Lin Shengsheng's hands were tied up, and she couldn't break free at all.

She had no choice but to advise from the side: "The child is hungry now, is there any milk powder here for him to drink, you should still have milk, give him some!"

"Do your dream!"

Lin Qianqian would not agree.

If I give milk to a child, the breasts will sag.

Karen won't like her by then, what will she do in the future?
Lin Shengsheng was very distressed: "Look at how hungry this child is, his voice is so hoarse from crying.

If you really don't want to give him breast milk, then buy her some powdered milk for him to drink. There is a powdered milk shop here, we can just go down and buy it. "

Lin Qianqian did not speak, nor refused, nor agreed.

"Go and buy it for him, anyway, he was born by you and stayed in your stomach for more than 8 months.

So what if you bought him some milk powder?Are you really so cold-blooded? "Lin Shengsheng persuasively persuaded from the side.

Lin Qianqian hesitated for a while, and finally said to the two black-clothed bodyguards in the car:

"You guard this woman well for me. If she runs away, I will kill you!"

"Yes!" The two bodyguards in black agreed.

Lin Shengsheng quickly said: "You remember which brand you bought, he only drinks that brand of milk powder, he has a very picky mouth."

She named a brand of milk powder.

"It's really annoying!" Lin Qianqian muttered, but got out of the car anyway.

Lin Shengsheng's cell phone rang after a while.

Lin Qianqian called. She borrowed the shop assistant's mobile phone to call. She didn't have anything with her, neither a card nor a mobile phone, and she didn't have much money.

The bodyguard put the phone next to Lin Shengsheng's ear: "What's going on? Why do they only sell it to VIP users, and others don't!"

The money on Lin Qianqian's body was not enough to get a VIP user card.

After she was forced to have a caesarean section, she seemed to have walked through the gate of hell, and she was lucky to be alive.

For this child, she has no deep feelings.

A child is just a dispensable thing.

What Lin Shengsheng said just now made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Probably she also cares a little about this child, after all, she is also her own.

What Lin Shengsheng said was actually correct, after all, she stayed in her stomach for more than 8 months.

Although she always thought that this child was beneficial to her status.

At any rate, it was meat that fell from her body. She felt a little distressed when she saw the child was very hungry, and felt that she should buy the milk powder back.

"Give the phone to the salesperson in that store." Lin Shengsheng said softly.

After answering the phone, the salesperson's attitude towards Lin Qianqian changed a lot.

But now that her hair is disheveled and her clothes are rather messy, the salesperson still couldn't recognize her.

"I'm so sorry! It turned out to be Miss Lin Shengsheng's friend, I'm sorry, we didn't recognize it.

Ms. Lin still has a lot of card limit, no need to spend money, just take it away! "

The clerk said very politely.

After Lin Qianqian walked out with the milk powder, she felt a little uneasy.

Will this expose her whereabouts?
Probably not, it is impossible for Leng Gongchen to go to the milk powder store to find clues.

After walking a few steps, I saw the baby product store next to me. I remembered that there is no need to have milk powder without a feeding bottle, so I walked over to buy a feeding bottle.

After returning, Lin Qianqian began to make and feed the baby milk powder as if she had learned it without a teacher.

"You're not bad, you look a bit like a mother, you know that when buying milk powder, you need to buy a feeding bottle." Lin Shengsheng said with a smile beside her.

"I don't need you to do things, shut your mouth, or I will seal your mouth!" Lin Qianqian said unceremoniously.

"Since you are not dead, why are you pretending to be dead?" Lin Shengsheng looked at her in confusion:
"You sent the child to our house back then, did you really not want the child at all?

When you had your first child, you even wanted my son's life in order to keep that child alive, have you forgotten? "

"It's so annoying! Seal this woman's mouth!" Lin Qianqian ordered mercilessly.

The bodyguard in black quickly took black tape and sealed Lin Shengsheng's mouth.

The milk powder is almost soaked.

When Lin Qianqian was going to put the bottle in the child's mouth.

Lin Shengsheng suddenly rushed over and knocked her away.

Lin Qianqian looked at her anxious face, as if she had something to say, she frowned and tore off the tape on her face:

"What are you doing! What are you going crazy for!"

Lin Shengsheng said anxiously: "I saw that your hot water is still steaming, it's too hot, you have to cool it down, put a drop on the back of your hand to see if it's hot!"

"Do you think I can't? Shut her mouth up, she's so talkative!" Lin Qianqian said angrily.

Lin Shengsheng's mouth was quickly sealed again.

Still, she tried it on the back of her own hand before feeding her baby formula.

The car got on the highway.

Both Lin Shengsheng and Lin Qianqian were blindfolded at the same time.

Lin Shengsheng didn't know where he would be taken?

Lin Qianqian took her child in a hut by the sea.

At this moment, the child is full of food and drink, snuggling in her arms, very well-behaved.

I don't know if it's because of the blood relationship, but the child seems very relieved and feels very safe, sleeping soundly in her arms.

"Good job, you're smart now." Karen didn't hesitate to praise her.

Lin Qianqian showed him the child in her hand: "Karen, look, this is our child, so cute and beautiful!"

For some reason, Lin Qianqian, who didn't care much about the child, suddenly wanted the man to agree to keep the child.

She didn't know what this man was thinking. This man never played his cards according to the routine, and he was moody.

But she knew that this man faked her death and gave the child to Lin Shengsheng. He must have a purpose, and he would not do such a thing for no reason.

This child should be a tool for revenge, right?
Lin Qianqian really doesn't understand what kind of routine this man is?
Isn't he against Leng Gongchen in everything?Every time I make trouble for him, it's just to avenge the dead child!
However, now that they have a new healthy child, why does he not care about the child's life or death?
Does this man have feelings? Does he really only care about his own feelings as he said?

I only care about that child, did he kill him?
"We both look so good-looking, of course the child will be very beautiful, it's not surprising!" Karen said with a smile:

"I just don't know what our first child looks like?"

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