Zhang Wenwu thought for a moment, then lay down, with his back to Lin Qianqian.

He tried very hard to calm himself down, and then tried hard to sleep.

But he, who has always been indifferent to anything, is extremely excited at this moment.

At this time, Lin Qianqian hugged him from behind, leaned her face against his back, and breathed out softly:

"Wenwu, do you have no relatives and have been an orphan since childhood?"

Zhang Wenwu wanted to push her away, but stopped at this moment. Thinking of those things about himself, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

"You don't talk, and I know you do." Lin Qianqian pretended to cry.

"How did you know that!" Zhang Wenwu turned around abruptly and pinched her neck.

As long as he uses a little strength in his hands, Lin Qianqian will disappear in an instant.

Lin Qianqian knew that he didn't use any strength, and now he didn't even feel a cough.

"Don't be so nervous, I didn't deliberately ask you at all.

Besides, I followed you every day and was imprisoned here by you. I don't even have a mobile phone. Where can I find out about you!

I heard it when you were talking in your sleep. "Lin Qianqian said obediently.

Zhang Wenwu didn't believe it at all: "Impossible, I will never talk in my sleep."

Lin Qianqian shook her head: "Maybe, you just don't know it, you talk in your sleep every night when you sleep.

Have you not lived with anyone for so long that you don't even know that you often talk in your sleep? "

Zhang Wenwu frowned, and had a rare expression:

"You are obviously talking nonsense. I never sleep deeply, and I don't know how to dream. How can I talk in my sleep!"

Lin Qianqian suddenly coughed violently: "Let go of me...it hurts to death, you're going to kill me..."

Zhang Wenwu used his strength subconsciously.

Lin Qianqian was frightened and wanted to push his hand away, but she couldn't move.

She was afraid, and immediately told the truth, she didn't dare to joke about her life:

"Let me tell you the truth, you really don't talk in your sleep, I only heard you talk in your sleep once!"

That time, she was in a drowsy sleep when she heard this man seem to be talking.

She remembered someone saying that if you hear someone talking in your sleep, you can ask something, and the dreamer will answer.

Then she tried it.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Wenwu really said a few words later.

But just like in his usual life, even when he was dreaming, he was still very vigilant and didn't get any useful news.

Lin Qianqian racked her brains and only knew that he was an orphan who came out of a poor mountainous area.

Although Lin Qianqian was a little disappointed with this answer, it was enough to know this.

In fact, people like him are relatively lacking in love. Although he is stronger on the surface, he is actually the most vulnerable in the heart.

"Actually, I understand you very well." Lin Qianqian said softly: "Do you know why I act like a domineering young lady, unreasonable!

I actually don't want to do this, but I have to do it, I have to disguise myself so that others don't dare to bully me.

Because in the eyes of others, I am my mother's own daughter, but Lin Shengsheng lost her mother very early. Everyone thinks that I have a better life than her, but what is the truth?
The only person who is in charge of the family is grandpa. No matter what other people say, grandpa is a very stubborn person.

Although Lin Shengsheng's mother had been dead for a long time, grandpa never admitted that my mother was his daughter-in-law.

Although he reluctantly recognized me as a granddaughter, he would not give me the right to inherit.You say I don't rely on my own efforts, who can help me?

Moreover, he made a will a long time ago, and after his death, everything will be given to Lin Shengsheng. Do you think this is fair to me?

In fact, you can see that I am usually quite arrogant and comfortable, but in fact, I am not as comfortable as you think..."

After a strong lightning flashed outside.


The huge thunder sounded like the earth was shaking.

Lin Qianqian hugged Zhang Wenwu in fear.

In the darkness, she had a weird smile on her face: "This thunder is so scary, I'm so scared, can you hug me..."

She leaned her head on his generous back and rubbed it lightly:
"Actually, I am also a very poor person, and my relationship is particularly difficult. Although I have experienced two relationships, they are not sincere to me.

I am really scared and nervous now. I have been afraid of the sound of thunder since I was a child. I hope that someone will hold me so that I can feel at ease...

You hug me... I really have no other plans or ideas, can you trust me? "

Zhang Wenwu's body was stiff for a long time, and he hesitated for a long time before turning around.

Lin Qianqian threw herself into his arms and hugged him.


"Didn't I tell you? Don't pay attention to those comments on the Internet."

Those people who eat melons are free every day, they have everything they want to say, and they are not upset if they don't see it.

Lin Shengsheng was a little speechless: "Do you think I want to watch it? I don't really want to watch it, but the phone just pushes me messages, what can I do?
Also, I'm not from the entertainment circle, why am I always on the headlines of Weibo?
I don't know how envious and jealous those people who spend money on hot searches should feel. "

Leng Gongchen took the mobile phone in her hand: "Don't worry too much, I will protect our children and our home.

As for what the outsiders say, it doesn't matter, anyway, their mouths grow on their faces, so they can say whatever they want. "

"It is rumored that Pingping is not our child?" Lin Shengsheng looked at Leng Gongchen with some concern.

Leng Gongchen patted her on the head comfortingly:
"We can prove all of these. There are photos of your pregnancy and various proofs. Even if it is a DNA test, I can do it.

Our children are the ones who are sure on the flat plate. What is said outside is not important to us. They have no way to change the result. "

All the formalities had already been completed when the child entered the door, so it can be said that he was already prepared for the current event.

When I accepted this child, I was already mentally prepared. Karen is not a good person.

How could he send the child to them for adoption without any purpose? He must have a purpose.

Although Lin Shengsheng and the others didn't know what the other party's purpose was, they would definitely make all the preparations.

Do everything you can to make the lies true, so that Karen's conspiracy cannot be realized, just have a clear conscience.

"What you have to do is to take good care of the children and be a good mother." Leng Gongchen pinched her little face:
"Leave the rest to your husband and me. There's no need to put too much pressure on yourself. Do you understand what I mean?"

Leng Gongchen enjoyed the touch of Lin Shengsheng's face very much. Although the child was seven years old, her skin was still tender, which made him respond...

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