"Yuanyuan, if there's nothing else, I'm going to the company." Lin Shengsheng was also afraid.

"I still have something to do." Leng Yuanyuan said coldly.

"Then tell me." Lin Shengsheng could only stop.

"It's just that I haven't seen you for a long time. I want to take a closer look at you. My parents were there yesterday. I haven't looked at you carefully. Have you become more beautiful than before?"

Leng Yuanyuan looked her up and down as she spoke.

Lin Shengsheng subconsciously wanted to back up, but almost fell down.

She quickly stopped her: "Yuanyuan, just stand there, I don't like people getting too close to me."

She felt uneasy and even felt in danger.

"My brother is holding you in the palm of his hand. It seems that you have been doing well recently!"

Leng Yuanyuan reached out and patted her face, showing a sarcastic smile. Does this woman know that her happiness is based on her pain?

After doing so many bad things, how did she fall asleep at night?
"My brother is such a wise and powerful person, how did you trick him around?" Leng Yuanyuan stared at her.

Lin Shengsheng stood there at a loss, she really didn't know what to say.

"Lin Shengsheng, if the two of us roll down here at the same time, my brother can only save one of them, who do you think he will choose!
To save my innocent sister?Or just you vicious woman? "

"Yuanyuan, what do you mean..." Lin Shengsheng stepped back in fear.

"That's what it means!" Leng Yuanyuan said, and suddenly pushed her violently.

Lin Shengsheng only had time to let out a scream before falling back, her face turning pale.

This time it's dead!
That was the only thought in her mind.

But at this critical moment, a hand suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

Leng Yuanyuan laughed and burst into tears: "Are you scared to death by me? Hahaha!"

Lin Shengsheng looked at her in shock, Leng Yuanyuan was completely different from the girl she knew before, so she was not only scary?
Leng Yuanyuan looked at Lin Shengsheng's strange eyes with a look of helplessness, pointed at her nose fiercely, her face was full of hatred.

"Do you know that I can't wait for you to die. If I could, I wouldn't pull you just now. Watching you die makes me feel very comfortable. I can't just let you die like this!
It's cheap for you to die like this!You caused so much pain for me, and let you die like this, didn't you take advantage of it?I want you to experience the pain and sorrow that I have experienced!

Let you know what it means to be heartbroken!Lin Shengsheng, you don't deserve to live a carefree life at all!I will tear off all your masks and disguises, and let everyone see what kind of woman you are! "

Lin Shengsheng's face was livid with anger at her words, and she pushed away her hand pointing at her nose: "Leng Yuanyuan, can you stop doing this!"

"You also know how to be angry?" Leng Yuanyuan smiled triumphantly, but also sadly:
"No, you are showing your feet. You were not like this at the airport yesterday. You even stretched out your hand to please me. Now it's just the two of us.

You finally showed your true colors, you don't need to pretend to be nice to me anymore, right?Lin Shengsheng, I am the only one in this family who knows your true face! "

Lin Shengsheng didn't even eat lunch in order to come back to get this information. If he delays any longer, he really won't be able to eat.

Moreover, these words of Leng Yuanyuan made her inexplicably irritable, and she didn't want to entangle her too much.

"I just want to be myself, whatever you want is up to you."

She took a few steps downstairs, then turned around again.

"Leng Yuanyuan, I sympathize with you for everything you have encountered before, but I hope you will be clearer. What you have suffered has nothing to do with me, and I have not done anything wrong.

I hope you will think carefully about it, and stop being obsessed with it. It is a pity that you ruin your beautiful life like this, even an outsider sees it.You are so young, and you still have a wonderful life waiting for you.

Do you think it's worth it to let yourself live with the hatred of the past?If not for yourself, you should consider your parents' feelings.

They are so old, and their only expectation is that their children will be fine, not seeing you in a crazy state like you are now. "

After she finished speaking, she left without looking back.

She didn't do anything wrong at all, and she thought she was good enough to Leng Yuanyuan, but she didn't appreciate it, and she didn't need to put her hot face on someone else's cold ass.

"Lin Shengsheng!" Leng Yuanyuan gritted her teeth, staring at her leaving back with gloomy eyes.

As soon as her body was cold, a coat was also put on her body.

She turned around and saw Gu Chenyang.

"Why don't you go back to your room, you'll catch a cold standing here in pajamas like this." Gu Chenyang's voice was generous and gentle.

Leng Yuanyuan's face became even uglier, but only for a moment, she smiled: "Are you up?"

"You guys are too noisy." Gu Chenyang shrugged.

"Impossible, I know the sound insulation effect of my house." Leng Yuanyuan directly exposed him.

Gu Chenyang was not angry either, and stopped discussing this topic directly: "Okay, let's go back to the room."

Leng Yuanyuan grabbed his hand: "I hope you can help me!"

"Help you for what?" Gu Chenyang pretended not to know.

"Break Junkai's intelligence!" Leng Yuanyuan said resolutely.

"You mean, you want your ex-husband's company to close down?" Gu Chenyang had investigated Chen Junkai on purpose.

He has also investigated his company. After all, Leng Yuanyuan is his current girlfriend. How could he not investigate his ex-husband's information?

In fact, he had expected that Yuanyuan would make such a request, but he did not expect that she would be so eager.

This further proves that she is a simple person.

"I just want his company to go bankrupt, I want him to beg on the street, the reason why I am like this is because of him, how can I let him live well?

He is no different from Lin Shengsheng!Another two outright sluts! "Leng Yuanyuan's face was full of hatred.

Gu Chenyang raised his eyebrows: "What are you doing now? Are you not happy enough to be with me?"

Leng Yuanyuan looked at him indifferently, and suddenly became a little annoyed: "Anyway, give me a definite answer, will you help me or not!"

"You are my girlfriend, of course I will help you." Gu Chenyang hugged her with great strength in his arms.

Leng Yuanyuan struggled hard: "Let go!"

Gu Chenyang leaned close to her ear with an ambiguous voice: "I want to eat you..."

"I let you let go!" Leng Yuanyuan struggled even harder.

"Is that why you begged me?" Gu Chenyang asked unhurriedly.

Leng Yuanyuan stopped struggling immediately.

Gu Chenyang patted her on the head: "This is good, can I eat you now?"

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