Leng Gongchen didn't say much, just poured three glasses of wine and drank them all in one gulp.

"Mr. Leng is really good at drinking." Karen boasted, and then drank the wine in the glass.

Lin Shengsheng looked at Leng Gongchen worriedly: "Drink less, don't get drunk!"

If Leng Gongchen was drunk at this time, the other party would have an opportunity to take advantage of him.

"Don't worry, I know it well." Leng Gongchen nodded.

Although the dinner was very sumptuous, except for the host, Karen, no one else dared to let go of it.

After drinking the last glass of wine, Karen picked up a tissue and wiped the corner of her mouth, showing a faint smile:

"How is this dinner? Are you satisfied?
While the interest of dinner is still there, how about we play a game!
I didn't think of a name for this game before, but it was interesting, so I named it 'Death Escape' game! "

All the people were silent and looked at him.

"There is an iceberg a few kilometers ahead." Karen said with great interest:
"I will increase the speed of the cruise ship to the fastest speed, and when the distance from the iceberg reaches 1 kilometer, I will try to see if the drifting technology of the racing car can be used on the cruise ship.

When the time comes to see if our cruise ship will hit it, or will it escape?Isn't this game fun? "

Lin Qianqian's face immediately turned pale after hearing his words, and her whole body trembled.

This man is simply a lunatic, a perverted lunatic!

Not only did he disregard other people's lives, but he even dared to bet on his own.

"Mr. Leng, do you dare to play?" Karen looked at Leng Gongchen with a smile.

"As a member of the royal family, you don't even care about your own life, and of course I don't care, I will accompany you to the end." Leng Gongchen smiled softly.

"Mr. Leng is really a cheerful person."

After Karen finished speaking, she went directly to the cab.

Then a dozen men in black came out and surrounded everyone on the deck.

The cruise ship, which was originally traveling very slowly, speeded up all of a sudden.

The captain was quickly thrown out.

"I won't talk, I won't talk again, I beg you to forgive me, I have old and young.

I can't just die like this, I beg you, please spare me, please! "

The captain knelt on the ground weeping bitterly.

But those men in black raised their hands blankly and threw him into the sea.

It seems that there is not even a splash of water.

Lin Shengsheng watched the whole process, and it was astonishingly fast.

A fresh life just disappeared into the sea.

"How can you disregard human lives like this!" Lin Shengsheng couldn't help standing up and accusing them.

"Shengsheng!" Leng Gongchen stopped her.

"These people!" Lin Shengsheng's expression darkened: "That's a human life, how could it be like this..."

Leng Gongchen took her hand, with a gentle expression on his face: "What do you think we can do? Or what do you want me to do?"

Lin Shengsheng lowered her head: "I'm sorry, I don't blame you, it's because I lost my composure.

Nothing like this has ever happened in our country, and I really can't accept it. "

"It's not that you've never seen it before, but you've never seen it before." Leng Gongchen held her hand and warmed her.

As long as there are people in this world, there will be darkness. These things are not uncommon at all.

"I know what's on your mind."

As Leng Gongchen spoke, he turned around, knocked down the people around them to the ground, and then threw the person who threw the captain into the sea just now.

There was another sound.

Lin Shengsheng exclaimed.

"Find him up for me, or you won't come up!" Leng Gongchen ordered.

Just after finishing speaking, those people have completely surrounded Leng Gongchen inside and out.

Karen watched all this from the cockpit, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Leng Gongchen is really an interesting opponent. It has been a long time since he played such an exciting game. Thinking about him, he increased the speed of the yacht again.

"Don't move!" Karen ordered.

The men in black didn't dare to act rashly, they just surrounded him, afraid that he would make another move.

But about 1 minute.

The person who was thrown into the sea by Leng Gongchen just now shouted in the sea: "Pull me up quickly, I have already rescued him!"

The captain's cough came over: "Help, help me..."

Lin Shengsheng couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the captain's voice. Fortunately, neither of them died.

And Lin Qianqian, who was frightened, rushed over like crazy and grabbed Lin Shengsheng's neck:

"It's all you! It's all your fault, you bitch, if you hadn't run away with Mengmeng, my child wouldn't have died!
Karen will not go crazy and become what she is now, you crazy woman, everything is because of you, I hate you! "

Leng Gongchen walked over and kicked Lin Qianqian away, and then said, "That child of yours belongs to Karen?"

Chen Junkai blocked Lin Qianqian, afraid that Leng Gongchen would do something to Lin Qianqian.

Lin Qianqian realized that she shouldn't have said that: "No, I didn't say that!"

Leng Gongchen hugged Lin Shengsheng who was at the side, warming her: "It's fine, you don't have to be afraid."

At last the deck calmed down again.

Lin Shengsheng leaned against Leng Gongchen and said slowly, "Is he here to take revenge on us?"

It is really a terrible thing to be revenged by such a powerful and perverted man like a lunatic.

"No matter what his purpose is, and whether you are pregnant or not, I will protect you well. Don't worry, I'm here."

Leng Gongchen smiled at her: "Do you believe me?"

"Of course I believe it." Lin Shengsheng showed a happy and satisfied smile.

She wished she hadn't been pregnant.

Having it and then losing it is better than never having it at all.

Leng Gongchen took off his clothes and rolled them up into a rope, seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the iceberg.

He tied the two of them together, and then told her: "Remember later, you must hold me tightly!"

Lin Shengsheng nodded vigorously.

At this time, a corner of the iceberg was almost seen, and the cruise ship was shaking rapidly, as if turning around and drifting.

Also because of this drift, more than half of the cruise ship has already plunged into the sea.

Leng Gongchen quickly pulled up Lin Shengsheng who was at the side and ran towards the bow, knocking down the men in black in front of him.

Then the lifeboat was lowered, grabbed the rope and slid down.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a game!" Leng Gongchen raised his head and waved at her.

But at this time, Chen Junkai was holding a knife, planning to cut the rope.

"Want to escape? I'll let you go to the sea to feed the fish!"

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