Lin Shengsheng didn't have any expression on her face: "It's okay, we've already agreed, let's go."

"I don't want to use this phone number anymore, please help me get a new one." She bent down and picked up the phone on the ground, and handed it to Chen Junkai.

"What happened?" Chen Junkai was confused.

"It's nothing, I just don't like this number." Lin Shengsheng didn't explain in detail.

"Okay, I'll change it for you later." Chen Junkai said and went to the counter with his mobile phone.

When handing over the phone, he pointed at the other party, stretched out his hand and gestured with five characters, and took out a black card from his pocket and put it on the table.

The salesperson put it away with a smile.


At this time in China, Leng Gongchen had already packed all his things, took a last look at his homeland, and boarded the plane.


On the other side, Chen Junkai took Lin Shengsheng into the car and went back.

Lin Shengsheng didn't want her emotions to be too obvious, so she forced a smile and chatted with Chen Junkai.

Chen Junkai pretended not to notice anything.

"The topic has been opened now, Shengsheng, why don't we go on a field trip tomorrow? It will be easier to carry out research." He suggested.

"Okay." Lin Shengsheng agreed.

Chen Junkai went on to say: "Actually, the teacher also wanted to go. But I dissuaded him, because his health is not very good now, and walking is very difficult.

If he goes, it may be the worst for his physical condition, so I persuaded him to let him rest at home.

When we go to study, just take some photos and videos for him, so that he has a feeling of being there in person. "

"Okay, just do as you say." Lin Shengsheng was a little uninterested.

"In addition, we have been working for several years, and these subjects have not been studied for a long time, and they have been released, and I am afraid they are already unfamiliar.

After we go back today, let's take a good look at the previous books and review them. We can study together. If there is anything we don't understand, just discuss it with each other. "

"Okay." Lin Shengsheng replied very concisely.

Chen Junkai was silent for a moment and said:

"Shengsheng, why don't you have any opinions at all? Something seems wrong with you. Why do you talk so little? Are you unhappy?"

Lin Shengsheng stared out the window in a daze, and didn't answer at all.

After a while, it seemed that his brain had come to his senses, and he turned to look at him again, as if remembering what he said just now, and explained in embarrassment:
"I just don't feel well."

"Then let's not go back, I'll take you to the hospital for a look." Chen Junkai was anxious.

"No need, maybe I caught a cold while sleeping last night, it's okay." Lin Shengsheng shook his head.

"You are so old, how can you still kick the quilt?" Chen Junkai laughed.

"How come?" Lin Shengsheng frowned.

"I thought it was true, but you're going to kill me from laughing..." Chen Junkai laughed.

Lin Shengsheng couldn't think of any other reason.

The atmosphere seemed to be more embarrassing than before, the faces of both of them were not very good-looking, and Chen Junkai couldn't pretend to be happy anymore.

"Shengsheng." Chen Junkai suddenly called out.

Lin Shengsheng looked up at him: "What?"

"Are you still thinking about Leng Gongchen?" He asked:

"If you don't want to stay and study the subject, but want to go back to be with him, then I can send you back.

In fact, I can complete the teacher's subject by myself, but the speed is a little slower, but it doesn't matter, the teacher is not so anxious.

I was too selfish to bring you here this time. I was too anxious after hearing the news that the teacher had cancer.

So I brought you here without your consent. I am deeply sorry for this matter. I was too selfish and did not consider your thoughts. Let me send you back, Shengsheng. "

"I'm not going back." Lin Shengsheng refused bluntly.

The moment before the phone call, she actually wanted to go back, she wanted to go back urgently.

She desperately wanted to see Leng Gongchen, explain to him what she had experienced, and tell him that she did not escape.

But now she doesn't want to see that man at all, she just wants to escape everything, never want to think about those things in the past, and don't want to see those embarrassing things.

Chen Junkai looked at her suspiciously: "Why are you so excited?"

"I think you did the right thing, senior. If I knew the teacher's physical condition, I would come to help without hesitation.

It's just that you should have told me directly at the time that I wouldn't stop coming, there was no need to treat me like that. "Lin Shengsheng explained lightly.

What she meant was that she could tell Leng Gongchen before leaving, if she had said so, maybe Leng Gongchen would not talk to other women...

But the voice on the phone kept echoing in her ears, was it because Chen Junkai took her out of the country secretly this time, did she see clearly the essence of Leng Gongchen?

Maybe he wasn't an affectionate man in the first place, but he just showed deep affection in front of her.

Maybe it's because the golden house hides the beauty in the past...

Lin Shengsheng almost didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Chen Junkai comforted her gently: "There is no need to mention those things. Do you remember that when we wrote our graduation thesis, we were with Teacher Tom at that time.

At that time we were so high-spirited, why have you become like this now?You are depressed before the project has started, and it is difficult to complete the project without morale! "

Lin Shengsheng glanced at Chen Junkai, then laughed, and the two of them seemed to have returned to their original way of getting along.

"That's not my fault, it's you, the leader, if you want to blame it." Lin Shengsheng said playfully.

"It looks like I have to take the blame for it." Chen Junkai also smiled very refreshingly.

After that, they seemed to have returned to the original way of getting along. The two were talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

But in fact, they all have their own thoughts, but Chen Junkai knows Lin Shengsheng's thoughts, but Lin Shengsheng doesn't know Chen Junkai's thoughts.

It was getting dark soon.

Chen Junkai was pouring a glass of red wine on the balcony, raising his glass to invite Mingyue, feeling uncomfortable.

He wore a bluetooth headset on his ear, with a slight smile on his face, as if he heard some wonderful voice:
"who is it?"

"I don't know who called... Maybe it was a harassing phone call, it interrupted us, it's really annoying... Gong Chen, don't be like this... why are you so bad..."

The content of the call that Lin Shengsheng made on the phone was actually completely displayed in his ears.

He took another sip of the red wine, the taste of this wine is really sweet, Chen Junkai's face is full of enjoyment, this line is really perfect!

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