Lin Shengsheng printed out a contract to sever ties, and then walked out of the office.

She can never forget Grandpa's death!
The reason why grandpa ended up like that is because Lin Qianqian is the culprit!
Because she tortured grandpa into a dementia, and grandpa's health was not good.

Otherwise, grandpa must still be alive now.

"Haitao, help me sort out today's work, I have to go outside first."

Lin Shengsheng handed over the work to Wang Haitao, then went downstairs and drove to the prison.

Her heart was very restless along the way.

When the car stopped at the gate of the prison, Lin Qianqian was walking with a police officer talking and laughing.

When Lin Qianqian saw Lin Shengsheng, the smile on her face disappeared instantly.

After a while, she changed into a brighter smile, and walked up to Lin Shengsheng with big strides: "Sister, it's been a long time!"

"It's really been a long time." Lin Shengsheng showed a cold smile.

In the coffee shop, the two sat down without chatting.

Lin Shengsheng took out the contract from the bag: "This is a contract of severance, please read it and sign it. I don't want to have anything to do with you."

Lin Qianqian took the contract and tore it into pieces without even looking at it.

"Lin Shengsheng, you want to sever ties with me, you are dreaming!" Lin Qianqian said angrily:
"At the beginning, you announced that you would sever ties with the Lin family. If I were to find a lawyer, this would be an opportunity to turn around.

Do you want to drive me away and monopolize a family business as big as Lin's?Do you think I'm a fool? "

Lin Shengsheng snorted softly: "I never thought of competing with you for the family property."

Back then, as long as Lin Qianqian treated her grandfather better, she wouldn't be able to take over the company.

After all, her energy alone is limited. Compared with the company, she is more willing to spend her thoughts on her children.

Lin Qianqian looked at her with a sneer:
"Now that the company is in your hands, do you think it's meaningful for you to say this? You can say whatever you want, anyway, history is written by the winners."

Lin Shengsheng's expression also turned cold: "I think you know how you treated Grandpa back then, and I will never forgive you!

So you'd better sign the document obediently for me, and then completely sever ties with the Lin family, otherwise you will do the scandalous things you did back then.

I don't mind announcing this matter, let everyone see your true face, and let the public comment, who is more reasonable between the two of us! "

Lin Qianqian grabbed the steaming coffee and threw it at her.

Lin Shengsheng quickly raised her arms to block it. Fortunately, she was wearing thick winter clothes, so she didn't get burned, but only stained her clothes.

"Lin Qianqian, are you crazy!"

Lin Qianqian burst into tears at this moment.

"Just because I'm an illegitimate daughter, you treat me like this! No matter what, we are also related by blood!
I already kicked you out of the house, what else do you want?Kill them all?

I know you want to occupy all the property in the family, I don't want those properties at all, but can you not go too far! "

After she finished speaking, she covered her face and cried in pain.

After hearing her words, the people around started pointing at Lin Shengsheng.

"Isn't this too outrageous? Even if it's an illegitimate daughter, it's still related by blood. How can you just drive it away!"

"Is it any wonder that illegitimate daughters are bullied? It's everywhere in China."

"Look at that woman who looks very kind, why is her heart so vicious!"

"Just because she treated me before!"

Lin Shengsheng poured the cup of hot coffee on the table at Lin Qianqian in front of those who were arguing.


Lin Qianqian screamed.

She didn't expect Lin Shengsheng to do this, so she was unprepared in advance.

Some of the hot coffee was poured down her neck, and she grinned:

"Lin Shengsheng, you bitch, I want your life! I'll kill you sooner or later!"

She wiped it with a tissue, but the pain was unbearable.

Lin Shengsheng smiled lightly, scanning the surrounding people.

"Have you seen her real face now? Do you still think she is that weak woman who allows me to bully her?

It is best not to look at the surface when looking at people, otherwise they will only become a tool for others to use. If they are used, they will be ridiculed, which is extremely stupid! "

Those onlookers just wanted to watch the fun, and didn't really fight with anyone.

Seeing that Lin Shengsheng was so high above them, they suddenly lost their arrogance as before, and turned their eyes away one by one, and stopped looking at them.

"Waiter, take me to the sink to wash!" Lin Qianqian shouted excitedly.

The waiter quickly took her to the pool behind. She was afraid of scars on her neck and wanted to rush to the hospital.

But when she finished cleaning and came back, she would find Lin Shengsheng still waiting there.

Lin Shengsheng raised his foot and walked towards her.

Lin Qianqian shrank back in fear.

"What are you doing like this? To cater to the white lotus character you set up?
You should pretend to be innocent and weep silently, that is the most in line with your performance just now. "

Lin Shengsheng said sarcastically.

"Lin Shengsheng, you..." Lin Qianqian was about to scold her when she opened her mouth.

"Stop calling me a slut, it doesn't fit your personality, and you've exposed yourself now."

Lin Shengsheng didn't want to talk nonsense with this woman anymore, so she picked up her bag and walked away.

Lin Qianqian gritted her teeth fiercely as she watched her leaving back.

When did Lin Shengsheng become so powerful?

Originally thought that embarrassing her in front of so many people would make her unable to step down and leave in embarrassment.

Unexpectedly, during the period of time she was in prison, Lin Shengsheng improved a lot.

She smashed the two empty coffee cups to the ground in a puzzled manner. With two loud bangs, the cups smashed to pieces.

The women who were gossiping just now looked over and whispered in their mouths, as if it really was so.

"Look at your fart!" Lin Qianqian cursed.

Then he picked up his bag and took a taxi to the hospital full of hatred.

No matter what, there must be no scars.

It leaves a scar on the neck, which is too ugly, and it will not look good in any clothes in the future.


Leng Gongchen waited for three full days.

Zhou Tianren finally came with the approval document.

The content of the approval document is mainly to confirm that this part is qualified. If it is not allowed now, it cannot be exported to domestic sales.

Leng Gongchen would also be involved, saying it was smuggling.

He read the approval document carefully, and found that the approval document this time was different from usual.

There are a few more clauses above.

"It seems that there was no such content before?" He asked lightly.

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