Lin Shengsheng was stunned: "How can there be such a serious situation!"

"You should be glad that such a serious situation didn't happen, otherwise I'll see where you cry!
I didn’t know how to take it well when I had children, so what’s the use of regretting it now! "The doctor said with a serious face:
"Especially those of you who are grown-ups, who don't have any professional medical knowledge at all, and you should read more books when you have nothing to do.

Especially when it comes to children, this is not a joke. If something happens to the child, how will you parents survive?
If you don’t understand anything, you can look up the information on the Internet, or ask a professional person for consultation.

You must not blindly feed your children. Children are not small animals, and even small animals are particular about them. "

Lin Shengsheng was taken aback by what the doctor said.

Leng Gongchen pulled her over and hid behind him, then looked at the doctor:

"Besides eating it through the mouth, is there any way for mangoes to get into a child's lungs and stomach?"

"Are you the father of that child?" The doctor frowned and asked, the man's attitude was very bad.

"Ask your question and answer it!" Leng Gongchen frowned impatiently, and his voice became cold.

The doctor was frightened by his powerful aura, and he lost the high-handed and preaching face just now, when he opened his mouth and was about to say something.

Leng Gongchen suddenly interrupted him again: "Did you see the mango in the child's stomach! Or is it only mango?"

The doctor shook his head: "We didn't see the mango, but the mango component was detected.

This must be a mango, there will be no problem, this is detected by our most advanced equipment, and the result will not be wrong. "

"Why can't I see it? Could it be that it was digested by the child? Isn't the digestion ability so fast?" Leng Gongchen asked suspiciously.

The doctor guessed: "Could it be that the child came into contact with these mangoes and other fruits? But such a small child can't walk by himself, so how could he come into contact with it!
If it is pollen allergy, it can be said to be contact with breathing, but mango is something to eat, so you can only say that you are shirking responsibility.

If the mango is not fed, how can the child inhale it like pollen? "

"If, as you said, if pollen is such an allergy, then making mangoes into a powder as fine as pollen and giving it to children to breathe, do you think it will have the same result?"

Leng Gongchen carefully put forward a hypothesis.

He asked after thinking about it, because he thought there would be such a possibility.

The doctor's face was a little ugly. After thinking for a while, he still didn't speak.

If someone does that to a child on purpose, then it's not a matter of simple parent feeding, it's a matter of deliberate murder.

This is a matter of human life!

The doctor didn't speak.

Through the doctor's attitude, Leng Gongchen indirectly confirmed his thoughts just now, and he seemed to know something.

The doctor hesitated for a moment, and then said: "If you say that, you must investigate carefully all the people who have had contact with this child.

If a suspicious person is found, it is best to call the police to solve it. What you said makes sense. I didn't find any obvious mango in the child's stomach.

But if it is ground into powder and let the child touch it in the breath, it is very likely to cause the child's current situation.

So I think this gentleman's assumption is valid! "

Lin Shengsheng hurriedly asked the past again:
"Doctor, I fed my child a little mango before, but the child didn't eat it at all."

The doctor thought for a while and said: "The issue of allergies is a bit complicated, first of all, an antibody has to be formed in the body.

An allergic reaction will not form in the body until the next time it comes into contact with the same allergen.

But I told you about these professional knowledge, maybe you don't quite understand..."


And at the door of the hospital.

Zhang Qinghua looked at the group of reporters in front of her very angrily. Why are these reporters so thick-skinned?
She has been talking for a long time, telling them not to stay here, but they still stay here like crazy and refuse to leave.

With her hands on her hips fiercely, she said to the group of reporters:

"You all go away, don't bother me here, who asked you to surround the hospital entrance?

This is a hospital, a place to see patients, not a place for you to hide here and wait to interview others.

And this is not the entertainment circle, why should it stay here? It's not your home either!

If you don't leave, I'll call the police and arrest you all, you know! "

The reporters looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you, I didn't understand, where did this little girl come from?
"Where did this little girl come from? Why is she so fierce and arrogant!"

"Little friend, this is an adult's business. It's not your turn to take care of it, so hurry up and leave!

Where are your parents, hurry up and go home with your parents, don't meddle in your own business here! "

"Yeah, kid, hurry up and go away, we don't want to take you into the camera!"

Hearing their chatter, Zhang Qinghua advised his little friend not to meddle in other people's business, and couldn't help but get very angry, and roared angrily:

"Who told you to call me a kid! Be careful what you say to me, I'm not a kid at all!"

The reporters all burst into laughter.

"A child actually says that he is not a child, so what are you if you are not a child!"

"I know, he is a very tempered kid!"

"That's right, that's the kid with a particularly strong personality!"

When Zhang Qinghua heard what they said, she couldn't help being even more angry.

Who would have dared to talk to her like that since she was a child!

It's all my father's fault for not letting her be exposed in front of everyone. No one outside knows what she looks like, and no one knows her.

If she comes out like this, who else is willing to listen to her?
It seems that next time I will be on TV more to increase my exposure.

Zhang Qinghua raised her voice with great air, and said loudly to the reporters:

"You don't know me, I can tell you my identity!
I am the daughter of the deputy mayor. My father has no time today, so I came to see the place under his jurisdiction. I came to the hospital and wanted to see the situation here.

I really didn't expect that under my father's management, there are moths like you in such a good city!
You don't care about others at all, you only fight for your own interests!How did you get your press credentials?Is it fake or shoddy? "

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