The next day.

Lin Shengsheng woke up Lin Mengmeng early in the morning.

Dr. Peter seemed to have a bad temper, but she couldn't be late, so she had to get there as soon as possible.

But when he opened the door, he saw Chen Junkai standing at the door.

He was wearing his usual clothes, and his face was still very ugly.

"Mengmeng!" He waved at the child.

Lin Mengmeng happily ran over and threw herself into his arms.

Lin Shengsheng didn't say much, and the three of them got into the car together.

She wanted to ask something several times, but seeing Chen Junkai staring at her in the rearview mirror, she felt afraid to face it again.

He could only lower his head and remain silent.

Chen Junkai talked to Mengmeng as if nothing had happened.

After stopping the car in the yard of the villa, Chen Junkai opened the trunk of the car and took out several bags of things from it.

Lin Shengsheng was a little surprised, could it be that the medicines needed have been found?
These medicines are very rare traditional Chinese medicines, which are considered to have a price but no market.

Because they grow in extremely cold places, the output is very small, and they are bought by many rich people as soon as they come out.

Because of the high price, many people ran to pick it, and many people died every year because of picking this herb.

After knocking on the door, a servant came and opened the door.

The servant said Mr. Peter was not up yet.

Arrange the three of them in the living room to drink tea and wait.

Waited for more than an hour.

Peter just came down from upstairs.

He didn't seem to wash up yet, he was wearing a nightgown and a pair of slippers on his feet, and he went downstairs reluctantly.

After glancing at Mengmeng, he lazily asked a few words, and then asked the servant to take the child to check.

"All the medicinal materials you need are here, Mr. Peter, what else is there?" Chen Junkai pushed the bag forward.

Peter checked the contents of the bags and put them back again.

"The speed is very fast, and the things are real, but you should take these medicinal materials back quickly." Peter looked at him and said.

Lin Shengsheng was terrified: "Why? Doctor Peter, what's the problem?"

"I'm not in good health recently, so I'm not suitable for surgery." Peter leaned on the sofa and raised his legs:
"How can a sick person operate on others casually? I think you should hire someone else!"

Lin Shengsheng was about to cry: "Mr. Peter, even if I beg you, no one can perform this operation except you, I know you are an expert in this field.

As long as you operate on my child, he will have a chance to survive. I beg you, the child's life is in your hands! "

Lin Shengsheng almost knelt down for him.

Chen Junkai comforted her: "Don't worry, I'll tell Mr. Peter."

"Mr. Peter, you are not very old, you are full of energy every day, and your complexion is very good. I can't match your physical strength.

If you say that you are in poor health, I think it is a bit unreasonable. "Chen Junkai said tentatively.

Peter shook his head: "I'm already old, and sickness is out of people's control. Even if I'm a doctor, I can't control my body."

"Mr. Peter's words are also reasonable." Chen Junkai nodded: "But the 70-year-old Lafite, I don't know what Mr. Peter thinks of that taste?"

Peter's eyes lit up instantly.

"Five bottles." Chen Junkai continued.

Peter's lazy look has disappeared, and there is even a big smile on his face.

"Mr. Chen, this is my bosom friend. I am such an old man, and my health is really not very good recently.

There are always some minor illnesses that make me uncomfortable, but if I drink alcohol, then all illnesses are gone. "

Peter laughed.

"Then Mr. Peter won't be sick again next time?" Chen Junkai asked him.

"How could it be!" Peter didn't feel sorry at all: "Mr. Chen is so sincere, I can't go too far, can I?

The quality of these medicinal powders is very good. I need a little time to manufacture them. According to a certain proportion, I will give them to the children to improve their physical condition, and then they can undergo surgery. "

"Well, it's best to have an operation as soon as possible, otherwise I'll be bankrupt if I spend money on those wines!" Chen Junkai joked.

"Mr. Chen really knows how to joke. You are so rich, what kind of wine can you buy to make you bankrupt?" Peter also laughed.

Lin Shengsheng watched the two of them joking, but couldn't relax for a long time.

This Peter is so moody, she doesn't know what will happen in the future, she is really worried.

If Lin Mengmeng doesn't have surgery, she can't feel at ease.

"Mr. Peter thinks highly of me." Chen Junkai said with a smile.

"The two of us still have friendship now." Peter lit a cigar: "If it were someone else, I wouldn't even have an explanation.

Don't blame me for raising the price. Someone really spent a lot of money. I hope I don't do it. The money given to me is much more expensive than this wine. "

"Leng Gongchen?" Lin Shengsheng blurted out.

Peter squinted at her: "Miss Lin, you should feel lucky. Fortunately, you know Mr. Chen, otherwise I would definitely not perform this operation."

It's Leng Gongchen again!
Is that man's heart made of iron?
Why do you want to kill them all?
Even if you don't have feelings, you can't let the child live. Why are you so heartless?

Leng Gongchen, why are you so cruel?
On the way back, Lin Shengsheng sat on the back seat of the car with a tired face, squinting her eyes slightly, her mind was full of things that Leng Gongchen had done during this period.

Lin Mengmeng was very well-behaved, and he didn't bother Lin Shengsheng while sitting in the co-pilot.

Chen Junkai sent a message while driving.

"Peter, you old guy, you just took all my belongings away, you are too cruel!"

Peter quickly sent him a message back: "If I didn't do this, do you think that woman would believe you? Do you think that woman would be so moved?
You don't even know, which one of those who asked me to have an operation didn't bow and kneel?You just took a few bottles of wine, do you still have an opinion? "

"Small idea, I'll treat you to dinner another day and give you a few bottles of good wine."

Chen Junkai replied again.

Lin Mengmeng looked at Chen Junkai, and then said, "Uncle Chen, it's very dangerous to play with your mobile phone while driving."

Chen Junkai immediately put away his phone: "Mengmeng is right, I did something wrong."

Lin Shengsheng immediately opened his eyes: "Dr. Peter is looking for you?"

"Yes, he felt that he was at a loss, so he asked me for a few more bottles of wine." Chen Junkai followed suit.

"This..." Lin Shengsheng couldn't sit still.

Even if you spend money, you may not be able to buy good wine with a long history, and some people cherish it for a lifetime and can't earn a bottle of wine.

Chen Junkai has given her so much to comfort her, how should she repay her?

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