"So you must be polite in the future and don't talk about him like that. If he hears this, he will be very sad." Lin Shengsheng told her son very patiently.

"I remember, Mommy, don't worry." Lin Mengmeng nodded vigorously, expressing that he did remember.

After dinner with the family.

Li Qingzhen invited Lin Shengsheng to go out for a walk together, and chat along the way.

Lin Shengsheng probably knew what she was going to say.

But out of politeness, she didn't refuse.

This was also the first time she was alone with Li Qingzhen after returning to China.

"Shengsheng, do you hate me!" Li Qingzhen asked her suddenly.

"It's impossible not to hate, but now I don't have so much hatred, I can only say that I hated it."

Lin Shengsheng shook her head with a smile. At this point, she couldn't bring up her hatred.

Because she doesn't have the energy to hate someone, and her emotions need to be distributed to those who are worthy of close friendship around her, so there is no need to disperse her energy for hatred.

Her relationship with Li Qingzhen had ups and downs, and now she was tired.

No matter what the future looks like, she will never give up her heart easily.

It's actually quite easy for two people to get along so simply.

Each has their own circle of life, so don't get involved in each other's life. This way of getting along between two people makes her feel very relaxed.

There was a moment of silence.

The atmosphere seemed a little awkward.

After a while, Li Qingzhen spoke again: "I'm going abroad soon."

"This is your freedom, there is no need to tell me." Lin Shengsheng smiled.

Li Qingzhen stopped and looked at her: "I seldom come back after I went abroad to settle down, at most I come back to see the child.

I have already decided with your uncle that I plan to spend my old age abroad peacefully and not bother you at home.

And the environment abroad is better, we always feel that we can live there for a few more years. "

Lin Shengsheng always felt a little baffled after hearing her words.

Li Qingzhen's personality is a bit strong, which matches Leng Xuri's slow and hot personality very well.

If so, Li Qingzhen is willing to leave the country and stay away from life in the country, which means that she will never intervene in Leng Gongchen's private life in the future?
Li Qingzhen went on to say: "I know you are disgusted with me now, and it was because I cared too much about Gong Chen back then.

I was very angry when I saw you have twists and turns again and again and had so many conflicts.

So I also hate you and Mengmeng very much. These are indeed my mistakes. I shouldn't blame you for these things indiscriminately.

I'm sorry for the hurt I caused you, I want to say sorry to you, I know you may not want to hear these words from me.

But I also want to tell you, as a mother, I hope you can think about it carefully and accept my son.

You have been able to get to this day because you have really experienced too many hardships. In fact, I have seen that you all love each other.

Your life is destined to be wonderful, love is a lifetime thing, I hope you can come together, hold your hand, and grow old together..."

Li Qingzhen looked at her deeply.

Lin Shengsheng felt a little emotional.

She believes that the past is really exciting. If it is written as a novel, it must be very popular, right?

Their relationship can be said to have twists and turns.

If it is placed in a movie, the hero and heroine will eventually come together and become a pair in a fairy tale.

But is she the heroine?

Will they be able to come together?

Lin Shengsheng really doesn't know the future, everything is unknown, no one knows what will happen.

When the prosperous wedding was held, she was also full of infinite longing.

I even thought of their backs walking hand in hand when they were older, but the ending happened like that.

The ideal is always plump, but the reality is always skinny.

Even ordinary people who don't have such thrilling and exciting emotional experiences may still be overwhelmed by the mediocre life of firewood, rice, oil and salt.

Lin Shengsheng stood for a long time without speaking.

Li Qingzhen smiled: "However, the last thing I want to say to you is thank you, thank you for teaching my grandson so well, so well, you don't hold any grudges at all.

Thank you also for letting my son have the feelings of ordinary people. He used to have no emotions, only coldness. After meeting you, he became a real person. "

Lin Shengsheng smiled at her, the atmosphere seemed to ease a lot.

Li Qingzhen suddenly took off her bracelet and put it on her hand.

"It looks very suitable." Li Qingzhen smiled:

"Gong Chen's grandma gave it to me, and I have been wearing it for decades, and they all say that jade can support people, and it is true.

This is what his grandma asked for in the temple. It is very effective. I hope you will wear this bracelet.

The days to come will be smooth sailing, it can protect you like it protects me, and keep you safe and sound. "

"This is too precious..." Lin Shengsheng wanted to refuse.

But seeing Li Qingzhen's sincere face and earnest words, she couldn't say what she refused.

"Then I can only say thank you." She said thank you politely.

In fact, as a mother, she can also understand what Li Qingzhen did before.

For Li Qingzhen to choose this path, she has made the biggest concession. All she wants is for her son to live happily.

"I know you are a very good child. You can think about the future yourself. I will go back first."

She said and turned to leave.

She still looks so elegant and noble, as if nothing has ever changed.

Li Qingzhen had a smile on her face when she left.

She felt that her demands on life were too high, but she would actually feel happier after letting go.

After Li Qingzhen returned to the house, she stayed with Lin Mengmeng all the time.

There is an old saying that people who are separated from each other are closer, and it seems that this is indeed the case.

When Leng Gongchen was young, she was very strict with him.

But now it's Lin Mengmeng, the situation seems to have changed.

Li Qingzhen wished that he would play for a while longer, and did not want him to have any fatigue and hard work, nor did he want him to study so enthusiastically.

When Leng Gongchen saw Lin Shengsheng came back, he quickly pulled her aside worriedly and asked:
"How is it? What did my mother tell you? She didn't make things difficult for you, did she?"

"Guess what?" Lin Shengsheng smiled mysteriously at him.

Leng Gongchen was stunned.

Lin Shengsheng avoided him with her mobile phone: "I'm going to make a WeChat call."

Leng Gongchen went outside, but after waiting for a long time, the phone didn't ring.

Didn't she call "I miss you"?

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