Due to the oppression of public opinion from the outside world, their family discussed it.

His mother was removed from the nobility and became a commoner directly, and she could only live incognito.

Although everyone in the family knew about it, everyone knew his mother.

But his father didn't care about this, what he wanted was that all the uninformed outsiders could accept this marriage.

I can wish the long-term relationship between the two of them to last forever.

It is precisely because of this reason that although they got married and gave birth to a son.

But everyone in the family looked down on them, and no one paid any attention to them.

In addition, at that time, his father's business was not going well, and he didn't have any chance to climb up. Those people in the family ignored him at all, and almost cut off contact.

With the support of my mother at the beginning, the life at home is still passable. The two of them are also affectionate and loving, and they are enjoying sweet love.

But when giving birth to the child, the mother had dystocia, and died immediately after giving birth to him.

Without his mother's financial support, it seemed that he was the one who caused her death again.

Father thinks he is the culprit, otherwise how could it have become like this?
On the one hand, the father abided by the mother's will and worked hard to raise the son, but on the other hand, he hated him for causing the current situation.

So Karen had a very painful childhood, being beaten and abused all the time.

So the hatred has accumulated deep, he can't bear it anymore, I have to deal with my own father.

Because there is no evidence, no one can do anything to him.

But most of the people in the family are skeptical, because the cause of his father's death is not like suicide, and he has no reason to commit suicide.

But for the family's reputation, in order not to leak this scandal, they chose to calm down and did not make this matter public.

Maybe it was because he felt that it was not easy for him to be a child, and he was very pitiful, maybe he was just an innocent child, and the family members gradually accepted him and helped him.

And he himself worked very hard and was very motivated. He seized any opportunity to climb up, and soon gained a firm foothold in business.

Also because of his ability, he was quickly accepted by most of the family members.

Therefore, in his opinion, what people in this world value most is their respective strengths. If there is no strength, it is useless to say anything.

When your strength reaches a certain height, even those who are very dissatisfied with you can only hide their thoughts in their hearts and dare not show them.

No matter whether they believe it sincerely or not, it is enough, after all, they dare not really do anything.

Karen stared at the broken computer screen, thinking for a long time.

Coming out of the Chen Group, Karen and Chen Junkai were soon surrounded by reporters waiting at the entrance of the company.

The questions asked, one after another, were much more vicious than the headlines of those news, and the angle of the questions was very tricky.

For the sake of profit, these reporters really can ask any question and do anything, they are completely unscrupulous.

Karen wasn't as angry as she was when she was looking at the computer.

He listened to their questions, as if he was listening to something interesting, as if their chatter had nothing to do with him at all, as if he was watching other people's excitement.

But it didn't take long for Chen Junkai to knock down to the ground a few nearby reporters who asked ugly questions.

This can be regarded as a kind of killing chickens to scare monkeys.

With such a precedent, the other reporters immediately took two steps back in fright, and unexpectedly quieted down, no one dared to ask questions.

But they waited at the door for a long time, and they finally waited for these two people to come out. It seems that it would be too wasteful and a pity to give up this opportunity.

So, they don't want to just leave like this.

At this time, there are still a few people who are not afraid of death and who want to take risks are secretly filming the scene with their cameras.

But at this moment, Chen Junkai suddenly rushed over, kicked their cameras to the ground, and kicked others to the ground together.

He returned to Karen's side again, and said slowly, word by word:

"I don't like going against my own mood very much. I hope you do things in a proper way."

Karen said with a smile: "Okay, don't be so cruel to them, it's just their job, they rely on it for food.

If they don't continue, forget it, don't make things difficult for them, it's not easy for them. "

He had a gentle smile on his face, as if he hadn't been affected by what happened just now, and he was still in a good mood.

Chen Junkai nodded: "Today we are going to welcome guests, so we don't care about it with you. You'd better be more conscious and don't make me angry anymore."

At this moment, a few dull thunders suddenly sounded in the sky, and the dark clouds seemed to pile up, making people feel a little dull.

Such a dreary weather made the reporters feel a little uneasy, coupled with Karen's somewhat disobedient smile, made the reporters feel a little terrified.

Karen didn't seem to know it, but kindly reminded: "It seems to be raining, you should go back quickly!"

A few reporters couldn't bear the oppressive feeling brought by this man, so they turned around and left.

When the other people saw that someone took the lead and left, it was hard for them to stay any longer, and they all turned around and left.

Soon a large group of reporters dispersed.

After the crowd dispersed, Karen and Chen Junkai could continue walking.

"You should have seen the news, right? What's on your mind?" Karen asked.

Something flickered across Chen Junkai's eyes, but it disappeared quickly. He lowered his head and said respectfully, "Don't dare."

Karen raised her eyebrows, and suddenly felt that his ugly face was a bit disgusting.

Because of the ugliness and scars, people can't see his true inner thoughts clearly.

"Don't dare?" He smiled:
"Are you really afraid? Or are you saying you don't dare? In fact, you also have thoughts in your heart, right? I don't think this is what you really mean."

Chen Junkai lowered his head and said nothing.

Karen went on to say: "Frankly speaking, you are the only person I can talk to in your country.

I don't have anyone else to ask now, so I want to hear your true inner thoughts, can you tell me? "

The two walked forward like this, the sound of the leather shoes sounded like the devil's steps, and they kept entwining around Chen Junkai's ears.

Chen Junkai thought for a long time before taking a deep breath and began to say what he wanted to say...

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