Lin Shengsheng suddenly remembered the matter of drones.

Now that the other party has withdrawn the lawsuit, the originally planned matter must of course continue.

However, in order to develop steadily, it is still necessary to make a fortune in silence, not to be too ostentatious.

But when they chose to take over the project, they didn't want to make a fortune at all, they just wanted to apply what they learned, and they wanted to take the opportunity to build the company's reputation.

In terms of public opinion, if the drone promotional video dies down, it will also become a laughing stock.

"I plan to proceed according to the original plan." Leng Gongchen said simply.

"Then you still plan to use Lin Qianqian?" Lin Shengsheng asked.

Leng Gongchen thought for a moment, then nodded: "The current project is still in our hands, so the main characters in the promotional film cannot be changed.

Otherwise, when the time comes, some people will take the opportunity to spread rumors saying that we deliberately suppressed it, and the public opinion will be even worse. "

Lin Shengsheng nodded, a little worried: "But that woman won't cooperate well with us, she might play some tricks, what shall we do then?
Now my charges are still on my body, I am still a suspect. "

If something happened again, she might be blamed to death by everyone.

She doesn't care, but for this project, such public opinion is definitely not good.

It will be very difficult for Leng Gongchen to carry out this project.

"She won't do bad things again, besides, the public is not a fool, and won't accept her fooling again and again.

If something really happens, everyone will also think about the relevance of this matter. "

Leng Gongchen shook his head.

One time can be said to be accidental, it can be said that Lin Shengsheng did it, but two or three times, people will naturally doubt it.

There are many masters hidden on the Internet.

What happened afterwards was exactly as Leng Gongchen said, everything went very smoothly, and the promotional video was shot very well.

It's just that outside the set, there are always various reporters with various thoughts, and those fans of Lin Qianqian are all malicious.

Lin Shengsheng didn't take these people seriously, because Leng Gongchen equipped her with enough bodyguards, so she wouldn't be affected at all.

On the other side of the factory, the production has also been stepped up, and military drones have begun to be rebuilt.

There were no twists and turns in half a year, all the things that hindered them were over, and the production became very smooth.

Leng Gongchen and Lin Shengsheng lived a very comfortable life.

Lin Mengmeng's study abroad is also very smooth, and the teacher likes him very much.

His learning ability is very strong, and his performance ability is also very strong. He often gets scholarships from the school.

On this day, Leng Gongchen's company had an impromptu meeting.

Lin Shengsheng checked that it was getting late, so she packed up and planned to go back alone.

Since there are no bodyguards following her every day now, she was covered by someone as soon as she walked out the door of the company.

There seemed to be something in the cloth in that person's hand, and then she fainted directly.

She was stuffed into a black van next to her.

When she opened her eyes again, Lin Shengsheng found herself in a dilapidated factory surrounded by dilapidated buildings.

Because of the drugs, her mind was a little groggy.

She couldn't see what was tied to her body, but she still managed to stand up.

Looking at the surrounding environment, she amplified her voice and asked, "Who is sneaking around? Don't hide! Come out for me!"

Probably because the sound was too loud, her brain was a little short of oxygen, and she couldn't help but fell to the ground again.

At this time, a man in a suit walked in.

He walked very slowly and was very gentlemanly.

"Hi Miss Lin, nice to meet you." He said with a smile on his face.

Lin Shengsheng immediately looked wary: "Who are you? I don't even know you. Why did you tie me here?"

This person should not be from his country, because his accent is a bit awkward, and Lin Shengsheng has never seen this face before.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know me, as long as I know you." The man spoke in a very nice voice, giving people an inexplicable sense of security.

Lin Shengsheng became more and more nervous.

Gradually, she was able to see the appearance of that person clearly, but found that his eyes were very deep, so deep that she couldn't see clearly what was going on in his heart, which made people feel terrible.

She retreated almost reflexively.

The man held her shoulders.

Lin Shengsheng looked at him in astonishment: "What are you trying to do? Let me go!"

"Miss Lin, I advise you not to move around, take a good look at what is tied to your body?"

As the man said, he was a little proud: "This is a bomb, even if you haven't seen it in real life, you should have seen it on TV, right?

However, I don’t know how well the effect of the private one is. The quality is definitely not as good as the military one. If you mess around, you may explode yourself. You can’t blame me then! "

Only then did Lin Shengsheng lower his head and look at himself.

Finally, she could see clearly that what was strapped to her body turned out to be a bomb!

Just like it was said on TV.

Lin Shengsheng was so terrified that all the hairs on his body stood on end.

"If you move around, it will be very exciting when there is a loud noise. There is nothing, and you won't even leave dross!"

The man smiled like a bit perverted.

Lin Shengsheng took a deep breath and calmed himself down: "Who the hell are you?"

Since this person has brought her here, but didn't kill her without anyone noticing, it means that she still has a certain use value.

So there's no need to worry about what the other party will do to her?
At least not for a short time.

"You said this, I remembered!"

That man woke up like a dream, and stretched out his hand to Lin Shengsheng, as if very enthusiastic:
"I forgot to introduce myself to you. Hello Miss Lin, my name is Hector Karen. Miss Lin can call me Karen directly."

Lin Shengsheng still didn't respond to him.

The man unceremoniously kissed her hand symbolically.

Lin Shengsheng pulled his hand back suddenly as if touched by a poisonous snake.

"Hector, Karen?"

Her mind was racing.

I seem to have heard this name somewhere, but I can't remember it for a while.

"Haven't you guessed who I am?" Karen smiled.

Finding that Lin Shengsheng was still thinking hard, he tore off his collar.

Then there is a tattoo of a skull on his left chest.

Lin Shengsheng understood immediately: "I see, you are that member of the royal family!"

It turned out that it was this man who had been making trouble behind Lin Qianqian's back!

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