Lin Shengsheng was more and more moved, but also more and more guilty:
"Senior, don't say that, no matter what, you are my good senior."

"Leave the search for medicine to me. I have some experience in medicine. My friend should be able to help."

Chen Junkai changed the subject: "Let's talk about other things later, let's work together to heal Mengmeng first."

"Thank you." Lin Shengsheng choked up again.

"Okay, go and see the child, don't let the child know these things." Chen Junkai urged.

Lin Shengsheng nodded: "I know, no matter how wrong an adult is to a child, I won't tell the child these things. I will give the child a clean life."

After wiping away her tears, Lin Shengsheng went to the small room at the back.

Lin Mengmeng fell asleep at some point.

"Meng Meng, get up quickly, we have to go home." Lin Shengsheng woke up the little guy.

If I continue to sleep like this, I won’t be able to fall asleep again at night.

"Mum, the inspection is done?" Lin Mengmeng rubbed his eyes and sat up: "Can you take me out to play? I want to go to the amusement park."

"I've been thinking about going out all day long." Lin Shengsheng pinched his little face: "Let's go tomorrow, it's getting late today, let's go home first."

Lin Mengmeng regained his energy after getting into the car.

"Mum, why do I need to be checked? And why are you looking for that doctor? Am I sick?"

After so many inspections, Lin Mengmeng must be suspicious.

Lin Shengsheng still didn't intend to tell the truth to the child:
"Stop thinking about it. Didn't Mommy and your Uncle Chen also have a checkup? This is just a routine checkup. Mengmeng is in good health, so don't worry about it."

Lin Mengmeng nodded obediently: "I will definitely grow up healthily, and then take care of Mommy, so that Mommy can live the happiest and happiest life."

Listening to her son's childlike words, Lin Shengsheng felt a lot of emotion in her heart, but she was still quite relieved:
"Mummy is waiting for you, let Mommy live a good life that day."

The liveliness of the children made the atmosphere less dull than before, and the atmosphere was very relaxed on the way back.

After returning to the villa, Lin Mengmeng dragged Lin Shengsheng upstairs, saying that he wanted her to see the handicrafts he made.

Chen Junkai looked at the backs of the two of them going upstairs, and the ambition flashed again in his eyes.

One rejection is nothing, there will be countless times in the future, until she agrees.

Chen Junkai knew what Lin Shengsheng was thinking, he had already made up his mind.

He doesn't need to do anything, as long as he slowly infiltrates her life, she can finally choose him.

"Lin Shengsheng, you can't escape from my palm!"


When working the next day, Lin Shengsheng was always restless.

"Senior sister, I don't think your condition is very good now, why don't you take a rest and let me do it."

A school girl next to her couldn't stand it anymore.

Lin Shengsheng came back to her senses in her voice, and lowered her head to find that the data she entered was wrong in two places.

This is where mistakes should not have been made, and mistakes have been made several times today.

She sighed: "I'm really sorry to cause you trouble. I have too many things recently, so I tend to be distracted."

"It's not a big deal." The school girl smiled on her face: "The mistake can be corrected, anyway, the money is already in place, and other difficulties are not difficult for us.

Your complexion is quite bad, otherwise you should go to rest first, the most important thing is to take good care of your body, you can take your time with work. "

"Okay, thank you." Lin Shengsheng nodded with a smile.

After greeting them, Lin Shengsheng left.

Because Lin Mengmeng's medicine has not been found yet, she has not rested for a long time.

Closing eyes every day is a matter of the child's illness, and falling asleep is also a nightmare.

Chen Junkai saw that she was under too much pressure, and after persuading her left and right, he finally sent the child to the Children's Paradise, saying that letting the child relax and relax would also be good for the illness.

Lin Shengsheng agreed after much deliberation.

She didn't have the mood to relax, so she went to check on the progress of the research project, but she didn't expect that not only would it not help, but it would actually be a disservice.

Her face was indeed not very good-looking.

Walking aimlessly on the road, I walked to the kindergarten without knowing it.

Like those parents, sitting on the bench next to him, looking at the carefree little face of the child, felt even more sad.

Lin Mengmeng spotted her with sharp eyes, ran over quickly, and asked her through the fence:

"Mommy, how is your rest?"

He has always been very sensible and well-behaved. He knows that Mommy is too tired to accompany him recently, and he also knows how to care about her.

Lin Shengsheng nodded to him with a smile: "Mommy has already rested, you should be careful, don't fall down, and have fun with the children."

"Okay Mommy." Lin Mengmeng nodded in agreement, and ran over to play again.

Lin Shengsheng just sat at the door and waited, Lin Mengmeng had a great time playing inside, until it was getting dark, Lin Shengsheng came to take him away.

It was already late when we got home.

Chen Junkai hasn't come back yet.

Lin Shengsheng took the child upstairs, washed him and put him to sleep, and then went downstairs again.

Lin Shengsheng felt very sorry. Knowing that Chen Junkai was busy with the children's affairs, although he was very anxious, it was not easy to keep urging him.

After all, Chen Junkai has been doing his best to help them.

All she could do was arrange her life a little more properly.

After waiting for a while, Chen Junkai still didn't come back.

Lin Shengsheng was sitting on the sofa feeling uneasy: "Is there news..."

She couldn't help talking to herself.

Just then, the phone rang.

Lin Shengsheng answered the phone without even looking at it: "Senior, how is the situation over there?"

There was deathly silence on the other end of the phone.

Lin Shengsheng thought that the phone signal was not good: "Senior? Can you hear me?"

She said she wanted to take the phone away to see what was going on?
At this time, a deep voice rang on the phone: "Has Mengmeng not started the operation yet?"

Lin Shengsheng was so shocked that she even forgot to respond.

Why would Leng Gongchen call at this time?

"How much do you want him to call you? Or you used to hate the life of living at home the most, have you adapted to it now?

Chen Junkai is the only source of information in your life? "Leng Gongchen's voice was chilly, mocking and exasperated.

"Leng Gongchen!" Lin Shengsheng gritted his teeth, and even his body began to tremble:
"Why do you have the nerve to call and ask this question? Can't wait to accept the fruits of victory from your evil deeds?

Does it matter to you whether Mengmeng has had surgery?Treatment is not easy, what the hell do you want to do! "

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