After arriving home, Lin Shengsheng immediately went upstairs to take a shower and change into her pajamas, but because of what happened tonight, she couldn't fall asleep because of tossing and turning.

This reminded her of the bad encounter a few years ago, and she couldn't help but shed tears again.

Sometimes it's really confusing...

In the living room downstairs, Gu Chenyang looked at Leng Yuanyuan.

Leng Yuanyuan looked extremely fierce.

Gu Chenyang asked her to come here on purpose. He planned for a long time, and everything went according to his plan.

"How long have you been guarding the door?" Gu Chenyang asked slowly.

Leng Yuanyuan was extremely angry: "You really took Lin Shengsheng away!"

"Yes, isn't the truth all in front of you?" Gu Chenyang spread his hands indifferently.

He doesn't like to talk nonsense.

"Gu Chenyang, what on earth do you mean? What do you want to do! You went to that masked ball, why did you bring that woman there!" Leng Yuanyuan was extremely angry.

Over the past year, she has spent countless money and manpower looking for Lin Shengsheng.

She was really afraid that Lin Shengsheng would suddenly take the child back to find her brother, and she was afraid that all her revenge would turn into bubbles.

She absolutely cannot let this happen.

She herself is not happy, Lin Shengsheng will be with him for the rest of her life!

"Don't you know that my brother also went to participate!" Leng Yuanyuan roared angrily.

"I just took her there because I knew your brother was there." Gu Chenyang still took his time.

"You!" Leng Yuanyuan rushed over and wanted to hit him.

Gu Chenyang grabbed her wrist: "Slow down, she will hear you, what will you do when she comes down?
In her heart, I am your boyfriend, what do you think you should do..."

Gu Chenyang said that he was getting closer.

Whispering softly in her ear, the tone is very ambiguous.

Leng Yuanyuan showed a nauseous expression.

Gu Chenyang saw it clearly, but he still didn't care. However, I was still very uncomfortable.

In fact, a few months ago, Leng Yuanyuan wanted to break up with him.

The reason why Leng Yuanyuan was with him back then, and brought him back to the country, was to let her have someone to rely on when she did bad things, relying on him to help her do bad things.

Ever since Lin Shengsheng was driven away, Leng Yuanyuan no longer needed him, so she proposed to break up.

Gu Chenyang knew that he was just used by her as a revenge tool.

But he won't leave just like that. Since he chose to be with this woman, it's his right to say stop, and this woman can't refuse.

He deliberately released the message that Lin Shengsheng was with him, and Leng Yuanyuan rushed over impatiently.

A few times ago, he wanted to see this woman, but she didn't give him the slightest response.

"Since we were together, have I been responsive to your request? But you have to give something to please me, you know what I mean?"

Gu Chenyang said slowly.

Leng Yuanyuan struggled a bit.

Gu Chenyang hugged her tightly: "Keep quiet now, don't move around, I like your cute appearance."

His hand landed on her collarbone and slid down. He had done this action countless times and was already familiar with it.

He has long been familiar with this disobedient body, and he is very familiar with every place and every sensitive point.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, enjoying the feeling very much.

He heard her suppressed humming.

He opened his eyes and gasped slightly: "You can cry out in a low voice, it's too depressing, it's not good for your health."

But after he spoke, Leng Yuanyuan became quiet.

He pinched her sensitive part punitively, and finally heard the voice he wanted to hear.

He was very satisfied: "You are still the same as before... But I don't know why I like you like this...Maybe I was born to be a bitch..."

On the sofa in the living room, two fiery bodies are intertwined like this, and Leng Yuanyuan is gradually addicted to it...

The next day.

Lin Mengmeng was blindfolded and put into the car, Gu Chenyang said he would give him a surprise.

He was very curious: "Godfather, what is the surprise you gave me?"

Neither Lin Shengsheng nor Gu Chenyang spoke.

His curiosity is even heavier: "Can you stop being so mysterious and just give it to me, I'm so curious!"

"Mengmeng, why are you so impatient now?" Lin Shengsheng looked at him with a funny face.

"I just can't hold my breath, godfather, don't you think so? It was originally given to me by you, why should I hold my breath!" Lin Mengmeng acted like a baby confidently.

Gu Chenyang nodded again and again: "Mengmeng is right, but today is your birthday, we still need to have a sense of ceremony, it will be here in a while, you can hold on for a while."

Lin Shengsheng was very familiar with this road.

This is another place abroad, where grandpa's ashes are buried.

The place where she lives now is not too far from her grandfather.

Gu Chenyang said that the most dangerous place is the safest place, because Lin Shengsheng has never been here since he went abroad because he was afraid of being discovered.

Lin Mengmeng has always said that he wants to pay homage to his great-grandfather, so today, taking advantage of his birthday, he happened to visit the cemetery.

The sky was lightly raining, the surrounding area was foggy, and there were very few people in the cemetery.

Lin Mengmeng was stripped of his blindfold, looked at the tombstone in front of him, and suddenly burst into tears.

Lin Shengsheng also cried, and the tears flowed silently. She hoped that her grandpa would forgive herself, and she had no choice but to not pay homage to him.

After a long time, neither of them cried anymore.

Gu Chenyang lit a candle.

"Mengmeng, hurry up and make your birthday wish!" Gu Chenyang looked at him encouragingly.

Lin Mengmeng closed his eyes and made a wish, then blew out the candle.

The three of them ate cakes together and were very happy, but they didn't notice a tall figure in the distance.

He didn't seem confident that the scene in front of him was real, and he seemed to be still reacting.

The next moment, he rushed over like a madman.

This man is Leng Gongchen!

He saw clearly, it was Lin Shengsheng and Lin Mengmeng!

And that Gu Chenyang who made him dislike him!

Why is he with them?
Leng Gongchen didn't have time to think too much, he ran in the light rain, his shoes were muddy, his hair was wet, he looked very embarrassed.

But he can't control that much.

"Lin Shengsheng!"

Lin Shengsheng just raised her head, and saw a firm embrace.

"Lin Shengsheng, it's really you, I found you!"

Leng Gongchen was as happy as a child.

Lin Mengmeng was also stunned, and then began to cry, tears streaming down her face, but she didn't make a sound, and couldn't bear to destroy the beauty and tacit understanding between the two of them.

It's just that I feel relieved that Daddy finally came to them.

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