This bitch Lin Shengsheng is quite capable, and she actually got Leng Gongchen to come with her.

Or, did Leng Gongchen just happen to come here to find something to do with her?

No matter what, she must treat Leng Gongchen well.

"Oh, Mr. Leng, what kind of wind is it today, it brought you here, the humble house is really full of splendor!" Lin Qianqian put on a flattering smile, and put Leng Gongchen's quiet living room on her face.

Leng Gongchen didn't speak, but just looked at Lin Shengsheng.

"Lin Qianqian, hand over grandpa!" Lin Shengsheng began to demand someone unceremoniously.

"What are you talking about? Didn't you pick up Grandpa?" Lin Qianqian pretended not to understand.

"Stop pretending to me, you brought someone to snatch grandpa away, don't think I don't know!" Lin Shengsheng was furious: "What has become of grandpa, and you still snatch him back to make troubles, you are a beast!"

"Well, you're pretty smart," Lin Qianqian sneered, "but you're not very clear-headed. Since I snatched him back, how could I easily return it to you?"

"Lin Qianqian!" Lin Shengsheng gritted his teeth, and raised his hand to grab her, intending to control her and let him hand her over.

"You still dare to do it!" Lin Qianqian immediately took two steps back.

Two tall muscular men came out from behind, they should be her newly hired bodyguards.

Lin Shengsheng looked at the two tall and burly men, completely helpless. Even though she had learned martial arts, she could only deal with ordinary people, one or two was fine.

But against two professional bodyguards, she has absolutely no chance of winning.

"Tie her up!" Lin Qianqian commanded triumphantly from the side.

"You dare." Leng Gongchen's voice contained anger.

Lin Qianqian immediately faltered, and asked the two bodyguards to step back, showing a flattering smile: "Mr. Leng, what do you mean..."

"You know the purpose of my coming is to let your people fight against mine?" Leng Gongchen looked at her indifferently.

"How could it be!" Lin Qianqian thought inwardly: "Mr. Leng, how could I have such an idea, you will never have anything to do with this woman, she is not a good thing at all. Bullying me again and again, I had no choice but to deal with her."

Leng Gongchen looked at her sharply: "Really?"

"Really!" Lin Qianqian nodded vigorously.

Although my heart is weak, I still have to hold on to the surface.

Why did Leng Gongchen come to help this bitch? Did he really like this bitch?

Lin Qianqian suddenly became uneasy. It was nothing to deal with Lin Shengsheng, but if she faced Leng Gongchen, then she had no chance of winning.

"Mr. Leng, this woman is not a good person..."

"Don't be fooled by her appearance!" Lin Qianqian immediately began to sow discord: "At the beginning, she seduced my boyfriend when she was pregnant, she is really not an ordinary slut!"

"Those have nothing to do with me, you don't need to tell me about the things between you." Leng Gongchen replied lightly.

Lin Qianqian breathed a sigh of relief, Leng Gongchen didn't seem to care much about these things, and probably didn't like this bitch.

The two of them should have just met by coincidence.

"I'm relieved when Mr. Leng says that." Lin Qianqian immediately gained confidence.

"I'm only halfway through," Leng Gongchen looked at her indifferently: "I'm not here for Lin Shengsheng, but for Mr. Lin.

I don't have any good points about me, I just respect the old and love the young. I had a fate with Mr. Lin before, and I wanted to pick him up to stay with me for a few days.I heard that Mr. Lin is with you now, so I came here to pick him up. "

Leng Gongchen spoke slowly.

Lin Qianqian almost went mad with anger, she said it wasn't for Lin Shengsheng, didn't she help her to snatch the immortal?
She will stay here for a few days, how long will she stay at that time, can she still be left alone?
Lin Qianqian smiled dryly: "Mr. Leng is actually unnecessary. My grandfather is old, and now he is also confused. He can't even speak. It will be troublesome for you to pick it up!"

She intends to persuade Leng Gongchen not to take this hot potato.

Leng Gongchen's face was cold: "Lin Qianqian, I never say something twice!"

Lin Qianqian was terrified by his sharp eyes. She was really afraid of this man, but she really didn't want to call the old man out like this.

Even though she was afraid, she still bite the bullet: "Mr. Leng... This seems to be an internal matter of our Lin family... Your surname is not Lin..."

"The market value of the Lin Group..." Leng Gongchen thought for a while, "It seems to be several hundred million?"

Lin Qianqian was completely dejected and didn't say much. She knew the consequences of Leng Gongchen's anger. To bring down the Lin Group, he only needed one word.

"Mr. Leng, please wait a moment, I'll go and bring grandpa here."

Lin Qianqian turned and walked in dejectedly.

Lin Shengsheng blinked her eyes in disbelief, with just a few simple words, Lin Qianqian was submissive?

Thinking of Lin Qianqian's dejected look, Lin Shengsheng felt a lot better in her heart.

Soon, Mr. Lin was pushed out by Lin Qianqian herself.

Seeing Grandpa sitting in the wheelchair, Lin Shengsheng rushed over, pushed Lin Qianqian away, leaned on the wheelchair and bent down: "Grandpa, I'm Shengsheng, I'm here to pick you up and follow me!"

She looks at grandpa.

When Mingming was in the hospital a few days ago, Grandpa was already much better and he could say a lot.

But now he has become stupid again, and his eyes have become empty and dull, just staring at the front dully like this, without saying a word, like a body without a soul.

"Lin Qianqian! What did you do to Grandpa!" Lin Shengsheng asked Lin Qianqian angrily.

"What can I do?" Lin Qianqian shrugged: "Is he always in this state? It's not just today."

She had an innocent face, as if she was very filial to her grandfather.

"Let's go."

Leng Gongchen was very aware of the situation, even if Lin Qianqian abused Mr. Lin, without proof, it would be useless to waste time here.

Lin Shengsheng glared at Lin Qianqian bitterly, then pushed her grandfather out of the villa.

Mr. Lin was also arranged to live in Leng Gongchen's manor.

Leng Gongchen has a lot of money, so he arranged for several groups of nannies to take care of Mr. Lin in turn 24 hours a day.

Every nanny is dedicated, and even when she is pushed out to bask in the sun every day, she is accompanied by a special person.

Mr. Lin was served just like the emperor.

Seeing such a situation, Lin Shengsheng was completely relieved.

On this day, when it was time for Mr. Lin to bask in the sun, Lin Shengsheng also went out with him.

She does this almost every day, trying to talk to grandpa like this, so that grandpa can wake up.

Leng Gongchen came over suddenly.

Lin Shengsheng frowned and felt a little puzzled. This man usually pretended not to see her when he saw her. How did he come here today?

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