Lin Shengsheng didn't want to burden Leng Gongchen, so after thinking about it, he continued:

"The current situation is that the company of the two of us has to give up one of them. I know you may feel sorry, so it's better for me to inject capital into your company. When the company turns around in the future, you have to pay it back to me. And even the capital with interest, so I can make money.

And I'm just an ordinary woman, I just want to work and go to work, and I don't want to be in charge of any company.If I sell the company now, I will be relieved, and I will have more time to take care of Mengmeng, which can be said to be the best of both worlds. "

It's true what she said.

Although the company was founded by grandpa with all her life, she really doesn't have much desire to control the company, and it's useless to earn so much money.

Money is important if it is important, and it is not important if it is not important. There is no need to take things that are not brought with you when you are born or not when you die.

You should save what you should save now, lest you regret it when you get old.

She believed that even if grandpa was still there, he would not blame her for this decision.

"I said you are just a little fool." Leng Gongchen rubbed her head again.

Lin Shengsheng was a little annoyed, and slapped his hand away: "I told you, you are not allowed to touch my head, now tell me if you agree, I sell the company?"

Judging by this man's attitude, it's unhurried. If you want to invest money in his company, it's as difficult as borrowing money from him. Is it so difficult?
Leng Gongchen deliberately pretended to think for a moment, and then said: "I have to admit, what you said is very attractive to me, but I cannot agree."

"Why don't you agree?" Lin Shengsheng seemed to have guessed that he would be like this: "Don't save face..."

"Lin Shengsheng!" Leng Gongchen interrupted her suddenly.

Lin Shengsheng was slightly stunned.

Leng Gongchen looked at her: "May I invite you to join my company? At this time, my group company invites you to join my company and become an employee of our company.

Now our company is suffering from a serious brain drain, and we especially need talents like you to join us. Would you like to come to my company? "

"However, the most important thing now is not to solve the company's cash flow problem! If there is no funds, how will the company operate?" Lin Shengsheng is very clear about this.

The most fundamental and fundamental problem is money, and money can solve most problems.

Leng Gongchen couldn't have imagined this, why did he react like this?

"You don't need to worry about these, the decision you have to make now is that there is a particularly poor CEO who wants you to join his company.

I just don't know if you, a little fool, are willing to give him this face, and if you are willing to help him in a timely manner, how do you pity the president? "

Leng Gongchen spoke pitifully and innocently.

Lin Shengsheng knew that what Leng Gongchen said was like talking on paper, but he still didn't know why he was full of trust in him, believing that he could do what he said he could do.

There is no other reason, just because he is Leng Gongchen.

He is the omnipotent Leng Gongchen, this reason is enough!
"Of course I do!" Lin Shengsheng nodded seriously in agreement.

Falling into a warm embrace in the next second, Leng Gongchen felt extremely satisfied and joyful, his vision was really good, he loved the right person and chose the right person.

The next day Lin Shengsheng went to Leng Gongchen to work in the company.

The matter of tearing up the contract yesterday has already made the news today, but the focus of the report has changed, and it has become Leng Gongchen aggressively tearing up the contract and taking Lin Shengsheng away in public.

The people who eat melons don't care much about the matter of reneging on their promises. Instead, they are more interested in how the relationship between the two of them has developed.

All kinds of analyzes are endless, and some people even analyze all their affairs from beginning to end.

Lin Shengsheng didn't pay much attention to these entertaining news, and she didn't particularly admire any celebrities she liked, but after being with Leng Gongchen, she caught off guard and became a trending topic on the Internet.

Looking at those news, I am really speechless. I don't know how these people who eat melons do it?You have never met before, and you can draw conclusions so casually based on a few photos on the Internet?There is really something for everyone.

She put the phone aside, intending to put these things behind her mind.

She has a lot of work to do now, and must develop new products that surpass the original products of Leng's Group in terms of performance and intelligence. It is best to be particularly creative.

A week passed quickly.

The company held countless seminars to discuss various ideas and details of the latest products, and some of the content was summarized, but the most important question remained.

That is the company's financial problem.

If there is no injection of funds, no matter how good the project is, it will not be possible to carry out the project. If this continues, even the salary will not be paid out this month.

Leng Gongchen might have to mortgage the old house.

Lin Shengsheng was thinking hard, when he suddenly smelled a strange smell.

"It's over, it's over!" She hurriedly dropped the pen in her hand, ran to unplug the electricity in a hurry, saw the blackness in the pot, and wanted to pick it up to put some water.

The result was scalded.

"Ah! It's burning to death..."

She threw down the pot and kept rubbing her hands behind her ears, waiting for it to stop burning before she wrapped the pot in a paper towel and picked it up.

Pigeon soup was stewed in the pot.

She took a closer look, only the part near the bottom of the pot was burnt, but the rest was still drinkable.

She scooped it up with a spoon and tasted it, and nodded slightly, but the taste was okay.

Picking up the insulation box on the side, put the pigeon soup in it, and went directly to the door of the president's office.

"Boom boom boom——"

Although the door was open, she still knocked on the door: "President Leng, it's time to eat!"

Leng Gongchen raised his head from his official duties: "You still cooked?"

"Look, I specially made pigeon soup for you." Lin Shengsheng put the thermos box in front of him.

"Have you gone home?" Leng Gongchen felt sweet in his heart, and couldn't help but smile on his face.

Lin Shengsheng shook his head: "It was stewed in the pot in the office."

"It really is a good wife and mother." Leng Gongchen said with a smile.

Lin Shengsheng was used to saying that to him, so he just said to himself:
"No matter how busy you are at work, your health comes first. If I don't come to the company, are you planning to skip meals? Or just eat takeaway meals?
If you don't pay attention to your body so much, what are you going to use to fight Leng Xudong to the end?Even if you win, if something goes wrong with your body in the future, you will regret it! "

She spoke seriously.

Leng Gongchen was grinning: "You are so wordy now, is menopause here?"

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