The car directly smashed Lin Qianqian's car into the side guardrail.

The seat of the co-pilot has been deformed by the collision, and it is completely impossible to sit on it.

The bodyguard in black cursed, and then urged Lin Qianqian: "Get out of the car first!"

Lin Qianqian opened the car door, but didn't want to get in.

"This is a highway, if you get off casually, you will be hit to death!"

"If you don't get out of the car with me, you will die faster. Your old friend sent someone here!" The bodyguard said angrily.

"You mean Karen is here?"

Lin Qianqian turned pale with fright, and quickly jumped out of the car: "Quick, get out of here quickly!"

At this moment, a gunshot sounded, and then the bullet hit the bodyguard's left ankle.

Lin Qianqian screamed in fright.

The bodyguard who had just pulled her into hiding couldn't help but frowned, and warned her viciously: "If you don't want to die, don't make a sound!"

Gunshots kept ringing outside.

Lin Qianqian urged her bodyguard to take out the gun, only to realize that he didn't have a gun at all.

Lin Qianqian was furious: "How on earth did Leng Gongchen choose you? Arranging such a useless thing like you!
You got shot, you won't die, will you?What should I do if you die?I don't want to die! "

"It's so noisy!" The bodyguard slapped the back of her head with one hand, and she fainted suddenly...

Three days have passed.

Lin Qianqian slept in that room, and she had been in this place for the past few days.

She just fell asleep, but her sleep was extremely light, probably because she was frightened before.

Footsteps sounded outside, and she woke up suddenly, and quickly grabbed the fruit knife hidden under the pillow.

He walked quietly to the door and locked it behind him.

"Who is it? Who is outside!" She put her ear on the door, listening to the movement outside: "Big Bingshan, are you outside!"

Big Iceberg was the name she had given that bodyguard.

For so many days, this big iceberg has been guarding her. It is quite safe to live in this independent house in the countryside, isolated from the world.

"You talk, I'm scared, can you tell me if it's you! Why don't you talk, Big Bingshan!"

Lin Qianqian couldn't help feeling very nervous when she heard that there was no movement outside, so she asked again.

But there was still no movement outside, and she breathed a sigh of relief thinking that her ears had heard wrong.

Probably because she was too nervous, so she planned to go back to the bed in the room and go to sleep.

At this moment, the door lock suddenly rang.

Someone was trying to open the door!

Lin Qianqian panicked and hurried to pull the table, trying to use the table to block the door, when the door opened.

"I am going to kill you!"

Lin Qianqian was going all out, and it would be better to die if she fell into Karen's hands again, so she planned to act first.


The door closed again.

The man in black heard the movement, came to the door of her room, knocked on the door, but there was no movement inside.

However, he clearly heard a loud closing sound just now.

He tried to open the door, but found that it was locked.

"Lin Qianqian, what the hell are you playing again!" The bodyguard was very angry.

Although she has only been here for three days, this woman has already made a lot of demon moths.

It is even more difficult to deal with than those fierce enemies.

"Stop playing this childish game, it's too boring, if you run around again, I'll tie you up.

Then you will not have such a comfortable life, you better be honest with me! "

The bodyguard said something warningly.

However, there was still no movement in the room.

The bodyguard almost lost his patience: "Lin Qianqian!"

Suddenly there was the sound of something moving inside the room.

What is this woman doing in the middle of the night?
The bodyguard had no more patience and kicked the door open.

"Who!" shouted loudly, and raised the phone's gun.

The gun was pointed at Lin Qianqian's forehead.

"You beat me to death if you have the ability, you big iceberg, you want to tie me up, you might as well beat me to death! Beat me to death!" Lin Qianqian blamed her forehead.

The bodyguard looked around the room, as if there were no traces left by others in the room.

However, there is obviously a trace on the ground that was dragged by the table.

The bodyguard in black said: "What are you doing in the middle of the night? Why don't you sleep!"

This woman seems a little strange today.

"I'm about to be driven crazy by you, I'm schizophrenic, I have a nervous breakdown, I can't sleep at all!

I want to sleep too, and I also want to sleep soundly like you, so what can I do?
There is no Internet here, and I don’t even have a mobile phone. I don’t think there is anyone I can talk to. What do you think I should do! "

After these few days of probing, Lin Qianqian has already figured out that this person has a dark complexion, but he is actually not a bad person.

In the end, it was just that Leng Gongchen raised a dog.

"Call Lin Shengsheng for me right now. I have something to tell her. I want to see her now. I can't stay in this place any longer!"

Lin Qianqian roared loudly.

The bodyguard was really impatient, and tied her hands with a rope, and then tied her whole body to the chair.

Lin Qianqian struggled symbolically.

"Hey, you big iceberg, what do you want to do? Why did you tie me up? Why do you tie me up! Do you know that you are restricting your personal freedom?
Let go of me quickly, otherwise I will never let you go, let me tell you, if I get angry, there will be no good end for you, do you hear me?Let me go! "

Lin Qianqian cursed loudly.

"When you're eating, I'll bring you the food!" The bodyguard glanced at her:
"If you dare to do it again, I will seal your mouth so that you can't make a sound!"

With that, he turned and walked out, closing the door behind him.

Lin Qianqian breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but look towards the balcony.

I saw a black figure running across the balcony before disappearing.

Three more days passed.

Lin Qianqian has been on a hunger strike for the third day.

She had almost no strength left, and lay dying on the bed.

She is not as lively as before, and she doesn't roar anymore.

So the bodyguard didn't continue to tie her up and threw her on the bed.

The bouncers also tried to force the food into her mouth, but she would still spit it out.

The bodyguard had no other choice but to report to his superiors.

On this day, Lin Shengsheng finally came.

Lin Qianqian raised her eyes coldly, looked at the food on the table, and finally suppressed her appetite by force. She only drank half a glass of water, but she was still very hungry.

She looked at it strangely, Lin Shengsheng walked towards her...

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