"I think you should do more good deeds and accumulate virtue for your child, otherwise this child will not grow up like the previous one, and you will be so sad."


Lin Qianqian's seven orifices were filled with smoke, and her slightly pale face was full of murderous intent. She rushed towards Lin Shengsheng:
"Bitch, I told you to be eloquent, I'll tear your mouth apart right now!"

But now that she is pregnant, she is not Lin Shengsheng's opponent at all.

Lin Shengsheng pushed her onto the sofa: "Stop being presumptuous here, this is my territory, get out!"

"Lin Shengsheng, do you know whose woman I am! If you dare to do anything to me, I will let you die without a place to bury you!" Lin Qianqian's voice was sharp.

"You really take yourself seriously?" Lin Shengsheng smiled softly:
"Of course I won't do anything to your child, I'll just drive you away, it's okay!"

As she spoke, she raised her hand and told the security guard on the side: "You guys, be careful, and invite this Ms. Lin out for me.

By the way, call a few reporters to let everyone see the current demeanor of this big star. It is estimated that she will be the headline tomorrow. "

The security guards rushed forward, but after all, they still paid attention to not hurt Lin Qianqian's stomach.

"She is pregnant with the blood of the royal family, you should pay more attention." Lin Shengsheng gave another order later.

Lin Qianqian's face was about to crooked in anger!

The security guard drove her out of the door, turned around and walked back.

"Bastard!" Lin Qianqian cursed angrily.

At this time, many reporters rushed over with cameras and microphones:

"Miss Lin, are you pregnant? It looks like you've had a lot of months!"

"Miss Lin, it's been half a year since you didn't show your face in the entertainment industry, but you're actually pregnant. Is the child's father also an insider?"

"It is rumored that Ms. Lin has a very close relationship with Mr. Karen, so he should be the father of the child, right?

When you first entered the entertainment circle, you participated in the promotional video of the Leng Group. Could it be that this gentleman from the royal family is helping you? "

"I don't know if you got married first and then had children? Did you get a marriage certificate?"

Lin Qianqian was in a cold sweat when she was asked. She was very irritable and felt a little uncomfortable.

"You have misunderstood the person. I am not the Miss Lin you mentioned. Get out of the way. I want to go home. If you keep pestering me here, I will call the police!"

She protects her stomach with one hand, and pushes away the surrounding of these reporters with the other hand.

But no matter how powerful she is, she is still a pregnant woman, how could she escape the encirclement of so many people?
The reporters kept following her and asking:

"Miss Lin, why don't you admit your identity? I have interviewed you many times, and you are the real person!
Is it because you have no way to answer what we said, you are not married to that foreign nobleman at all, right? "

"Miss Lin, please answer our question, is this true?"

"Miss Lin..."

"I told you you've got the wrong person!" Lin Qianqian screamed angrily.

But then, what she responded to was intensive questions and spotlights that kept clicking.

The reporters were all very happy, Lin Qianqian was in such a mess, the news tomorrow must be very good, and even the salary increase depends on this.

Lin Shengsheng stood at the window of the office, looking at the situation below, with a hint of sadness on his face.

The floor-to-ceiling windows are in the best position, so they can have a clear view of the situation below.

When Wang Haitao entered the room, he happened to see such a scene.

He has been by her side for a long time, knowing what she is worried about, he walked over slowly: "What's the matter, won't you soften your heart again?"

"No matter what, the child is innocent, forget it, you go down and help her out." Lin Shengsheng shook her head and sighed.

She finally couldn't stand it anymore.

Wang Haitao was somewhat reluctant:
"Have you forgotten how she treated you back then? When she hurt you, did she ever treat you softly? I think you are just too kind!

Why did she enter the entertainment industry? Isn't it all to fight against you, shoot commercials with you, and ruin your reputation.

Now you turn on your phone and take a look. There are people scolding you everywhere on the forum. It’s a good thing for her to end up like this. How can you still soften your heart? "

He felt that even if Lin Qianqian lost her child, she deserved it, that was the retribution she deserved, who made her so bad, a woman who did all kinds of bad things didn't deserve sympathy!

"No matter how bad and damned she is, that child didn't do anything. If she didn't have a child in her stomach, I wouldn't care about her life."

Lin Shengsheng was firm: "Children have no choice but to choose their own mother. They are all angels, but..."

She couldn't go on, and sighed: "You go!"

Wang Haitao went helplessly.

He knew that if he didn't agree, Lin Shengsheng's benevolent heart would feel guilty for a long time. This woman is just too kind.

Although he was reluctant in his heart, he still went downstairs slowly.

He squeezed into the crowd and waved to the security guard behind him.

The security guards stepped forward one after another, and the reporters backed away involuntarily.

"I'm really sorry." Wang Haitao smiled: "This is the entrance of the company, not a public place. Unrelated people are not allowed to gather here. Please leave as soon as possible."

The reporters dispersed reluctantly.

Wang Haitao was about to take Lin Qianqian back when he saw Chen Junkai walking over, still wearing half of the silver mask on his face.

He strode over and grabbed Lin Qianqian's hand: "Karen wants you to go back."

"Let go!" Lin Qianqian didn't hear his words clearly, and just wanted to withdraw her hand.

"He is already waiting for you, you know what will happen if you go back late!" Chen Junkai said coldly.

Lin Qianqian froze immediately, he knew who Chen Junkai was talking about.

"Don't show your face like this. Let the reporter take pictures and make him unhappy. Even if you are pregnant, you will not be able to escape the punishment you deserve."

Chen Junkai knew that only saying that would be useful, because this woman looked down on him at all.

"So what, can you escape if he is angry?"

"So we are grasshoppers on the same rope, I have to watch you, don't get me involved." Chen Junkai said and dragged her into the car.

The car started moving.

Lin Qianqian looked at his scarred half face in the rearview mirror, and said sarcastically:
"Back then, you guarded Lin Shengsheng like a dog, why didn't you go upstairs to see her today?"

Chen Junkai clenched the steering wheel tightly, veins protruding from his hands, but he didn't speak.

Lin Qianqian said a few more words, but he remained silent, and the air in the car was silent for a while.

At the entrance of the villa, Lin Qianqian was too scared to enter.

"Didn't you be arrogant when you scolded me just now? How about your aura now?" Chen Junkai left behind a sentence, and drove away in the car.

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