The reporter walked forward quickly, thinking that he had to register at the hospital, which would take a long time.

I don't know if I can take care of my wound before the doctor leaves work.

He was angry as he walked, and the more he thought about today's situation, the more angry he became.

His career as a reporter has only started for a few years, and the more he thinks about it, the worse he gets, and he can't help but curse:

"It's really unlucky, before I got the money, I was beaten as a young bird.

Damn, Leng Gongchen's attack was really ruthless, he beat me to such a serious injury!

If I go back, I might be criticized by the editor-in-chief, and I might even lose my job. It’s really frustrating!
Originally, I hoped that this time I would definitely get a good news headline, but I didn't expect to be labeled like this.

It feels like my jaw is about to drop, and I don't know if my bones are injured. I have to go to the hospital for a quick checkup. "

He tried to move his jaw, but he couldn't move at all due to the pain. He sighed and continued to walk forward, hoping to get to the hospital sooner.

At this moment, a person walked towards him and bumped into him.

"Hi, I'm really sorry." If it was a middle-aged man, he looked very vicissitudes.

His clothes were tattered, and he looked like a beggar.

The reporter is in a bad mood at the moment, so of course he doesn't have a good face to show him: "Okay you bastard!"

The middle-aged beggar stood there motionless.

I remember being very angry, and pushed him: "Standing here like a dead person is blocking my way, get out of here!"

He was so unlucky today, today must be his most unlucky day, his luck is really bad.

If I had known that I would not go out today, I would choose another auspicious day to come out.

What the hell is this, it's so hateful and disgusting!

But the beggar in front of him, who looked thin and weak, was not pushed down by him, nor pushed away.

Instead, the beggar showed a smile and looked at the reporter:
"As a person, what I hate the most is when others scold me. Maybe someone as rude as you should actually die.

When people like you die, the world will be less polluted and save a little air. "

"Dead?" The reporter sneered, "Why don't you die? A beggar like you who lives by begging all day should die!"

The reporter said he was going to leave.

But the beggar suddenly raised his hand and punched him hard on the face: "Then let me see who is going to die!"

After a muffled sound.

The male reporter fell to the ground unsteadily, opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water.

There was a lot of blood coming out of the mouth, and even the sound of spring water gushing out.

His eyes rolled away, fixedly staring at the beggar in front of him, full of puzzlement and shock.

His mouth opened and closed, trying to say something, but he could only make a gurgling sound, which was the sound of blood gushing out.

He died unwillingly, even when he died, his eyes were wide open, staring at the person who killed him.

He didn't know until he died, why was he killed?I don't know what enmity the person in front of me has with him?
The beggar squatted down, with a calm smile on his face, and reached out to close his eyes.

"Aren't you willing to die with peace? I also think that your death is quite wronged, but there is no way, who made your death have any effect on me?

Go all the way, remember that the person who killed you was Leng Gongchen, not me, don't mistake the murderer when you are under Jiuquan.

If he hadn't punched you, I wouldn't have thought of killing you..."

The reporter who died on the ground couldn't hear anything.

He didn't know that he lost his life because of being punched.

Maybe, if he knew this would happen earlier, he wouldn't be that early bird, would he?

Unfortunately, it is too late to say all this now.


The reporters waiting outside the hospital were all upset by the hot weather. They were covered in sweat, but they still stood firm in front of the hospital.

At this time, a reporter accidentally saw something unusual on the top floor of the hospital.

He took a closer look, and there was a woman sitting on the edge of the top floor, who seemed to want to commit suicide.

Immediately he regained his energy, pointed in that direction, and shouted to his companions:
"Look, that person seems to be committing suicide? Point the camera at her!"

At this time, the cameraman moved very quickly, immediately found the shooting location, and then began to take pictures and record videos.

Someone beside me started uploading.

The other reporters were also busy, and none of the projects were left behind.

Even some people who eat melons took out their mobile phones and started filming.

Whether or not the second son of the Leng Group is the biological child of Leng Gongchen and his wife is enough to attract the attention of the public.

It's a pity they couldn't find much useful information.

But if they can photograph a woman who wants to jump off a building, and then connect this matter with Leng, maybe they can make dozens of times more money this time than before.

This time, after the news report, I can take a good vacation, take a few months off, and go abroad to have fun.

"Is this person overwhelmed?"

"Don't worry so much, hurry up and take a picture, it must be some kind of medical accident in the hospital!"

"Record it first, and you will know it later!"

The reporters were also very gossip, and when they were ready, they started discussing, pointing and pointing at the woman.

At this time, the cameraman zoomed in on the photo and suddenly exclaimed:
"Come and see, I enlarged the photo, why does this woman look so familiar!"

Several reporters gathered around to take a closer look, and one of them recognized it:

"I know this. I interviewed her before. This is Lin Shengsheng's younger sister, Lin Qianqian!"

"It's true, I know this woman too!"

The reporters got excited one after another, eager to rush to the top floor to see what was going on with Lin Qianqian?
"Didn't this woman say that the dystocia was already dead?"

"You don't know the news at all, and you have the nerve to be a reporter! Didn't Lin Qianqian update Weibo?
Saying that she didn't die at all was because of some unavoidable reasons, and she had to be temporarily hidden. "

"But some people on Weibo speculated that someone used her account to post this, saying that her account had been stolen.

And Weibo has also taken measures to delete the Weibo post she posted immediately, and even the account was blocked.

Moreover, the picture of her death by caesarean section was broadcast on the news at that time! ’ argued another reporter.

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