Leng Xudong was furious after hearing his subordinate's report, and went to the workshop angrily.

Those people were still discussing together, he picked up a file box on the side, and threw it heavily on the ground.

Only then did those people notice that he was coming, and they immediately shut their mouths, all of them lowered their heads with fear on their faces.

You must know what they said just now, but Leng Xudong couldn't hear it, but he obviously heard it, otherwise he wouldn't be so angry.

"All of you are very assertive and loyal to Leng Gongchen? Are you still planning to let him come back to take over the company?
speak?Why didn't any of them speak?Didn't you just say that you were very energetic?talk? "

The employees hung their heads and said nothing.

"Since you don't say it, then you all get out, you will be fired after taking this month's salary!"

Leng Xudong yelled at the parents and family members of almost all the employees, and he was still babbling endlessly, which was unbearable.

Finally, a person with a strong temper couldn't help it: "If you fire, you fire, what's the big deal, you think I'm willing to be your subordinate?
When President Leng Gongchen comes back to take over the company, as long as I explain the reason for my dismissal, the president will definitely accept me.

Isn't it all because of you that the company has become what it is now?Our former president couldn't bear to see the company go bankrupt and wanted to pull the company back.

But because of your worthless face, you still don't agree!If you insist on letting the company go bankrupt, is the company so unimportant to you?
What kind of heart do you have?There are thousands of people in the company, do you want everyone to drink Northwest Wind?Have you thought about us?

And salary, why do you only pay me a month's salary?The contract says three months of dismissal and compensation, you have to act according to the contract, otherwise I will sue you at the Labor Bureau!

Don't think that you are a dilapidated president, what's the big deal, I don't have anything anyway, and I'm not afraid of wearing shoes if I'm barefoot, try it and see if I don't kill you! "

The man yelled at Leng Xudong angrily.

Someone took the lead, and the other employees stopped working immediately.

"If you fire him, we won't do it either!"

"Leave now!"

"Anyway, this company won't keep us. This so-called president is replacing personnel, and wants to replace all the people under him with his confidants or newcomers.

He's going to fire us sooner or later, everyone might as well go now!He couldn't find so many people in a short period of time, let's see how he still works! "

"Get out of here, get out!" Leng Xudong was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke.

The dozen or so people who gathered together just now wanted to leave.

The assistant just came at this time, and I haven't understood what happened?
Leng Xudong turned around and yelled at him: "Standing here like a wooden stake, why are you looking at me?
Go and see what else these people have to leave, all of them will be fired for me, don't be an eyesore in front of me! "

The assistant smiled lightly at him: "Mr. Leng, I'm sorry to disappoint you. I'm going to follow the former Mr. Leng. You can live with the body of the company!"

After the assistant finished speaking, he turned around and left without looking back.

However, in one day, 30 to [-] people left the company, and the operation of the company could not work because many positions were understaffed.

Although the recruitment paperwork had been issued, how could it be possible to recruit so many people in such a short period of time?
We can only ask the employees in the company to do more work. In this way, the employees of the company can't bear to work overtime, and the whole workshop is full of complaints.

Leng Xudong has also aged these days, haggard a lot, he is no longer as energetic as before, and his originally dark hair has become gray.

But even though he was suffering so hard, he was unwilling to give up the company he had finally obtained, and would rather linger on like this than sell the company to Leng Gongchen.

In the past few days, Lin Shengsheng was also very distressed.

Because of the sensational marriage proposal, Li Qingzhen and Leng Xuri strongly demanded that Lin Mengmeng go back to live at home.

Lin Shengsheng also knew that this was a reasonable request, she couldn't be separated from her son, and in the end she had no choice but to move in with her.

This is what worries her. It's a bit unreasonable for them to live in Leng's house before they hold a formal wedding.

Even during the marriage proposal, Leng Gongchen's parents showed that they liked her very much, but that might be because there were so many people and so many media were filming, even if they had any dissatisfaction, they couldn't show it.

In fact, they still have a little estrangement in their hearts.

Just moved in, Lin Shengsheng was still very uncomfortable.

But since she has agreed to Leng Gongchen's marriage proposal, she will work hard to be a good daughter-in-law.

Li Qingzhen didn't know why, but always picked on her from time to time, and she didn't know if this mother-in-law did it on purpose.

However, compared to when grandpa died, the cause of death was not found out, and the tension between the two was much better now than before.

It's just that sometimes when we get along alone at home, the atmosphere is still a little dull. Both of them hope to be more harmonious, so it seems a little deliberate, which is even more unnatural.

But as long as there are many people in the family, this dull atmosphere will disappear.

Therefore, when Lin Shengsheng started to avoid being alone with Li Qingzhen, there was really no way to hide, and she had to create reasons to avoid it.

She had just finished taking a shower that day when she realized that the hair dryer hadn't been brought from the next room.

She went to get it while wiping her hair, and just happened to meet Li Qingzhen.

She looked at her bare feet with some embarrassment, because the house was clean and the heating was turned on, and she just went to the next room to get something, so she didn't wear shoes.

"Auntie..." Lin Shengsheng was so embarrassed, she looked down at her bare feet, how could she be bumped into her so unluckily?

A daughter raised by a wealthy family like Li Qingzhen pays the most attention to being educated and reasonable. In this way, the image established a few days ago may now collapse again.

"I forgot to wear it...I'm going now..." Lin Shengsheng explained in a panic.

Unexpectedly, Li Qingzhen did not blame her, but said:

"Now that the weather is cold and your hair is wet, you can't run around the house, even with the heating on. If you wash your hair with hot water, your pores will open up, and you will easily get sick when you blow cold wind."

Lin Shengsheng stared at her blankly, and could hardly believe that she said those words.

Li Qingzhen beckoned to her again: "Come on, let me blow-dry your hair."

Lin Shengsheng shook her head without hesitation: "Don't bother Auntie, I can do it myself. The hair dryer is in the next room."

Li Qingzhen thought for a while, then nodded, "That's fine."

Lin Shengsheng went to the next room, but Li Qingzhen followed.

What...why did you come here?

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