Fang Lingyue clutched her head tightly, and yelled in a broken voice, the scenes that made her extremely humiliated were still displayed in front of her.

"Leng Xudong is a beast!"

How could he do this, how could he do such a thing, and expose such a private video.

To him, she might not even be as good as a pet. He never cared about her life, only his own happiness and anger!
She doesn't want to continue this marriage anymore, she Fang Lingyue is also the eldest lady of the family, why should she suffer all this?

She really broke down.

Leng Gongchen didn't care how painful she was at all, with a cold expression: "If I'm not wrong, you have done more evil than that, right?"

"You guessed right, I have done too many evil things, too many, too many!" Fang Lingyue cried and laughed, like crazy:
"It's me, I asked Chen Xueying to get close to your sister and let her advise your sister, it was your sister who gave Chen Junkai the medicine, otherwise why would Chen Junkai touch her?
But your sister is really not as good as you, she doesn't live up to expectations at all, she can't even keep a child, and she was kicked even after getting married!How stupid as a pig! "

"Why did you do this!" Leng Gongchen's eyes were filled with anger.

"I just don't want your sister to have such a good relationship with Lin Shengsheng! When I was with you, what was your sister's attitude towards me?

She deserved what happened to her!And Lin Shengsheng, what virtue and ability does she have, why do all the benefits fall on her head! "

Fang Lingyue roared hoarsely:

"God is so unfair, why am I being treated like this by Leng Xudong? It's not because of Lin Shengsheng! I hate her, I wish I could tear her into pieces and let her die! Die!"

Fang Lingyue vented her resentment heartily.

Lin Shengsheng stood aside from the beginning to the end, without saying a word, just watching her quietly.

She knew that Fang Lingyue was right to a certain extent.

If she hadn't brought Mengmeng back to China, Fang Lingyue might have married Leng Gongchen long ago and became his wife.

As long as they get married, even if Leng Gongchen doesn't like her, she won't live in such a mess like she is now.

She knows how much Fang Lingyue is obsessed with Leng Gongchen, and it is precisely because of this reason that she is completely crazy.

However, Lin Shengsheng will no longer sympathize with her, and although he has made mistakes, the fundamental reason is that Fang Lingyue wanted to replace her from the beginning, and all the mistakes were caused by her, right?
Fang Lingyue looks pitiful now, but just because she is pitiful, she can't erase the evil things she did in the past.

"Why did I have to suffer this, why did I have to be treated like this? What ability does Lin Shengsheng have to win your favor? Why! It's obvious that I was with you first!"

Fang Lingyue is still crazy.

Leng Gongchen knew all these things in his mind, even if there was no proof, he had already thought of it, it was she who did it.

"You ordered my sister to steal the company's core products that day?" Leng Gongchen looked at her with a frown.

Fang Lingyue seemed to have put all her money into it, and she didn't deny it:
"That's right, I asked her to go, she was so stupid to die, I coaxed her over with a few casual words, you have taken over your family's IQ, right?

Your sister is really a no-brainer. If I, an outsider, say a few words casually, she will start to hate you family members. She is so stupid! "

Leng Gongchen's face was livid, and he didn't say a word.

Fang Lingyue suddenly seemed to think of something, and continued:
"Do you think that I manipulated all of this? Or do you think that I am such a vicious woman?
Let me tell you, Leng Xudong forced me to do all of this. Lin Shengsheng was tortured in prison so that she didn't look like a human being. Those were also what Leng Xudong meant, and I was forced.

I know you don't believe me, you think I planned all of this with my own hands, I did it all by myself, I don't care what you think, anyway, you won't believe me if I tell you..."

Fang Lingyue burst into tears, she really lived in too much pain, too sad, how could she become like this?
She feels that she is the most pitiful and pathetic person in the world. No one sympathizes with her, and no one loves her.

People all over the world think she is a vicious woman, right?But who can understand her pain, and she doesn't want to be such a woman.

"Leng Gongchen, do you think I want to become what I am today? Go and ask, which woman doesn't want to be loved by the man she loves, who doesn't want to be treated like a princess by the man she loves? I don't want to be like this either!"

Fang Lingyue almost collapsed.

Although Lin Shengsheng knew Fang Lingyue's viciousness and knew that she had done a lot of things, she never expected that she would do so many vicious things before.

Lin Shengsheng began to doubt herself a little bit, why was she so stupid and trusted her so much?

She thinks that she has encountered enough in the first half of her life, and taking care of her children alone in a foreign country, and she has to take care of her children in order to make money, which can be regarded as experiencing the changes in human relationships.

She has always suffered in silence, and has never resented anyone.

But what about Fang Lingyue?I never feel that there is a problem when I do something wrong. Instead, I blame all the mistakes on others.

She suddenly remembered the video of her grandfather's death.

The person who sneaked into the ward secretly couldn't see his face, only a figure. That person was wearing a large coat, but now that he thought about it, wasn't that figure exactly the same as Fang Lingyue?

The walking posture is also very similar.

"My grandpa! You killed my grandpa!" Lin Shengsheng became excited, her hands trembling slightly, and she grabbed her collar tightly.

Grandpa was the person who loved her the most and one of the most important people in her life, but he left without knowing why.

It was because of her grandfather that she left Leng Gongchen willingly and took her grandfather and son abroad to hide.

But why did Fang Lingyue do this, and why did she go abroad to kill her grandfather?

"Why! What good does it do you!" Lin Shengsheng's eyes turned red.

Seeing her sad and uncomfortable, Fang Lingyue couldn't help laughing.

"Lin Shengsheng, do you also know pain? Don't you always think that you are very kind to your grandfather? Didn't you know the cause of his death after the old man had been gone for so long?

I'm ashamed to say that you love your grandpa, haha, when I think of that day, when I pulled out his respirator, he stared at me with a pair of cloudy old eyes, I feel so happy in my heart!
How long has it been since I had such a good time?I don't remember it myself.But that old guy’s health is really not good, the ventilator was unplugged for less than 2 minutes, and then he rolled his eyes and died, hahaha..."

Fang Lingyue laughed maniacally as she spoke.

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