The Return of the Adorable Baby: Daddy Gao Leng Please Accept

Chapter 387 The President Who Can't Use WeChat

Lin Shengsheng looked at this low-end approach to strike up a conversation, and without hesitation planned to delete it immediately.

The other party sent another message.

"Because of a fire, I was disfigured. I added you for no other purpose. I just want to chat with you and make friends, because I am too lonely."

Lin Shengsheng stopped refusing. After thinking for a while, she replied: "May I ask what caused the fire?"

"Those things are in the past, I don't want to think about them again."

The other party quickly replied.

Lin Shengsheng was very sympathetic to what happened to him.

But from speaking, she didn't feel the inferiority complex of a disfigured person at all.

This man should have been more proud in the past, but because of an accident, his appearance was ruined, so he locked himself in the house.

Recently, Lin Mengmeng went to the winter camp.

Every day when Lin Shengsheng went home, he would stay by himself, and then chat with that man on WeChat.

She felt that the man spoke very honestly, and there was no mask in the chat, and he was quite relaxed when he talked.

But it's just a chat.

Most of the time, it was Lin Shengsheng who talked about some interesting things around her. She likes to be quiet, she goes to and from get off work on time every day, and the day goes by like this.

After putting away her phone that day, she poured a cup of hot water and looked at the moon outside while drinking.

I found that the light next door had been off, but it turned on today.

It seems to have moved into a new resident.

The place she's currently living in isn't very nice.

It is quite far from the center of the city, but it is not a suburb, and the greening is well done, but the rental price is not low.

This is what she likes, this place is relatively quiet.

The next door was always empty as she wished.

I didn't expect someone to move here today.

After all, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Lin Shengsheng felt that she might have something to trouble the other party in normal times.

So she went to the kitchen and cut a plate of white chopped chicken, brought it over and knocked on the other party's door.

"Boom boom boom——"

After knocking on the door, she looked at her watch and found that it was almost 11 o'clock in the evening.

It is obviously inappropriate to knock on a stranger's door at this time, but the knock has already been knocked, so I can only stand here bravely.

With a slight sound, the door in front of him opened.

"Welcome to the new neighbor, hello! I am your neighbor Lin Shengsheng, please take care of me in the future."

Lin Shengsheng said with a smile.

"Thank you." The other party said: "I was about to invite you over for dinner, but you came here unexpectedly."

Lin Shengsheng's brain exploded, and his face was full of disbelief!
She took a closer look and found that the person standing in front of her was either Leng Gongchen or who:

"Leng Gongchen, why are you here?"

Leng Gongchen spread his hands: "If I tell you that living at home is too boring and I want to find a house to come out to breathe, I just found your next door, do you believe it?"

"This is not a villa." Lin Shengsheng didn't believe it: "Didn't I tell you, I want to be quiet these days, I want to be alone..."

"You misunderstood, I didn't come to pester you." Leng Gongchen smiled and shook his head:

"Because this place is too far away from the city center, when I wanted to see my children, it was difficult to see them immediately, so I rented a house here."

"Mengmeng went to the winter camp and is not by my side." Lin Shengsheng explained.

"Shall I move things in first?" Leng Gongchen smiled.

Lin Shengsheng was speechless.

Leng Gongchen suddenly smiled: "What? Do you believe what I say?"

"What do you mean?" Lin Shengsheng didn't understand.

At this time, Wang Kang came out from behind.

"Miss Lin, this is the house I just rented. I've been busy with work recently and always have to work at night.

However, I have to rest during the day, and the surrounding area is too noisy, so I moved to this quiet place. "

Wang Kang found a very reasonable reason for this.

"What a coincidence, I didn't expect Miss Lin to live here." Wang Kang said with a smile again.

Leng Gongchen invited with a smile on his face: "Why don't we come in and have a meal together. It's a pity that the portions are a bit small, but it's okay to make do with it."

Lin Shengsheng shook his head and refused: "I'm just here to get to know the new neighbors, I'm going to cook chicken for you and give it to you.

I didn't tell you when I made it, so I took it over rashly. I'm really sorry, we will be neighbors in the future, please take care of me. "

Lin Shengsheng said coldly, turned and left.

After watching her leave, Wang Kang closed the door.

He breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Master, can you talk to me in advance next time? If you said that so suddenly, if I hadn't reacted quickly, Miss Lin would definitely be suspicious!"

Wang Kang patted his heart and said.

Leng Gongchen smiled lightly: "As my super assistant, don't you even have this adaptability?"

He checked his WeChat.

He wanted to open Lin Shengsheng's WeChat chat box with him. This WeChat was just registered by him, and there were no friends on it.

But yesterday I didn't know what happened, and suddenly clicked a lot of official accounts randomly, and the pushed news suppressed Lin Shengsheng's message box.

"Master, you can put Ms. Lin at the top, so that no matter how many other news there are, her news will not be brushed down!" Wang Kang came to teach him with good intentions.

Leng Gongchen glanced at him coldly.

Wang Kang broke into a cold sweat: "Shall I go and tidy things up first?"

"Wait a minute." Leng Gongchen suddenly stopped him: "Tell me how to turn off her shaker?"

Wang Kang couldn't help laughing.

Leng Gongchen gave a look, and Wang Kang immediately shrank his neck in fright.

"Master, as far as the current technical means are concerned, you can only control your own WeChat settings, and it is impossible for you to control other people's WeChat with your own authority."

Wang Kang said seriously.

"Has such a simple function not been developed yet?" Leng Gongchen frowned tightly.

Wang Kang tried his best to hold back his laughter.

"Master, if you really want to turn off Ms. Lin's WeChat shake function, you can call the boss of WeChat.

Ask him to help you deal with it internally. Maybe the background of the headquarters can be closed directly. "

Leng Gongchen was deeply convinced.

"Ask him out for me another day. I want to have a meal with him and discuss it with him."

Wang Kang looked at him speechlessly.

This person is really incomparable. The young master can be said to surpass everyone in his work, but when it comes to social software, he is like a primitive person.

Now who doesn't play WeChat well?
However, the young master is really an infatuated person. He really racked his brains to get his wife back. I never saw him working so hard before at work.

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