Lin Shengsheng even thought that it would be great if Leng Gongchen hadn't proposed this funding project at the beginning.

Originally, she and the teacher had already discussed it, and only investigated the ruins abroad, which would not cost much money, and the teacher didn't have much time.

But after Leng Gongchen gave such an idea, the teacher was full of expectations.

Lin Shengsheng really couldn't refuse the teacher.

But everything is ready, the arrow is ready, and Leng Gongchen is here again.

If you give up halfway at this time and don't want those funds, the teacher will be very disappointed and sad, and will lose face in front of those students.

"When will you transfer the money to me?" Lin Shengsheng asked the man in front of him.

Leng Gongchen led her to dance unhurriedly: "Don't worry, the banquet is just beginning, what are you in a hurry for?"

"That's why I came to the banquet." Lin Shengsheng said coldly.

"Don't mention this topic to me again until the banquet is over, otherwise I will be in a bad mood, and you know what happens when I am in a bad mood."

Leng Gongchen stared at her: "You'd better not try to challenge my bottom line, I'm not very patient.

In the past, my patience with you was good enough, but now you no longer have that place in my heart, you better be a little bit more measured. "

Lin Shengsheng panicked in her heart, closed her mouth, and did not speak again.

Leng Gongchen's participation in this banquet was just a name, and the actual investor was named Lin Shengsheng.

But everyone knew that Lin Shengsheng would not be able to spend such a large amount of money.

Therefore, most people think that it is Leng Gongchen who made the capital contribution, and the relationship between the two is even more unclear.

"Investors are invited, and Ms. Lin Shengsheng will speak on stage."

the host said.

There was a burst of warm applause from the audience.

"First of all, I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to come to this banquet. I believe that those who can participate in this banquet are all patriots.

The main purpose of our event is to make everyone understand the importance of cultural protection, cultural protection is for our entire country and the entire nation..."

Although Lin Shengsheng didn't have any drafts, she still played very well, explaining the meaning of this activity very clearly, as well as her highest expectations for this project.

During the whole process, she was smiling and generous, without the slightest embarrassment.

"Okay, if you have any questions, you can ask me anytime." Lin Shengsheng said with a smile.

Those who asked questions were those reporters, who had been waiting by the side for a long time.

The subsequent questions were all about scientific research projects for the protection of ruins. Lin Shengsheng answered very carefully, almost fluently.

She is already very proficient in these, and there is nothing difficult about it.

But later, a young girl asked, "Miss Lin Shengsheng, can you tell everything in this interview?"

She obviously just joined the work not long ago, and she has the demeanor of a newborn calf, asking questions completely recklessly.

"That depends on what question you ask." Lin Shengsheng smiled.

"Then what question is Ms. Lin unable to answer? Or what is Ms. Lin's bottom line?" asked the female reporter.

"That depends on the situation. If you really care about this matter, we can communicate in private.

Most of the people here are here for the protection of the ruins, so I still don't want you to bring up other topics at this time. "

Lin Shengsheng had a polite smile on his face: "If you have nothing else to ask, you can submit the authority to ask questions to other people."

She still spoke very politely, without the slightest impatience, nor did she show any displeasure.

But the inside and outside of the words have already shown that this female reporter is already very out of control, as a reporter, she should not ask such questions.

The female reporter didn't back down because of this: "I'm sorry, Ms. Lin, I have too many opening remarks, so I'll start asking questions.

I would like to ask now, are you officially married to Mr. Leng Gongchen?Do you have a marriage certificate?If you really get it, do you belong to a hidden marriage?
If there is no collar, then what is the relationship between you now?As we all know, you guys had a big wedding before.

There was a lot of noise at the time, but it didn't end up being very happy, so I wonder what your real relationship is like now? "

When such a question was thrown out, the whole scene suddenly became chaotic, and the security guards couldn't maintain it at all.

During this period of time, the outside world has speculated about their relationship, and there are all kinds of topics.

However, none of them have sufficient evidence.

"Sorry, I can't answer your question." Lin Shengsheng looked a little cold.

She was very embarrassed, but she still tried to support her expression.

She pretended to be calm and looked at the audience, but her eyes involuntarily glanced at Leng Gongchen.

She didn't know why, but she expected him to say a few words for herself.

But as soon as he met his eyes, Leng Gongchen turned his eyes away.

Lin Shengsheng's heart was completely cold, but her back straightened even more.

At this time, because of the female reporter's question, the other reporters became more courageous.

Another female reporter stood up and asked:

"Miss Lin Shengsheng, I want to ask, what do you think about joining a wealthy family? Do you think it's luck? Or do you have the ability?"

"Miss Lin, I want to interview. After Mr. Leng Gongchen has you, will he have other women? Is your current relationship stable?"

The reporters stood up one by one, and all the questions were thrown at Lin Shengsheng, all of which revolved around the things between the two of them.

"May I ask that Miss Lin and the mistress of the Leng family once had an unpleasant fight. Is it true? It is said that mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are natural enemies, and the rich are no exception?"

"Miss Lin, can you explain?"

"I heard rumors that you are the man who robbed your best friend Fang Lingyue, and the child is your bargaining chip for marrying Leng Gongchen.

There was news of another wedding before, but there has been no movement so far. Does it mean that your relationship is in crisis? "

"May I ask if you and your child's status in the Leng family has been recognized by the mistress of the Leng family?"

When Lin Shengsheng was asked by them, her mind went blank. She stood there barely, looking at Leng Gongchen not far away.

Leng Gongchen sat there like a normal person, without saying a word, as if everything had nothing to do with him, he was like a real outsider.

At this moment, a middle-aged woman dressed luxuriously walked in. She was dressed dignifiedly, with the air of a lady from a famous family...

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