However, he didn't continue to move her, and the two of them sat side by side in the water. After an unknown amount of time, Leng Yuanyuan suddenly said:
"Gu Chenyang."

"What?" Gu Chenyang thought she was going to keep silent until the end, but she was willing to speak, and looked at her sideways with a smile.

Leng Yuanyuan suddenly didn't dare to look at him directly, she lowered her head as if she was a little shy: "I think... I don't think you are so annoying..."

"Is it because I beat Chen Junkai for you just now?" Gu Chenyang raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"It's not because of this." Leng Yuanyuan denied.

Presumably there is some reason for this as well, but it's not the deciding factor.

"I don't know what to say... It's just that I don't hate you that much anymore."

She herself didn't know why she said that, and she felt a little embarrassed to say it now, and felt ashamed to raise her head in front of him.

"Is that all?" Gu Chenyang asked her with a smile.

"Otherwise?" Leng Yuanyuan glared at him: "You will always spoil the atmosphere, can you listen to me carefully?"

"Yes." Gu Chenyang had a cute face.

Leng Yuanyuan squinted at him again: "I don't know why I have such an idea, and I don't know if it's right to think so?

Now that you are joining forces with my second uncle to deal with my brother, I don't think you hate me at this moment?
I even helped you steal my brother's things secretly, I... I sometimes feel that I am really not authentic.

I even remind myself all the time that you are a very uncertain risk factor, so I want to treat you indifferently.

But I don't know why, as long as I'm with you, you can directly annoy me with just a few words, and I pretended to be indifferent before, it seemed completely useless..."

She paused here: "Incoherent... I don't know what I'm talking about..."

After she said these words, she seemed to feel a little better.

She actually knew that what she did was wrong. She betrayed her brother who loved her since she was a child.

But her elder brother didn't help her, and even her parents didn't help her. She was filled with anger, and she would die sooner or later.

In fact, she wanted to die a long time ago, but she was too unwilling to die in vain, while the person who made her unhappy lived so happily.

She doesn't want to live for anyone anymore, she wants to live for herself.

Gu Chenyang saw her loss and hugged her.

Leng Yuanyuan raised her head in confusion, and was about to ask him what he was doing.

Gu Chenyang made a silent gesture, then suddenly lowered his head and sealed her lips.

This kiss seemed to comfort her, but also seemed to give her support...

Leng Yuanyuan closed her eyes, feeling that she was enjoying herself for the first time...

More than three in the morning.

Lin Shengsheng was shaken awake by her son in her sleep.

"Meng Meng, what's the matter? Do you want to urinate?" Lin Shengsheng rubbed his eyes in confusion, and gradually regained consciousness.

"No." Lin Mengmeng shook his head.

"What's that for?" Lin Shengsheng touched his forehead: "It doesn't seem like he has a fever, is it uncomfortable?"

Lin Shengsheng turned off the night light and turned on the headlight.

Lin Mengmeng sat on the bed and didn't speak for a while, but seemed to have something to say.

"You can tell Mommy what you want to say." Lin Shengsheng patted his son's little head.

"Mummy, I want to go back to Daddy's house with you." Lin Mengmeng finally spoke.

Lin Shengsheng was taken aback, wondering why Mengmeng would suddenly make such a request?
This child is very sensible, even though he was very eager to go back and live with Leng Gongchen, but because of taking care of her emotions, he never made such a request in front of her.

Is it because I felt the family affection when I went back today, so I have this idea?
Lin Shengsheng felt ashamed of his child.

For children in ordinary families, they don't even feel how important it is to stay together as a family.

Because they've been like this from birth, they assume that a family is meant to be together.

But for Mengmeng, this matter has become a luxury.

"Why did you suddenly make such a request?" Lin Shengsheng asked him.

Lin Mengmeng lowered her head and remained silent.

"Mummy told you that we are indeed going to move, but we are not living with your daddy. I told you before that there is no possibility for me and your daddy to be together."

Lin Shengsheng sighed as he spoke.

Lin Mengmeng still beat his head and did not speak.

Lin Shengsheng thought for a while and continued:

"If you really want to live with your fact, Mommy can take a step can give your custody to your daddy, so that you can live with your daddy."

Although she was sad, she still said it.

Living with Leng Gongchen, the child will enjoy the most favorable family conditions, and can also go to the best school, and his vision is much higher than following her.

Material is the foundation of everything, this is a fact she has to admit.

She knew that it was too selfish for her to occupy her son. If she hadn't insisted on taking the child with her when she left, the child would probably have adapted to life without her by now, right?
"I don't." Lin Mengmeng shook his head immediately: "I'll go wherever Mummy is, and I don't want to follow Daddy."

He said and threw himself into her arms.

Lin Shengsheng hugged him, feeling both warm and sad.

"By the way, Mommy, let me tell you something." Lin Mengmeng suddenly remembered what happened during the day: "Auntie came here today."

"Your aunt came to see your godfather?" Lin Shengsheng was a little surprised.

She really didn't know that Leng Yuanyuan had been here.

Lin Mengmeng nodded: "The two of them started arguing for some reason, it was very fierce, but I am far away, so I don't know why they are arguing.

Later, the two of them started kissing mouth to mouth, and then began to tear their clothes, which were almost taken off. "

Lin Mengmeng's face turned red as she spoke.

Although he didn't understand what they were doing, he knew it must be something bad, and he would be ashamed when he saw it.

"What did you see?" Lin Shengsheng frowned tightly.

The child is still at home, how can the two of them do this?

And it's still at her place!

This made her a little angry!
"It was when all the clothes hadn't been taken off, my aunt was very angry and seemed unwilling." Lin Mengmeng went on to say:
"Just when Daddy came, she hid behind the curtain, and I don't know what she was afraid of.

Then she found me and wanted to carry me back upstairs, so I ran away in a hurry before I could see Daddy. "

"Why is your aunt upset? Isn't she and Gu Chenyang very affectionate?"

Lin Shengsheng couldn't figure it out, and Mengmeng couldn't answer her.

She frowned and thought carefully, could it be that Leng Yuanyuan is still in love with Chen Junkai?

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