But in that coffin, there was no horrible scene, it was just empty.

Generally speaking, there should be some clues in this prop, right?

Lin Shengsheng crawled in unwillingly, but just after she climbed in, she screamed.

"Sheng Sheng!"

"What's wrong with Mommy!"

Leng Gongchen hurried over, and Lin Mengmeng followed.

But the inside of the coffin is empty, there is nothing!

A person who was still alive just now, why suddenly disappeared?

"Where are people!" Leng Gongchen's expression turned extremely ugly.

He was about to climb in to see what was going on, when he suddenly saw a black figure flashing in front of the right: "Who is it!"

He rushed over and grabbed the man out.

That person is a "ghost" bleeding from all seven orifices.

"Ouch, be gentle, it hurts, it hurts...don't pull my hair!" the man screamed loudly.

"I'm asking about you!" Leng Gongchen asked coldly.

The person pretending to be a ghost was almost crying. In order to relieve the pain, he could only bend down:
"It hurts so much, can it be lighter? Who are you talking about? I don't understand at all.

Let go of me quickly, my head hurts so much, if you break me, you will send me to the hospital! "

At this time, Lin Shengsheng suddenly crawled out of the coffin.

"Leng Gongchen, what are you doing!"

When Leng Gongchen saw her coming out, he let go of his hand.

"Why did you come out of it? Where were you just now!" Leng Gongchen heaved a sigh of relief.

Lin Shengsheng said calmly, "I went in from here, of course I have to come out from here."

She will not admit that there is a hidden compartment inside, she just needs to climb in.

But she accidentally touched the switch and fell by herself.

But at this time, she is enough to show off her might.

"But Daddy and I both looked for you, but we didn't see you. Where did you go just now?" Lin Mengmeng looked at her strangely.

Lin Shengsheng walked over and patted the coffin: "I was hiding in it just now!
Do you think Mommy is really timid!I tell you, Mommy is amazing! "

Suddenly, Lin Mengmeng's face became stiff: "Mum, come here quickly, behind you..."

"Little guy, are you trying to scare me!" Lin Shengsheng saw through the little guy's mind.

"No...it's too scary, turn around and take a quick look..." Lin Mengmeng swallowed nervously.

Standing behind Lin Shengsheng was another ghost.

This ghost looked particularly scary, with a severed hand, revealing white bones and blood flowing.

And the bloody hand was pulling the hem of Lin Shengsheng's clothes.

"Give me back my life... I died so badly..."

Lin Shengsheng screamed in fright, and threw herself into Leng Gongchen's arms: "I was scared to death, why didn't you remind me!"

"Mengmeng reminded you just now, don't you not believe it?" Leng Gongchen couldn't help laughing.

"I thought he lied to me..." Lin Shengsheng turned around with lingering fear.

The ghost suddenly disappeared again.

And where the ghost appeared, an envelope appeared.

Lin Shengsheng walked over and picked it up: "That ghost left it behind!"

Leng Gongchen opened the letter.

"It's exactly the same as the one just now." Lin Shengsheng leaned over and took a few glances.

"So that ghost just now was the victim?" Lin Shengsheng thought for a while and said.

"Victim, maybe not. Maybe both the victim and the perpetrator are gone.

He went there just now, we went with him to have a look, this game seems to rely on ghosts and gods as much as possible. "

Leng Gongchen frowned and said.

Lin Shengsheng rubbed his forehead with a headache: "I really don't understand the planning of this game, what exactly do you want to think?"

It's okay to make it so bloody, and make some ghosts and gods.

When I go out later, I must advise Mr. Zhang not to engage in such activities in the future. Parent-child games are more warm and healthy.

This kind of thing is not suitable for children to play at all, this kind of adventure.

"Come on, give me a hug." Lin Shengsheng took the child from Leng Gongchen's hand.Holding the baby, she felt warmer in her heart.

She is not as scary as before.

Lin Shengsheng decided to obediently follow behind the man.

This kind of horror game is too scary for her.

If I scare a few more times, I'm afraid I'm going to faint.

Holding Pingping and walking behind obediently, I suddenly felt a lot more relieved.

The three of them walked several ways along the path that the ghost had walked on, but they walked into a dead end.

Looking ahead, there is a dead end, and there is no way to go there.

"Is this a dead end?" Lin Shengsheng frowned.

"It shouldn't be a dead end, let's look for it, there should be a way!"

Leng Gongchen took Lin Mengmeng, and searched carefully on the side wall.

"Found it!" Lin Mengmeng shouted excitedly, and then clicked.


A wall opened immediately.

Lin Mengmeng looked at it, and was about to be taken in by the wall.

Leng Gongchen hurriedly grabbed him, but they were taken there together.

Lin Shengsheng also wanted to follow, but it was already too late.

She had to press that button too, but it didn't work at all.

Lin Shengsheng held the baby and waited here for a while, but still no one came out.

She couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive: "Why is there no response? Is it a malfunction? Or can only one or two people go in at a time?"

She thought about it for a long time, but couldn't figure out why.

"How can this go on, the whole family is separated!"

Leng Gongchen was probably trapped inside with Lin Mengmeng, and he might be trying to find a way out.

So what should she do?
How to join them?

By the way, I remembered that when I passed by just now, there seemed to be a staircase over there. Maybe after walking through it, I could join the two of them.

Lin Shengsheng walked back with the child in his arms as he thought about it.

The road is full of colorful green lights and scary sound effects.

As she walked back, she comforted the child in her arms:

"Pingping, don't be afraid, this is all a game, and everything here is fake.

Teacher Zhang said, if you are afraid, find a place with monitoring and ask the monitoring for help, and they will rescue us.

However, we can't just give up at will, just don't scare ourselves. "

Talking to the child was really relaxing, and soon she was less afraid.

But after walking forward, there was a fork in the road. The two roads looked the same, and she forgot which road she came from just now.

"Let's try this path!" Lin Shengsheng chose a path that seemed more confident.

But after walking a few steps, a suspicious voice was heard.

She was so scared that she immediately turned back and ran into another road.

Fortunately, I didn't go too deep, and I quickly entered that road.

But after walking in, she realized that this road was more familiar, as if she had just walked it?

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