himself, and went directly to Leng's house in Chen Junkai's car.

In just one day, the originally brightly lit Leng's house has been decorated into a mourning hall.

There are white cloth strips hanging everywhere, and white lanterns.

All the people standing in the house were prominent figures, and the atmosphere was extremely sad.

Karen walked to the door, before she could go in.

Li Qingzhen stepped out and stopped him. She was dressed in black and stared coldly at the man in front of her.

The hatred in her eyes is not concealed at all, this is the murderer who killed her son.

Her face was pale, her hair, which was always meticulous, was not as smooth as before, and there were dark circles under her eyes, and even wrinkles.

In just a few dozen hours, she seemed to have aged 10 years.

Karen looked sad and said very sincerely:

"Auntie, I was a good friend of Leng Gongchen. I am also very sad that something like this happened to him.

He is such an excellent person, and his wife is so beautiful and so outstanding.

But God is really short-sighted, let them lose their lives at a young age, I really feel very sorry for this. "

The reporters who followed him raised their cameras unscrupulously, and focused the spotlight on Li Qingzhen, completely ignoring the pain of her being sent to a black-haired man by a white-haired man.

Karen took the gift box from Chen Junkai, and she was very polite, offering it with both hands politely, and said earnestly:
"This is my personal wish, please accept it, Auntie!"

Li Qingzhen raised her hand unceremoniously.


The exquisite gift box fell to the ground at once.

All kinds of precious jewels and other things in the gift box rolled out and fell on the ground, reflecting dazzling light.

This brilliance, this brilliance is so incompatible with the scene in front of me, as if Karen is an outlier among these mourners.

Li Qingzhen pointed at Karen viciously, and yelled in complete disregard of her image:

"Get out of here! Get out of here as far as possible! Bring you reporters! Get out of here completely!"

She has lived for decades, and she has never been so ashamed or lost her composure in front of the media.

But she can't care so much now.

She had only one son.

This son is so outstanding, so outstanding, she is so proud of him, this is her most proud thing!

But in the blink of an eye, such an excellent son left her.

Her husband is still alive, and now only she and her husband are dependent on each other, so what if they have tens of millions of wealth?
The son is gone, what is there to miss about the cold property?
"Auntie, don't do this!"

Karen knelt down and began to pick up the jewels into the box, looking very sincere and very sad.

"I told you to get out, did you hear me? I don't want to see you, get out!" Li Qingzhen's chest heaved in anger.

Karen said: "Auntie, I can understand your mood now, and I know how sad you are.

And as your son's friend, I am as sad as you are.

Just because I am his friend, I will help him deal with his affairs after he is gone.

You and your uncle haven't taken over the affairs of the company for many years. You must be very unfamiliar with these matters, and you may not understand them well.

You should know that I have been cooperating with the Leng Group before. Although there are relatively few contacts recently, the cooperation is still going on.

Some time ago, I was still discussing with your son how to expand the cooperation between the two parties.

Everyone knows that the Leng Group has always wanted to open up the market in country C, and my industry in our country also wants to enter your domestic market.

So this is a very perfect cooperation. I didn't expect such a thing to happen to him, and I feel very regretful. "

Karen stood up while speaking, took out a document and handed it to Li Qingzhen:

"I'll show you this, Leng Gongchen and I are best friends, and now he's gone, whether it's because of the relationship between me and him.

Or because of the interests of the company, I will fulfill his last wish and continue this matter.

This document is the letter of intent we signed at that time. Although it is not a formal contract, I think it should have legal effect now.

This cooperation is very beneficial to both of us, and there is no harm.

If you are worried, I have brought a lawyer here, and I can ask the lawyer to explain to you in detail the content of this contract and what benefits it will have for you! "

Li Qingzhen was trembling with anger, and threw the document on the ground.

Karen looked a little helpless: "Auntie, I know you are very sad, but they are no longer here, you have to look forward as a human being.

My company in our country is not mine alone. There are various shareholders behind me, and they have been urging recently.

If my company cannot reach a cooperation with your company, the shareholders will suggest that I cooperate with other companies.

I think Auntie, you should think about it carefully, after all, this is not what Leng Gongchen wants to see, right?The dead are gone, and the living will live on. "

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