Why isn't this man leaving? When he sees him, he's one head and two big.

"You don't need to worry about it." Leng Gongchen was not polite.

Lin Shengsheng hated him so much that he simply ignored this man, maybe he felt bored after a while and left?

But it didn't take long, Leng Gongchen led Mengmeng back to the living room, the two of them were playing video games, having a great time.

After playing for an hour, the two of them started playing games in the living room again.

Lin Shengsheng was extremely dissatisfied, did she intend to stay here?
Originally, she wanted to continue to search the information of the hospital online, but Leng Gongchen was here, how could she still calm down.

We must be on guard against Leng Gongchen at all times, don't let him abduct his son away, then the sky will not respond, and the sky will not work.

After Lin Shengsheng prepared the lunch, Leng Gongchen was as unceremonious as he was in the morning, sitting at the dining table eating and drinking, he felt more at ease than at his own home, and directly regarded her as an old lady serving them.

Lin Shengsheng really has a big head. He thought that moving to the suburbs would be quieter, but he didn't expect that in addition to serving his grandfather and son, he also had to serve this uncle!
But what can she do, she doesn't dare to provoke her blatantly, otherwise this man will snatch her son away if she is unhappy, what should she do?
Seeing that it was getting dark, he couldn't sleep on the sofa tonight, so he had to find a way to get this man away.

Besides, with this man here, Mengmeng won't kiss her mother anymore, and they must not be allowed to develop a deep relationship, otherwise Mengmeng will be very sad if they leave in the future.

Seeing the father and son enjoying themselves, Lin Shengsheng bit the bullet and walked over.

"Mengmeng, come and follow Mommy. It's getting dark. Daddy should go back to rest. After all, he has to go to work in the company tomorrow. Mommy will take you to take a shower."

Lin Shengsheng cursed in her heart, after dinner, this man is still hanging around here, waiting for her to open his mouth to chase him away.

"Daddy said that the company's matter has been explained, and he will continue to accompany me tomorrow." Lin Mengmeng said with a smile.

Leng Gongchen picked up his son and said, "Let's go, let's take a bath with Daddy!"

Lin Shengsheng looked at his smug look, and got angry, this man's thick skin could be used as a parking lot!

At this time, there was another knock on the door outside.

Lin Shengsheng wondered, could it be that Ling Yue was worried and came to have a look?

She opened the door strangely, and found that the person standing at the door was Wang Cheng again.

"Good evening, Miss Lin!" Wang Cheng greeted her politely again.

"Take these..." Lin Shengsheng looked at the suitcase in her hand suspiciously.

"Miss Lin, I'm here to bring our young master a change of clothes and daily necessities." Wang Cheng said as he carried the suitcase and entered the door.

Lin Shengsheng took a few deep breaths before resisting the urge to curse.

Is Leng Gongchen planning to stay here and not leave?Actually asked Wang Cheng to send these things over!
"No, he can't live with me, you take all these away quickly!"

Lin Shengsheng could bear it no longer.

"Miss Lin, don't embarrass me as an assistant. You know our young master's... If I really take it away, then I will be finished!" Wang Cheng looked at him pitifully.

Lin Shengsheng opened his mouth, feeling a little impatient.

"By the way, I still have some things to do, please see you later, miss!"

As Wang Cheng said, he turned around and fled.

"Hey! Stop for me! Take these away!"

When Lin Shengsheng reacted and chased after him, Wang Cheng drove away in a car.

Lin Shengsheng was so angry that she went directly to the bedroom: "Leng Gongchen, what are you trying to do!"

Leng Gongchen and his son were taking a bath in the bathroom, and pretended not to hear what they heard.

Lin Shengsheng stood in the bedroom with a grimace. She knew that Leng Gongchen must have heard it, so she just ignored her.

She will not let it go, she will ask the question clearly today.

After about half an hour, the bathroom door finally opened.

Leng Gongchen led Lin Mengmeng out of the bathroom.

When Lin Shengsheng saw Leng Gongchen, his face turned red involuntarily.

How could this man run out while blocking important parts?
His muscular body was more than strong, but not too exaggerated. There were a few drops of water hanging on his chest, which was illuminated by the light above his head, reflecting a faint light, and his handsome face was a little more red than usual.

Lin Shengsheng felt her heart was about to jump out, and her face was as hot as a fire.

I have to admit that Leng Gongchen is indeed good-looking, not only his face is finely crafted, but also his figure is perfect, and he can't find any flaws at all.

Seeing Leng Gongchen who was barely naked, Lin Shengsheng turned his face away without hesitation.

Leng Gongchen had already seen how embarrassing this woman was, but he pretended he didn't see it.

"What do you want to say!" His tone was impatient.

I heard what this woman said outside just now, but I didn't bother to pay attention to her.

"I'm asking what you want to do!" Speaking of this, Lin Shengsheng was furious.

Turning around abruptly, it was only then that he remembered that this man was almost naked.

Fortunately, Leng Gongchen was quite sensible, he had already pulled up the bath towel and wrapped it up again.

Lin Shengsheng didn't turn his face to avoid it again, although this man still looked extremely sexy.

The more she thought about it, the more angry she was, this was where she lived, and she had to avoid others in case he ran out of the bathroom naked.

"What's wrong with me?" Leng Gongchen felt puzzled instead.

"Why did you ask Wang Cheng to bring your luggage here! Do you plan to live here!" Lin Shengsheng questioned with staring eyes.

"Didn't I already live here? If you don't send clothes to replace, you plan to keep me wrapped in a bath towel?" Leng Gongchen was confident.

"Don't you have a home yourself, can't you go back!" Lin Shengsheng was furious, this person has such a nice house, if he doesn't go back to live, he must stay here.

"I have to stay with my son." Leng Gongchen said slowly.

"Leng Gongchen!" Lin Shengsheng gritted his teeth: "This is my home, can you not affect my life here!"

Leng Gongchen simply ignored her.

Lin Shengsheng thought for a while, and if the tough ones are not enough, let them be soft.

"You can come and see Mengmeng. I'm not against it, but it's not good for you to live here, because it's too inconvenient."

"Does this have something to do with me? I just think it's convenient." Leng Gongchen said indifferently: "Anyway, I want to be with my son, well, I want to put my son to sleep, so go ahead and do what you have to do."

Lin Shengsheng was so angry that he wanted to drive this man away, but now he's driving her away instead.

Seeing that he was about to go to bed, Lin Shengsheng was completely furious, and walked over to pull him.

"Leng Gongchen, I told you to go back, did you hear me?"

Lin Shengsheng tugged at his arm and roared loudly.

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