Lin Shengsheng unceremoniously shook off Zhou Zifeng's hand, and patted the place where he grabbed it in disgust:
"Can you be a bit of a man's responsibility, don't always push the responsibility on others.

Even if someone forces you, you can resist, even if you are forced to do those things, then you can't deny the harm you have done to me!

Don't tell me you're putting all the responsibility on Lin Qianqian now, so you'll be clean and innocent? "

Zhou Zifeng was speechless by her words.

Lin Shengsheng warned him: "Stop pestering me, or I'll call 110!"

"Shengsheng," Zhou Zifeng didn't give up on grabbing her, begging her face: "You are right, I admit that it is all my fault, I beg you to forgive me, I will definitely make it up to you of!"

"No need!" Lin Shengsheng tried hard to pull back her hand: "Please disappear in front of me immediately, that is the best compensation for me!"

Looking at the man in front of her, she felt that she didn't need to eat for a while, and she was so disgusted that she couldn't eat any more.

Zhou Zifeng suddenly became very sad, and stood in front of Lin Shengsheng:
"Shengsheng, listen to my explanation, I really know I was wrong, I was really blind at the beginning, and chose to be with that woman!
These years I have suffered unspeakably, as long as I do a little bit badly, she will beat me or scold me, and hardly treat me as a human being.

It was agreed at the beginning that she would share the shares with me, but she hasn't given me any until now. She just crossed the river and demolished the bridge, she is a shameless woman! "

As he spoke, he looked at Lin Shengsheng with affection.

"Shengsheng, now I know what you're doing, you're gentle and kind, I'm willing to do this to you, it's my fault, I deserve it.

I don't dare to hope for anything now, I just want you to give me another chance and let me make it up to you, okay! "

"Zhou Zifeng, do you find this interesting? I've already said that I don't want to have anything to do with you. Please stop pestering me!"

Lin Shengsheng walked out as soon as she said that, she really couldn't take it anymore.

But how could Zhou Zifeng let her go so easily?
"Shengsheng, I beg you, don't leave me!"

Zhou Zifeng chased after him stalking: "I swear to God, I am really sincere to you, I beg you to give me one last chance, I will cherish it!

And Mengmeng, although he is not my child, but I will treat him as my own, please give me another chance, please! "

Lin Shengsheng really felt extremely disgusted. When she was pregnant with Mengmeng, she had heard these words many times, but now that she listened to them again, she just felt sick to her stomach.

"Let go of me, let go!"

Lin Shengsheng just wanted to get rid of this disgusting man quickly, but he was pulling her wrist desperately.

She really couldn't get rid of it, so she kicked it down in a hurry.

It happened to kick under Zhou Zifeng.

Zhou Zifeng squatted on the ground in pain, but still grabbed her wrist firmly, and kept saying loudly:

"Shengsheng, you can treat me whatever you want, I am willing, no matter what, I beg you to forgive me.

I really don't mind if that child is someone else's seed, I will always love you alone, I beg you not to leave me! "

The hospital was originally full of people coming and going. After such a commotion, many people gathered around to watch.

After hearing what Zhou Zifeng said, everyone looked at Lin Shengsheng differently.

"Why is this girl like this? She gave birth to wild species outside and is still so arrogant."

"Isn't it? Her man doesn't dislike her after giving birth to someone else's bastard, she is still unwilling!"

"This young man is also very energetic. I can't find a woman anywhere. I want this kind of broken shoes!"

Lin Shengsheng was so angry that he was about to explode when he heard the discussions around him.

Originally, I felt uncomfortable because of my grandfather's illness, but after being made such a fuss by him, I was even more irritable.

And these melon-eating people don't know the truth at all, and they are still here, pointing fingers, she is about to explode on the spot.

"You don't know what's going on at all, so you just talk nonsense here. She abandoned me back then. Since you don't know, don't talk nonsense here!"

Lin Shengsheng was also very angry, so she reasoned with those people who eat melons.

But those people didn't buy it at all, they still looked at Zhou Zifeng with sympathy, and even began to persuade him.

"You young man, don't be so stubborn, there is no grass anywhere in the world!"

"That's right, if you're looking for a wife, don't look for someone who's too pretty. It's true to live a peaceful life at home!"

"You begged her to go back with you today, and she will cuckold you in the future!"

Lin Shengsheng really couldn't be washed away by what they said about jumping into the Yellow River, and she just wanted to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

But Zhou Zifeng held her tightly, and she couldn't break free no matter what.

Seeing more and more people watching, Zhou Zifeng actually knelt on the ground with a "plop": "Shengsheng, I really can't leave you, I beg you not to leave, please!"

Lin Shengsheng was about to blow up, and the onlookers had already pulled out their phones to take pictures of them.

"Let me go! Don't shoot me!"

Lin Shengsheng was about to collapse, struggling non-stop, really wanted to kick this bitch into outer space.

"Let's go, let's go!"

Just then, a person squeezed in from outside the crowd.

"Sheng Sheng!"

When Lin Shengsheng heard the familiar voice, she raised her head with surprise: "Senior, Senior Chen!"

The melon-eaters all looked at the young man who squeezed in. He was Chen Junkai, Lin Shengsheng's senior at university.

Chen Junkai walked over: "What's the matter?"

Seeing that the person kneeling on the ground was Zhou Zifeng, he couldn't help laughing.

"Zhou Zifeng, what are you trying to do, why can't I understand?"

Chen Junkai is gentle and elegant, and is famous for his good temper, just like the ancient Pianpian. Lin Shengsheng had a good relationship with him when he was in school, and he always regarded him as an older brother.

"Senior Chen..." Zhou Zifeng was also a little embarrassed, and stood up from the ground.

"Zhou Zifeng, it's been so many years, why haven't you changed at all, and you are still the same as before?" Chen Junkai patted his shoulder, as if joking.

Zhou Zifeng couldn't really refute it either.

"What do you want me to say about you? You should change it. You wronged Shengsheng when you were in school. Why are you still doing this now!"

Although Chen Junkai's words were sarcasm, he had a warm smile like a spring breeze.

Zhou Zifeng didn't know how to respond, so he could only smile dryly.

In fact, not to mention that Chen Junkai still had a smile on his face, even if he really scolded him, he didn't dare to refute.

Chen Junkai is not someone he can afford.

"I've heard people say that you dated a rich woman. Do you have money and leisure, so you do this kind of thing when you're bored?"

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