Lin Shengsheng has recently become fond of eating vegetarian food, and also goes to church regularly.

She likes that kind of peaceful and peaceful place.

In the church, the nuns led the crowd to sing hymns, and hundreds of people were doing the same thing together, which seemed very ceremonial.

It is also particularly easy for people to temporarily forget all kinds of troubles in life.

Lin Shengsheng would come here every time she was upset.

So rushing out of the room, she went straight to church.

After running for about ten minutes, I arrived at the church.

The nun stood at the door and saw her: "Lin Shengsheng, are you here? You haven't been here for a while, I thought you had abandoned my lord."

Lin Shengsheng stood at the door of the church, looking at the peaceful nun, she seemed to relax a lot.

"I've been busy with the wedding recently and haven't had time to come over, so I'll come here as soon as I have time today." Lin Shengsheng explained with a smile.

By the way, suppress the messy mood.

The nun was very surprised: "Have you decided to get married? Who will you marry? Is that your senior?"

Lin Shengsheng nodded.

The nun hurriedly congratulated her.

Lin Shengsheng didn't want to continue this topic, and she didn't even want to think about what happened just now.

She didn't know why she did such a thing, maybe it was because she was too guilty?

She didn't want to see that depressed expression on Chen Junkai's face, so she did that.

But she knew in her heart that he didn't want to do that at all.

She forced a smile: "Did the children come over today?"

"Here we come." The nun didn't see how complicated her mood was:

"They are all on vacation, and they are not busy now, so they are very noisy every day, but they learn hymns very quickly, and it won't take long for them to perform on stage."

"They are all very smart children. With them, this donation activity will be very successful." Lin Shengsheng said affirmatively.

Donation activities are a tradition left by the church long ago.

It is held every month.

During the event, the people in the church will arrange various performances, entertain local wealthy people, and those who have donated to the church to come and participate.

Ordinary people are free to come and come whenever they want, anyway, all comers are welcome.

The money obtained in the end, after deducting the money for holding activities, all the rest will be donated to the children in those poor places.

The purpose is to gather everyone's strength so that those poor children can live a better life.

"Lin Shengsheng, there is one thing I forgot to tell you." The nun suddenly remembered something:

"We discussed and said that you will be the host of this event. I didn't know you were going to hold a wedding at the time. I wonder if there will be conflicts?"

"Which day do you set the time for?" Lin Shengsheng asked.

"On the 2nd of next month," the nun replied.

Lin Shengsheng was stunned for a moment, their wedding will be on the 3rd next month.

On the 2nd they must be rehearsing the wedding.

Is it too late?

Seeing that she was silent, the nun couldn't help asking: "Why is it inconvenient? Is there a time conflict?"

Lin Shengsheng thought for a while and agreed: "No, I will come over when the time comes, and I will do my part for the donation."

The senior will definitely understand her.

The nun let out a long breath.

Lin Shengsheng is pretty, has a good temperament, and speaks very softly. He is the most suitable host.

Although it is just a donation event, it still needs some people to decorate the appearance, otherwise how can we let those people donate willingly? "

"You are such a good person, the Lord will definitely bless you!" The nun prayed with her hands clasped together.

After opening her eyes, she suddenly sighed.

"What's wrong with you? Do you have any troubles!" Lin Shengsheng couldn't help asking curiously.

The nun has always been like a saint, no matter who she is with, she is always indifferent and greets her with a smile.

She was able to handle anything safely without any complaints.

Seeing her sigh, Lin Shengsheng was still very surprised.

"It's just that the church house is leaking, and it hasn't been resolved until now.

The person who had been donating before did not know what happened recently and refused to continue donating.

It's fine when the weather is good, but it's easy to leak wind and rain in rainy and snowy days.

It's fine for us adults, it's nothing, it's just that the children are here, I'm afraid it will be bad for them to catch a cold. "

The nun's eyes dimmed a bit.

"This..." Lin Shengsheng didn't know what to say for a while.

Just then a check was handed over from the side: "This is my donation to your church."

Lin Shengsheng tensed up all of a sudden, and took a step back abruptly.

Leng Gongchen!
Leng Gongchen, the man who almost killed his child, what exactly does he want to do?
She never cared about money or anything, she just wanted to stay away from this devilish man.

The nun took the check and found that there was 100 million on it. Their church had never received such a large donation!
The nun clasped her hands together, crying with gratitude: "Thank you sir, the Lord will definitely bless you!

You are such a generous person, the Lord will definitely look at your kindness and reward you with blessings!

Your life will be smooth and healthy in the future, thank you for your generosity! "

The nun had not seen the man.

She tried hard to think about the identity of this man, how could she omit him during the treat?
"It's nothing else, but the relationship is not going well." Leng Gongchen looked at Lin Shengsheng with a chuckle.

Lin Shengsheng was full of aggression, and smiled coldly:
"People who have done a lot of bad things always like to donate a little money symbolically, which makes it easier to feel at ease.

The Lord sees it clearly from heaven, so is it true kindness?Whether it is hypocrisy or hypocrisy, the Lord can easily discern it.

Whether it should be punished or rewarded, he will treat it fairly. "

"Then I want to ask Ms. Lin, how should the Lord treat your future husband? For example, who has killed, or hurt?"

What Leng Gongchen was talking about was naturally about the past between Chen Junkai and Leng Yuanyuan.

Lin Shengsheng had withdrawn from his life a long time ago, and she didn't want to have any contact with anything related to this man.

Anyway, as long as she has a little relationship with this man, she can't take advantage of it, she can only suffer.

Lin Shengsheng just wanted to escape.

She took a step back: "Sister, I have other things, come back next time."

She turned and strode away without even going into the church.

"Don't go! This gentleman is so generous, I want to call all the people to have a vegetarian meal to pray for him, you stay together!" The nun happily asked her to stay.

"No, my husband and children are still waiting for me at home!"

Lin Shengsheng deliberately said the word "husband" very strongly, and ran away without looking back...

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