"If you want to play more, you can deduct one hour of your weekend." Lin Shengsheng was relentless.

"Mommy!" Lin Mengmeng hugged her and acted like a baby.

"It's useless for you to act like a baby. The things that have been agreed cannot be changed. If you ask for mercy, you can cancel them immediately." Lin Shengsheng said seriously.

"That's fine." Lin Mengmeng had no choice but to agree sullenly: "Then I'll tidy up, Mommy, you go down first."

"Hurry up, the rice is already cooked." Lin Shengsheng agreed.

After Lin Shengsheng went downstairs, Lin Mengmeng immediately locked the door, opened the desk drawer, and took out a password diary.

There is a group photo in the diary, which is a rare photo of their family at that wedding.

Lin Mengmeng has always cherished this photo.

However, when grandpa and grandma came over just now, grandpa and grandma said they didn't want him anymore.

Tears rolled down his face, but he quickly wiped them away.

Then he took out the scissors, cut out the photo of himself and Mommy in the photo, and threw all the rest of the photos into the trash can.

Put the rest of the photo of yourself and Mommy back into the diary, and then lock it.

"Mengmeng, why is it so slow, are you playing games again!"

There was the sound of a doorknob being turned.

"I'm changing clothes!" Lin Mengmeng lied in a hurry.

Then he quickly changed his clothes, washed his face, and went downstairs.

As soon as I sat at the dining table, I saw the pot of snails with all kinds of color and fragrance.

His mouth was drooling.

"It looks delicious." Lin Mengmeng couldn't wait to pick up one: "Uncle Chen, you are so kind, thank you."

"How do you know that Mommy didn't buy this for you?" Lin Shengsheng looked at her son speechlessly.

"Mum, why would you buy me this kind of thing? You always think that eating this kind of thing is not good for your health, so you will never buy it for me."

Lin Mengmeng said it as a matter of course.

"Little sycophant." Lin Shengsheng couldn't help laughing.

"Eat more if you like it." Chen Junkai said with a smile.

"You can't eat too much." Lin Shengsheng objected.

Lin Mengmeng ate another one: "Uncle Chen is right, I am not young now, I should have my own opinions, Mommy, you can't always control me."

"Your little mouth is getting stronger and stronger." Lin Shengsheng nodded his forehead.

"Come on, eat uncle's portion." Chen Junkai picked up a spoon and gave him a large spoonful.

"Thank you, Uncle Chen!" Lin Mengmeng hurriedly protected his bowl.

"Look at how greedy you are!" Lin Shengsheng couldn't help but cursed with a smile.

The atmosphere at the table was unexpectedly harmonious.

Not long after lunch, Lin Shengsheng received a call.

It was the nanny at home.

"What's the matter?" Chen Junkai didn't seem very well when he saw her.

"The nanny has something to do at home. She won't be able to come this week. She called me to ask for leave." Lin Shengsheng said with a frown.

"Please take so long, do you know what's going on at their house?" Chen Junkai asked.

"It's their child who is sick, said to have a severe headache, and is currently living in the hospital.

I don't know what the problem is. She cried on the phone just now, maybe the situation is not very good. "

Lin Shengsheng explained.

Chen Junkai shook his head: "The nanny's health has always been very good, and their children haven't gotten sick once in a few years, so it wouldn't be like this for both children to get sick, right?"

Lin Shengsheng didn't understand this either.

But the nanny has always been a strong and optimistic person, and the crying just now was really miserable, so she didn't doubt the authenticity of this matter at all.

"Maybe it's because I'm usually too healthy, so every illness is a serious illness, just like the rumors outside."

Shaking his head emotionally, Lin Shengsheng continued, "I will go to the hospital to see them later."

"I'll go with you." Chen Junkai suggested.

The two quickly changed their clothes, got into the car, and prepared to go to the hospital.

Chen Junkai said while driving: "You can stay at home with the children this weekend, don't go out to work.

I am not at ease finding a temporary worker in such a short period of time. It is better for you to take care of the children at home. "

Lin Shengsheng actually thought the same in his heart, but he hadn't brought it up yet. He didn't expect that there was so much tacit understanding between them.

"Can you do it alone?" Lin Shengsheng asked worriedly.

"Of course it's possible, it's just that time is a little tight." Chen Junkai smiled indifferently:
"When I was in China, weren't you busy abroad alone?"

"Exactly." Lin Shengsheng nodded.

Less than half an hour later, the two people's car stopped at the entrance of the hospital.

After entering the ward of the hospital, I saw two children lying side by side on the bed with drips in their hands. There was no trace of blood on their faces, but they were already asleep.

Did not see the serious situation that the nanny said.

Seeing that Lin Shengsheng and Chen Junkai came here on purpose, the nanny was moved to tears.

Three people walked into the hallway.

"Have you found out the specific situation?" Lin Shengsheng asked.

The nanny shook her head and wiped away the tears on her face:
"I don't know anything yet, and I can't find any problems. The doctor said that it is very difficult to check the problems in the mind."

"Are you talking about the brain?" Lin Shengsheng was a little puzzled.

How could such a question appear in my mind for no reason: "Did the child fall recently?"

"How could it be? It's impossible for two children to fall together. My husband is on the way back now, and it will take another day."

The nanny said a little annoyed: "The boss said a few days ago that his brain hurts, I thought he was naughty and didn't want to go to school, so I didn't believe him.

Unexpectedly, the second child also complained of a headache today, and then both children fell to the ground in pain. I quickly called an ambulance and arrived at the hospital.

Ma'am, you don't know how terrible it is. The two children were lying on the ground and rolling desperately, their faces were distorted in pain. It frightened me, foaming at the mouth, screaming crazily...

I'm going crazy, what should I do if something happens to my child?Our whole life is for children.

I did all this for the sake of the children, and went abroad to suffer such hardships for the sake of the children, but I never thought that such a thing would happen to the children..."

Every mother will not be able to bear this situation when encountering a child, and cannot bear it.

As a mother, Lin Shengsheng understands the nanny's current mood very well:
"It should be fine. Medicine is very advanced now, and it will be checked out soon. I think the child's condition has stabilized."

The nanny wiped away her tears: "Ma'am, thank you and sir for taking time out of your busy schedules to come here. Mengmeng is at home alone, you should go back quickly."

She has always been a very strong woman, knowing that crying can't solve the problem, so she continued to dry her tears after crying, and life must continue.

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