Lin Shengsheng doesn't like excitement, and only wants two people to be together, such a birthday is meaningful.

But Zhou Zifeng disagreed, and called many people to celebrate her birthday, and Lin Qianqian was among them.

She only remembered that she drank a lot of wine that day, and she was so dazed that she could hardly remember what happened afterwards.

"Yes," Zhou Zifeng said without a trace of shame, "We drugged you in the wine you drank that day, and then we found a random man to rape you.
Originally, I just wanted to make a video to show your grandfather what kind of virtue his favorite granddaughter is, so that the company belongs to me and Qianqian.

Unexpectedly, God has eyes, you can get pregnant with a wild species so easily, and you really want to give birth to this wild species! "

Zhou Zifeng laughed triumphantly as he said: "You gave birth to this bastard, what qualifications do you have to inherit the Lin family's property?

And using you as a bastard can also save my son, it really kills two birds with one stone! "

"Who was the man you were looking for that night?"

"A random wild man, maybe a cowherd, maybe a tramp, I don't know who it is!" Zhou Zifeng smiled even more proudly.

Lin Shengsheng just felt extremely tired and ironic, how could she be so stupid!

"Zhou Zifeng, get the hell out of here, and never appear in front of me!" Lin Shengsheng snapped.

The pain in her abdomen became more and more intense, and the intervals became shorter and shorter.

Lin Shengsheng knew that she was about to give birth, but she tried her best not to let this man see it.

She feigned a breakdown, trying to trick the man away, buying herself time and a chance to escape.

But at this moment, Lin Qianqian opened the door and walked in.

"You bitch, get the hell out of here!" Lin Shengsheng immediately turned his spear towards her.


Lin Qianqian walked over, unceremoniously slapped her twice, and shook her hands with some disgust: "Things that don't know how to live or die."

She suddenly realized that something was wrong. After all, she had given birth to a child, and after observing Lin Shengsheng for a while, she could see the clue.

"This bitch seems to be giving birth!"

She immediately instructed Zhou Zifeng to hold Lin Shengsheng down, preventing her from escaping.

After ringing the calling bell beside the bed, she took out her mobile phone and made a call: "Doctor Li, are you ready over there? The baby here will come out soon, and we will take it there in time..."

Hearing Lin Qianqian's words, Lin Shengsheng couldn't even feel the pain in her lower abdomen. Fear spread throughout her heart, and she struggled like crazy with disheveled hair: "Bastard, let me go, I won't give birth to this child for you to wish." of!"

When Lin Qianqian hung up the phone, the doctor and nurse also arrived.

She pretended to be helpless and explained to them: "My sister was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, but by this time the child will always come out, hey..."

Lin Shengsheng stopped struggling and stared at Lin Qianqian with red eyes, almost bleeding.

Just when they thought she had given up, she took advantage of Zhou Zifeng's unpreparedness, suddenly jumped up from the hospital bed, and rushed out with her stomach in her arms.

Women are inherently weak, but mothers are strong.

She was aroused by her motherly instinct, endured the pain in her lower abdomen, and was able to run very fast, far away from the people who were chasing her behind.

She didn't know the way at all, she stopped and hesitated until she saw the entrance of the mortuary, and finally gritted her teeth and rushed in.

She sat slumped in the corner, biting her hands tightly, without making a sound, recalling the essentials of childbirth when she was in the hospital and was bored watching.

On the ground, blood and amniotic fluid were mixed together.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Shengsheng finally gave birth to a boy smoothly, with her hands already bloody from being bitten.

Voices were also heard from outside the morgue door.

"Sister, I know you're inside!" Lin Qianqian looked at the door of the mortuary with a gloomy face, this bitch, where is the best place to hide, you have to hide in such a spooky place!
"I advise you to be more sensible and come out by yourself. If you force me to bring someone in to find you out, then don't blame me for being rude!"

This bitch had no choice but to follow her to the delivery room and obediently give birth to this bastard.

Zhou Zifeng frowned suddenly: "Don't talk, why did I hear the cry of the child?"

"Did you hear it wrong? How could it be possible for the first time to give birth so quickly! I was in pain for more than ten hours when I gave birth." Lin Qianqian didn't believe it.

At this time, Lin Shengsheng was in a hurry to nurse the baby.

After the bloody little guy touched the nipple with his mouth, he sucked obediently and stopped crying.

Originally postpartum is the weakest time for a woman, but looking at the little guy in her arms, Lin Shengsheng miraculously became full of strength.

She would never let herself and her child fall into the hands of those two beasts!
Zhou Zifeng listened intently for a moment, then shook his head: "I seem to have misheard."

"No matter what, we can't wait any longer. Call the outsiders in and rush in together. I'll see where she's going!"


Lin Shengsheng knew that he didn't have much time, so he took out his mobile phone from the pocket of his hospital gown, and called his best friend Fang Lingyue.

The call was successfully connected, and she burst into tears: "Ling Yue, hurry to the No.1 People's Hospital to save me and help me go abroad!"


Five years later, Imperial Capital International Airport.

A little boy carved in powder and jade, who looked like he was five or six years old, was holding a toy, and turned his head with a smile as he walked: "Mom, hurry up!"

"Slow down, be careful not to hit anyone..."

Before he finished speaking, the little guy said "Aiyo" and bumped into a beautiful young lady.

He hurriedly stood up, raised his black gem-like eyes, both smart and innocent: "Miss sister, I'm sorry, Mengmeng didn't do it on purpose!"

"It's so cute, your name is Mengmeng!" Seeing such a beautiful and cute little boy, the young lady couldn't help falling in love with her, and knelt down to talk to him.

"That's right, my name is Lin Mengmeng, and my mother's name is Lin Shengsheng. We are deeply in love with each other," the little guy turned his head and pointed at his mother.

Lin Shengsheng's face turned red slightly, she really wanted to stuff this little guy into the suitcase.

This little guy was well-behaved and obedient since he was a child, and he was easy to take care of, but the older he got, the more he couldn't control it.

Especially when he saw all kinds of girls, he almost started to let himself go.

It's okay to do this abroad, but now that you're back in China, it's not easy to continue like this.

"How did you promise me before you came back? You will be good when you promise, and now your drone will be confiscated for three days!"

"Good mother, can't I be obedient? You must not confiscate my drone." The little guy pursed his mouth and looked at his mother pitifully.

"That depends on your performance!" Lin Shengsheng patted his son's little head.

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