"Yes!" Gu Chenyang responded very simply.

"Your efficiency is really high." Lin Shengsheng boasted.

"Of course." Gu Chenyang was triumphant.

"Aren't my things brought here?" Lin Shengsheng looked at him.

"You don't have to discard the unimportant things. If I have anything important, I'll go back and get it later." Gu Chenyang said lightly.

"I usually don't have anything important." Lin Shengsheng shook his head.

She had nothing to miss, so she took the key from Gu Chenyang: "Go back, don't drive so fast, be careful."

I'm about to go in.

"I sent you here from such a long distance, but you don't invite me in for a cup of tea?" Gu Chenyang looked at her pitifully.

"It's getting late, aren't you going back?" Lin Shengsheng watched as the sky was getting dark.

"When I was abroad, didn't I stay at your house all night? Besides, it was raining outside." Gu Chenyang pointed to the sky.

Lin Shengsheng raised her head: "It's really raining, so come in quickly."

Two people entered the house.

Lin Shengsheng turned on the TV, boiled some water with a kettle, and planned to make some tea.

The TV is broadcasting the follow-up to the news this morning.

The suspect committed another crime and was injured.

Lin Shengsheng thought of Gu Chenyang's motorcycle, subconsciously looked at him, and suddenly found a wound on his forehead.

The wound was three to four centimeters in length, and no treatment was done.

Like a fresh wound?

Her phone vibrated suddenly.

"Are you home? Remember to be safe, it's not peaceful outside now."

She couldn't remember who would send her such a caring message, probably who sent it by mistake and didn't intend to reply.

Then another message came in.

"I'm Leng Gongchen."

Lin Shengsheng's heart skipped a beat, did Leng Gongchen know her new number so quickly?
She deleted those two messages.

"What?" Gu Chenyang leaned over to look.

"It's nothing." Lin Shengsheng put the phone in his pocket: "It's just a spam message."

"Just delete that." Gu Chenyang seemed to believe it.

"Why did you hurt your forehead?" Lin Shengsheng asked strangely.

"Don't mention it." Gu Chenyang's face became gloomy for a moment.

Lin Shengsheng looked at him with fear in his heart. This expression...was really scary, like the expression of a murderer...

Especially in his eyes, there seemed to be a bloodthirsty killing intent, it was really scary, thinking of what was on the news just now, Lin Shengsheng's mind went blank.

After waking up after a while, it can't be Gu Chenyang, they have been together for so long, doesn't she know what kind of person Gu Chenyang is?

Although she didn't know him very well, he had been helping her for so long and never hurt her at all.

It's just that there is a motorcycle of the same model, which happens to be injured on the forehead.

Gu Chenyang withdrew his ferocious expression just now, and found that Lin Shengsheng was not unusual, and was still staring at the TV.

He suddenly said, "Do you want to watch the sunrise together?"

"Now?" Lin Shengsheng was puzzled, "Isn't it just getting dark?"

"Don't you know that people who watch the sunrise stay up all night before welcoming the sunrise?" Gu Chenyang showed a ruffian smile.

"Then you can ask Yuanyuan to go with you." Lin Shengsheng didn't want to do such ambiguous things with him.

"You really can't see it or you can't see it." Gu Chenyang sighed: "How can Yuanyuan have me in her heart? My heart hurts when I mention her.

No matter what we say, we are old friends, so you can take pity on me, and accompany me to see it, and I will thank you. "

"But it's raining outside." Lin Shengsheng was vaguely worried.

Gu Chenyang still insisted: "When it rains, it will rain. This little rain is nothing. It will stop after a while, and the sunrise after the rain will be beautiful.

If I found you a new house, why don't you pity me? "

Gu Chenyang made a pitiful look.

"That's fine." Lin Shengsheng couldn't bear to refuse.

After getting on the motorcycle, Lin Shengsheng felt a little cold. This place was unfamiliar, so she didn't feel pretentious at all, and hugged his waist.

At this time the phone rang suddenly.

Lin Shengsheng glanced at the number that Leng Gongchen sent her a message just now.

She hung up immediately.

Immediately afterwards, Leng Gongchen sent a message: "Did you go home?"

Lin Shengsheng hesitated for a moment, and sent the photo of the red motorcycle that she just took, and she didn't know why.

"Lin Shengsheng, where are you! Answer me right now!"

Lin Shengsheng raised his head suddenly, Gu Chenyang had stopped the car at some point, he snatched the phone from Lin Shengsheng's hand, and pressed the off button.

"You came out with me to watch the sunrise. Don't be distracted chatting with others. I hate playing with mobile phones when others are with me."

"How far is it?" Lin Shengsheng turned pale.

Gu Chenyang took off his coat and wrapped it around her: "Do you feel a little cold, you won't be cold if you put it on."

Lin Shengsheng suddenly saw a few drops of blood splashed on his white shirt.


She froze there and subconsciously said, "Thank you."

The hands hidden in the clothes were shaking.

What kind of person is Gu Chenyang?Lin Shengsheng suddenly felt as if he had never really known him before.

Is he really the murderer in the dismemberment case?
Lin Shengsheng didn't dare to think about it any further, she was afraid that she might show some clues.

Gu Chenyang put her mobile phone into his pocket and started the car again.

It didn't mean to answer Lin Shengsheng's question at all.

Unknowingly, I came to a mountain road. The road here is rugged, and the motorcycle is also bumpy when driving on it.

The rain seemed to be heavier, and Lin Shengsheng felt a little colder.

"Otherwise, let's go back, the rain seems to be getting heavier and heavier." Lin Shengsheng suddenly suggested.

Gu Chenyang was just silent and didn't speak.

Lin Shengsheng felt uneasy: "Gu Chenyang, why don't you speak?"

Gu Chenyang still didn't say a word.

Lin Shengsheng felt even more anxious, but he couldn't escape.

After an unknown amount of time, Gu Chenyang suddenly said sullenly, "Lin Shengsheng, tell me, is there true love in this world?"

"What did you say?" Lin Shengsheng didn't know what he meant by asking this question.

"Have you read the novel?" Gu Chenyang explained: "You said that in the novel, a male supporting role who loves the heroine without asking for anything in return, does it really exist in this world?
No matter how you accompany him, the male supporting role can't compare to the heroine's first love, no matter how long it takes, can't he? "

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?" Lin Shengsheng was a little surprised.

"Nothing, just asking casually." Gu Chenyang replied.

"Actually, this thing is not certain. Although the first love is unforgettable, it can't compare with the day-to-day life." Lin Shengsheng thought for a while and said.

"Why do you say that?" Gu Chenyang asked.

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