Lin Shengsheng bit her lip tightly, not letting the tears fall.

"Mengmeng, Mommy is sorry for you, Mommy shouldn't get angry at you..."

"Leng Gongchen, I hate you, I have hated you all my life! I will never forgive you!"

When Chen Junkai came down, Lin Shengsheng had already regained his composure.

As soon as I saw him, I couldn't wait to ask: "How is Mengmeng doing now? Are you still crying?"

"Stop crying, the child is already asleep. He was frightened by your state today, please pay attention next time, I will see your state today..."

Chen Junkai looked at her.

Lin Shengsheng nodded: "I know I reacted too violently and too sensitively."

She got angry when she heard the word snail.

Leng Gongchen hurt the child, which has already touched her bottom line.

She can't bear it!
"I know what you think in your heart, and I know you can't help it, but don't dwell on the past, it's over now.

And the situation has already happened, you have to face it, you have to step out and look forward. "Chen Junkai advised her.

Lin Shengsheng nodded: "Senior, you are right, I can't be obsessed with the past and keep suffering.

The most important thing now is to treat the child, and I will work hard to complete the project I promised the teacher. As for other things, I will not think about it anymore. "

"You have to do what you say." Chen Junkai looked at her and found that she was frowning all the time: "Are you still looking for that Dr. Peter?"

"Yes." Lin Shengsheng sighed: "The doctor said that only that doctor's operation is the best, and can minimize the risk.

However, that doctor has retired, and even if he has money, he may not be able to hire him. "

"I've already asked the doctor about Mengmeng's situation." Chen Junkai nodded and said.

Lin Shengsheng was a little moved.

Chen Junkai has no blood relationship with the child, so he can do this.

What about Leng Gongchen!

What did he do as the child's biological father?Harm the child to the point where it is today!
Lin Shengsheng sighed: "It is said that the expert is very difficult to find, and I don't know what to do, the doctor said it's okay not to operate for a month or two.

But it's not a problem to keep procrastinating, and the longer it takes, the more dangerous it will be.Senior, I really don't know what to do. "

Chen Junkai enjoyed watching her rely on his expression: "Let me help you solve it."

"What?" Lin Shengsheng couldn't believe her ears: "Senior, do you mean that you can hire Dr. Peter?"

"I'm not sure, but I will try my best. I knew a friend who was a graduate student of Dr. Peter.

I have studied with him for a long time, so I may be able to use this relationship. No matter whether it succeeds or not, we must try, right? "Chen Junkai said softly.

"Let me go with you. For the sake of a mother's begging, maybe he will agree?" Lin Shengsheng hugged Chen Junkai's arm subconsciously.

Chen Junkai shook his head: "You may only arouse the other party's resentment if you come to the door so suddenly.

You actually believe my words, then let me do it, and I will try my best to invite him out of the mountain.

Even if I beg him on my knees, I am willing to do it, as long as he can save Mengmeng.

Shengsheng, whether you accept me or not, Mengmeng is already my child in my heart. I love you sincerely and treat him sincerely. "

"I know, thank you." Lin Shengsheng lowered her head, moved and guilty: "I don't even know how to thank you, I have troubled you many times."

"You don't have to be so polite with me!" Chen Junkai's expression was soft and sincere, and the love in his eyes was undisguised.

Lin Shengsheng was very moved by him, but she didn't have the slightest emotion. She deliberately looked elsewhere to avoid his gaze.

"You can do this, his biological father..."

Lin Shengsheng suddenly stopped at this point.

Why did you mention this man without warning?
In fact, she also knew in her heart that she really cared about that man and what happened this time. This hurdle was very difficult to overcome.

"That's all in the past, don't mention him in the future." Chen Junkai said domineeringly: "I and him have never been different!"

So he has a way to get Lin Shengsheng, but Leng Gongchen can only be wronged, and then die alone.

Lin Shengsheng lowered her head, she didn't see the ferocity flashing across his face at all.


Hard work pays off, and Chen Junkai did what he said.

After two days, he came back to look for Lin Shengsheng with a happy face: "I have some good news for you.

That friend sent me a message that Dr. Peter agreed to have dinner with my friend.

When the time comes, I will go over, prepare gifts, and take the opportunity to tell him about Mengmeng's operation. "

"Really?" Lin Shengsheng's eyes lit up all of a sudden.

She looked very haggard, unable to rest at all because of the child's illness, and her face was covered with thick dark circles.

In the past few days, she has aged a lot.

"But even if he agrees to eat...he might not agree..." Lin Shengsheng lowered her head and was a little bit at a loss for words:

"Also, you must have paid a lot for being able to persuade that friend of yours!"

"It's nothing, I just gave him a project." Chen Junkai said in a relaxed tone.

Listening to his relaxed tone, Lin Shengsheng knew that he said that on purpose.

She felt even more guilty and moved: "Senior, thank you so much, it's not because of me that I let you..."

"You don't need to say these things to me." Chen Junkai interrupted her directly:

"I have to prepare first, and I have to sort out the situation on Mengmeng's side in detail, so as not to get stuck in time."

"Thank you for your hard work." Lin Shengsheng looked at his back as he turned and left.

She felt that the senior was a little unhappy, but she was really in no mood to think about anything else.

The next day.

Lin Shengsheng originally wanted to send Chen Junkai to the hotel.

Unexpectedly, all the seniors and girls who were doing research came over.

Afraid of wasting time, Lin Shengsheng bid farewell to Chen Junkai and left alone.

"Did something happen?" Lin Shengsheng asked them.

Those people looked at each other.

Lin Shengsheng was not in a good mood, anyone could see it, but this matter had to be resolved.

Finally someone couldn't help but speak:

"Senior sister, we actually don't want to come to you, but there is really no other way. If the funds from Leng's Group are not in place, the research will have to stop now."

"That's right, junior." Another person echoed: "We all know the situation, and research is expensive, and without financial support, it will be difficult to persevere.

And if the project stops again, the work done in the early stage will be in vain. "

"What are you talking about?" Lin Shengsheng was stunned for a moment: "Has the money not arrived yet?"

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