"Yes, yes, it's all my fault. I made a mistake. My wife cooks the most delicious food in the world. It's my fault that I can't speak." Leng Gongchen quickly admitted with a smile.

Lin Shengsheng looked back at him amusedly: "There is a lot of oily smoke in the kitchen, you should go out quickly, don't stay here, we'll be cooked soon."

"Let me help you." Leng Gongchen didn't want to leave the kitchen, so he just stood aside to help.

Lin Shengsheng looked at him wearing an apron, and said with a smile, "You should take a photo of your appearance and show it to those in your company."

"Why do you want them to laugh at me? Turn your elbows out?" Leng Gongchen looked at her with raised eyebrows.

Lin Shengsheng couldn't help laughing.

A few dishes and a soup, it will be done in no time.

After the two happily ate, they went to the hospital.

The doctor informed that the child can be discharged from the hospital today.

The discharge procedures went smoothly, and the child was taken home.

Lin Shengsheng had already prepared the baby room during this time, and put all the things in the baby room, and the baby also slept in it.

Leng Gongchen looked at the child's small face and asked her: "Have you thought about what name you should choose?"

"I didn't think about the big name. In the future, we can take a small name of Pingping first, and then when we have a baby, we will call it An'an. Do you think it's okay?"

Lin Shengsheng asked him.

"It's good to be safe." Leng Gongchen nodded, and said deliberately: "Will Mengmeng be unhappy if he hears it?"

"Mengmeng is not as narrow-minded as you, how could you get jealous so easily!" Lin Shengsheng gave him a dissatisfied look.

"That's not necessarily true. A man's jealousy is easily aroused." Leng Gongchen said with a smile.

After more than a week, Lin Shengsheng thought about taking the child to register.

The child also took her surname, the same as Lin Mengmeng, named Lin Pingping.

She was afraid that it would not be good for this child to encounter others' ridicule when he grew up.

So after discussing with Leng Gongchen, the two decided to announce that this was their second child.

Then you won't get any news from outside, try to create a relatively healthy environment for children to grow up.

Three people were in the car.

Lin Shengsheng hugged the child and made him laugh, looking like an ordinary family of three.

"Pingping, I took you to apply for a household registration today. From now on, you will be a baby with household registration." Lin Shengsheng kissed his little face.

Pingping seemed to be very happy too, dancing and waving her little hands, not knowing what to say.

Because it has been half a month, the child's little face has become more and more beautiful.

Leng Gongchen leaned over, and the child immediately smiled sweetly when he saw him.

Leng Gongchen took his little hand and coaxed him like Lin Shengsheng.

"Come on Pingping, let Daddy kiss you." Leng Gongchen leaned over.

Pingping seemed to understand, and leaned towards him.

"This kid really has no conscience. I've taken care of him so hard. Why didn't he want me as soon as he saw you? Keep leaning towards you!"

Although Lin Shengsheng complained a lot, the smile on his face never stopped.

She was really happy.

Looking at her smile, Leng Gongchen felt very comforted, he hadn't seen this woman so happy for a long time, so he worked harder to coax the child.

Leng Gongchen knew that the closer he was to this child, the more Lin Shengsheng would be able to overcome the hurdle in his heart.

In fact, he felt a little sorry before, but now seeing such a cute child, he feels that other things are not a big deal, and it doesn't matter.

As long as she is with Lin Shengsheng, it doesn't matter who's child she raises.

It doesn't have to be the children of the two of them.

And since the child came back, he has really had a good time during this time.

Lin Shengsheng also gradually came out of the shadows.

Leng Gongchen's people had already made arrangements at the scenic spot, so all the procedures were completed within a short time after entering.

"Lin Huaimeng. With dreams in mind, Pingping, this will be your nickname from now on." Lin Shengsheng said happily holding the child.

Lin Shengsheng hoped that this child could grow up healthily, and also hoped that he would never know his own background for the rest of his life.

But when he got out of the police station, he saw Li Qingzhen standing outside the door, holding Lin Mengmeng in his hand.

"Daddy, Mommy!"

As soon as Lin Mengmeng saw the two people, he rushed over and hugged them.

"I miss you so much, you agreed to visit me, why don't you visit me now!"

As he spoke, he saw the child in their arms.

He is a little wary.

He didn't ask who the child was, because grandma had said it before.

Lin Shengsheng hurriedly handed the child to Leng Gongchen, hugged Lin Mengmeng happily, and looked at him carefully:
"Mengmeng, I haven't seen you for a while, you have grown a lot taller and become more handsome than before.

Originally, during this period of time, I planned to take my brother to see you, but I didn't expect you and grandma to come back first. "

They used to communicate by video, but now they meet in person, and both of them are very happy.

Li Qingzhen came over with a sneer on her face: "So you still have such a plan. I thought you had this child, so you just forgot about us."

Leng Gongchen frowned and said, "Mom, the child is still here, don't say these things."

"This baby is 10 months old, right? Why was it born so soon? Why have I never heard that you are pregnant?" Li Qingzhen was still very angry.

Leng Gongchen was about to speak.

Lin Shengsheng was afraid that their mother and son would quarrel, so she pulled Leng Gongchen over and said, "Take the child outside for a walk in the park first, and let me chat with mom for a while."

"Mengmeng, can you go to the park with Daddy first?" Lin Shengsheng comforted his son again.

"Okay." Lin Mengmeng reluctantly nodded in agreement.

Leng Gongchen was a little reluctant.

"You go, don't worry." Lin Shengsheng persuaded again.

It was only then that Leng Gongchen reluctantly left, and when he left, he even warned: "Remember, if you need anything, just call me."

Lin Shengsheng agreed.

Li Qingzhen said sourly: "It's useless to raise a son. If you have a wife, you forget your mother."

When he left, he also reminded him to call him if something happened, could she still eat his wife?

Lin Shengsheng also knew that he had gone too far in this matter.

It is understandable for Li Qingzhen to be angry.

"Mom, I'm really sorry, I made the decision without discussing with you, and let this child enter our household registration." Lin Shengsheng said apologetically.

"Don't call me mom!" Li Qingzhen was very angry.

This woman is a broom star.

Since she appeared, her son has never been as obedient as before.

And what makes them worry all day long is that they are always afraid that something will happen.

"Don't think that if you don't tell me, I don't know who this child is. This is your so-called sister's child, right?" Li Qingzhen looked at her.

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