Leng Gongchen smiled:

"Do you have to say something so ugly? Then why did you have a mournful face when you held the wedding? When you were going to marry me last time, you were much happier than this."

He looked around the surrounding scene.

"This wedding is simply too shabby compared to my wedding of the century."

"It's almost a meaning. Both Junkai and I like a simpler wedding, and the truth is plain and simple."

Lin Shengsheng replied lightly.

So what about shabby?Just live happily ever after.

There is no need to measure happiness with material things.

"Then what if I personally send your husband to prison this time? What will you do?" Leng Gongchen asked her.

"Leng Gongchen, don't go too far!" Lin Shengsheng's eyes were red.

She clenched her fists tightly at this time.

Leng Gongchen smiled lightly: "Lin Shengsheng, do you know what your biggest shortcoming is? You don't use your brain, you are too stupid.

You believe everything anyone tells you, but you just don't believe me. "

"If there is nothing else, please go first and don't disturb our wedding.

We only invite family members for this wedding, and outsiders will not be entertained. "Lin Shengsheng coldly issued the order to evict the guest.

However, this is of no use at all.

Leng Gongchen came with bodyguards.

Even if these relatives and friends go together, they are not the opponents of these bodyguards.

"To you, I am an outsider? Anyway, I have a son with you, what is Chen Junkai?" Leng Gongchen frowned and asked her.

At this moment, Lin Mengmeng broke free from Chen Junkai's hand suddenly: "Bad guy, go away!"

He stood in front of Lin Shengsheng.

Leng Gongchen couldn't help feeling a pain in his heart, his expression relaxed a little, and he waved to him: "Mengmeng, come to me."

Lin Mengmeng froze for a moment, then shook his head again and again:

"I won't go, I want to protect my mommy, don't bully my mommy, you made my mommy cry many times!"

But the next moment, the bodyguard picked him up.

Lin Mengmeng struggled hard: "The villain let go of me! Don't bully my mommy anymore, Uncle Chen, hurry up and run with mommy!"

"Mengmeng!" Lin Shengsheng wanted to rush over excitedly.

Chen Junkai held her back.

"You are really capable of teaching my son to be like this." Leng Gongchen smiled coldly.

What a show!

But the last laugh is the real winner, right?

"I didn't teach the child to be like this. The child is the smartest. He will understand it after seeing it." Lin Shengsheng snorted softly.

She really never said a bad word about him in front of the children.

Isn't it Leng Gongchen himself who created the image of a wicked father for his children?
Just then, several policemen walked in.

"Who called the police just now?"

"It's me." Lin Shengsheng raised his hand:

"I want to report this gentleman with his real name, he kidnapped my teacher Tom's wife Dill, and his son Alpha.

He also tried to poison the food and poisoned my son! "

The policeman shook his head: "Sorry miss, the report we received was not like this."

But Leng Gongchen said slowly at this time: "I called the police."

Everyone looked at this reversal inexplicably.

Lin Shengsheng was also stunned.

Leng Gongchen has done so many bad things, isn't he afraid of being discovered?Dare to call the police over?

Leng Gongchen has never been afraid of other people's eyes.

"The groom, Mr. Chen, is suspected of disrupting the financial market and suppressing my funds through money laundering.

And he also smuggled, suspected of kidnapping and planting crimes, and planted the crimes on my head.

If these charges are true, how many years should this gentleman be sentenced to prison? "

Leng Gongchen asked the police.

"If all the circumstances are true, then life imprisonment would be considered light," replied the policeman.

Leng Gongchen never liked to say useless words.

Lin Shengsheng couldn't help looking at Chen Junkai, whose expression was not so good.

Did the senior do something else that she didn't know about?

At this moment, Chen Junkai suddenly clapped his hands.

Someone delivered a bag of things.

"Here is some evidence. Leng Gongchen sends people to deliver snails to our house every day, and the surveillance cameras have captured them all.

Here is the report of Lin Mengmeng and the two children of our nanny infected with parasites, and there is also the video of the kidnapped Dill's accusation. "

Lin Shengsheng couldn't help being surprised: "My wife is not emotionally stable right now, how can you..."

Dill only knows his son and husband now, and he doesn't know anyone else.

Best case for her is to not get any more stimulation.

Lin Shengsheng didn't know when Chen Junkai had obtained evidence behind her back?

Chen Junkai explained: "Shengsheng, it's not like you don't know that Leng Gongchen is insidious and cunning.

I already knew that he would play tricks on the wedding, so I didn't dare to have the wedding without being prepared. "

And Dill didn't know why he showed up at the wedding.

She was bouncing around with a glass of juice in her hand, but fell to the ground instantly after seeing Leng Gongchen.

She doesn't care about being splashed with juice:

"Ah...it's you! I beg you, don't hit me...I won't bark anymore, and I won't eat anymore...Oh, don't hit me, I'm afraid..."

"Mr. Leng, we will send someone to follow up on what you reported, but please cooperate with our investigation of this kidnapping case first."

The policeman walked towards Leng Gongchen.

At this time, another wave of police came outside.

That's what Lin Shengsheng called over.

Both groups of police were from the same district, and after a brief discussion, the two reports were dealt with together.

Leng Gongchen smiled coldly: "Do you have any evidence?"

"Not really." The policeman replied.

"If I remember correctly, I am not a citizen of your country, what right do you have to investigate me without evidence?

You should have seen it too, she is a schizophrenic patient, can her words be used as evidence!

Or is it that your country can convict a person based on a few people's one-sided statements without evidence? "

Leng Gongchen asked coldly.

The policemen couldn't help but looked at each other.

Chen Junkai smiled coldly:
"Then why is she only afraid of you alone? Why is she not so afraid when she sees others? Do you think driving her crazy can cover up all your crimes?"

Without saying a word, Leng Gongchen walked over and squatted in front of Dill: "Do you think I'm scary?"

When Dill saw Leng Gongchen squatting down, he screamed loudly again in fright.

"Look at me clearly!" Leng Gongchen snorted.

Dill finally calmed down, and she looked at Leng Gongchen with teary eyes.

"Is the person you're afraid of so tall?" Leng Gongchen compared his height.

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