"Wang Ma, you stay on guard first." Lin Shengsheng ordered.

She was very disturbed, afraid that those two people would come back again.

At this time, the property owner had already left work, and there was no one to be found on the phone. Just now, it was just a bluff, a random number, and a few nonsense words.

Now the more I think about it, the more scared I become.

Wang Ma picked up a weapon and stood behind the door, ready to attack at any time.

Lin Shengsheng helped Wang Haitao upstairs.

After cleaning the wound, Lin Shengsheng couldn't help but turn pale. The wound didn't look small, and it seemed to have been cut with a knife.

It looked very painful.

Lin Shengsheng had learned some emergency care methods before, the first thing is to disinfect to prevent inflammation.

But the wound is so big and deep, it will be very painful if it is disinfected, and there is no painkiller now.

"I don't have painkillers here, but I want to disinfect you, because your injury is too serious, and we can't go to the hospital, can you hold back?"

Lin Shengsheng asked him.

"You do it." Wang Haitao gritted his teeth and said.

"Hold on a little, it will hurt a lot!" Lin Shengsheng took some wine and wiped it for him with a ball of alcohol.


Wang Haitao's face was distorted in pain.

Lin Shengsheng put the towel in his mouth to prevent him from making a loud noise: "Bite it, and yell softly!"

Lin Shengsheng kept moving his hands.

Wang Haitao was trembling slightly, but he still signaled her to continue with his eyes.

After more than ten minutes, Lin Shengsheng finally treated the wound, and then bandaged it with gauze.

She had blood all over her hands and body and looked a little scary.

She went to wash her hands, turned around and asked, "What did you do? You made it like this?"

Wang Haitao shook his head with a smile:

"After entering their system, I obtained some precise documents, but my location was not kept secret, so they discovered it."

The experience just now can be described as dangerous, and it can even be said that it was a circle in front of Lord Yan.

But he doesn't seem to care at all.

"Then what are you going to do now?" Lin Shengsheng asked him.

"I need a computer!" Wang Haitao said.

Lin Shengsheng quickly brought the computer over.

Wang Haitao's fingers fluttered on the keyboard and typed out pieces of unfamiliar codes.

Lin Shengsheng felt dizzy looking at it.

Lin Shengsheng looked at his pale face, as if he couldn't bear it anymore: "Why don't you take a rest first and do it later!"

He looked like he was going to die at any moment.

But Wang Haitao shook his head, and continued typing on the keyboard on the computer, his eyes seemed a little blurry.

He couldn't help but shook his head again, trying to keep his head clear.

Lin Shengsheng was afraid that he would faint suddenly.

It seems that the family is looking for a family doctor with a strict mouth.

Otherwise, I don't know when such a thing will happen again. If it is more serious, it may be life-threatening.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Wang Haitao also came to comfort her.

After another ten minutes, Wang Haitao finally closed the computer and took out the chip inserted in the computer: "Give me a lighter."

Lin Shengsheng decided to give him a lighter.

Wang Haitao burned the chip, and then he breathed a sigh of relief: "It's all been dealt with."

He leans back on the sofa.

Just when Lin Shengsheng was about to ask something, there was a lot of noise outside.

Wang Ma's voice was loud: "You are not allowed to come in, you are breaking into a private house, I am going to call the police.

Is there any Wang Fa, even if you are really the police, you are not allowed to break into private houses! "

Lin Shengsheng walked over and opened the door.

The two men in police uniforms rushed in at once.

Seeing Wang Haitao sitting on the sofa: "I knew you must be here!"

Wang Haitao had changed into clean clothes at this time.

His figure is about the same as that of Leng Gongchen, so his clothes are very suitable.

He was sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed, but now he opened his eyes: "Who are these two?"

Lin Shengsheng said angrily: "Wang Ma, what's going on? Aren't these two people already gone? Why are they still entangled here?"

"These two broke in like crazy robbers, I really can't stop them!" Wang Ma was also very angry.

"Don't quibble, we are also for your safety, just want to find the prisoner, what is the relationship between this lady and this gentleman?"

They searched elsewhere for more than ten minutes just now, and then they received the news that Leng Gongchen was in the court, not at home at all.

At that time, they thought that they might have been fooled just now, and hurried back.

He intended that the other party would not open the door, so he just slammed the door open.

Lin Shengsheng looked at Wang Haitao with a smile: "It's ridiculous, this is simply the most ridiculous joke in the world, Wang Haitao, are you actually a prisoner?"

"I also think it's ridiculous, why don't I know I'm a prisoner?" Wang Haitao looked at the two people:

"It seems that I have to ask the two police officers carefully, what crime have I committed!
If I can't say it, I'm going to get angry. Don't look at me, it's easier to talk when I'm smiling, but if I get angry, it's not easy to deal with.

After all, no one can laugh and watch others slander themselves. "

"Search him!"

The two looked at each other and made up their minds.

He rushed over and touched Wang Haitao's body several times, but he didn't care about the gauze on his body.

The other searched all over the house, but couldn't find what they were looking for.

"I didn't find it, do you have it over there!"

"I'm not here either!"

Both were very dissatisfied.

One of them stared at Wang Haitao coldly: "Did you eat that?"

Wang Haitao showed a look of horror, holding his belly with both hands, as if he was afraid that the other party would tear his belly open:
"What are you kidding? I eat a lot in one day, so I won't accidentally eat what you want, right?
Even if you are really the police, you can't just open up others like this, right? "

"Look for it again!"

The man said with a frown.

Just then, another person's cell phone rang.


He answered the phone, and after a while his face became a little ugly.

"Let's go, don't look for it anymore."

The man hung up the phone and said with an ugly face.

"Let's go!" Wang Haitao waved to them with a smile.

The two men walked to the door and looked back at him fiercely.

"Remember it, it's best not to fall into our hands next time!"

After speaking, he slammed the door shut.

The moment the door was slammed shut, Wang Haitao's smiling expression disappeared, replaced by a face of pain, all of which were twisted together...

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