As Leng Yuanyuan spoke, she raised her hand to bring the bowl of pigeon soup.

Lin Shengsheng quickly reached out to grab it.

Leng Yuanyuan suddenly pushed, and the hot soup spilled on the back of Lin Shengsheng's hand. The back of her hand was hot and red, and a layer of small blisters formed.

Lin Shengsheng gasped in pain, and dropped the tray in his hand to the ground.

Li Qingzhen happened to go upstairs, heard the noise, and ran in hastily, and saw Lin Shengsheng's red-hot back, and hurriedly pulled her wrist:

"Shengsheng, how are you doing!"

"I'm fine." Lin Shengsheng just shook his head lightly: "Auntie, let me take care of the wound first, you can take care of Yuanyuan."

Before leaving, she glanced at Leng Yuanyuan and saw the happy smile on her face, as if she had avenged her revenge.

Li Qingzhen turned her head and saw the smile on Leng Yuanyuan's face, she couldn't help feeling a little annoyed: "Your sister-in-law scalded her hands while taking care of you, yet you still laugh so happily!"

Leng Yuanyuan sat on the chair by the window and said calmly: "Mom, can you figure it out? Is she my sister-in-law? They haven't received the certificate yet!"

Li Qingzhen was a little speechless, and knew that her daughter said this on purpose:

"Yuanyuan, can you stop doing this? Don't blame your sister-in-law for this matter from the beginning to the end. You can't blame her for all the faults and hate her all the time."

"I hate her?" Leng Yuanyuan snorted disdainfully.

Li Qingzhen stared at this daughter of hers, and felt that she was extremely strange for a moment. How could this be the lively and lovely daughter she used to be?
"Why, do you think you don't know me?" Leng Yuanyuan couldn't help feeling displeased when she saw her eyes.

"Where are you thinking?" Li Qingzhen walked over, putting both hands on her shoulders:
"No matter what, no matter what happens, you are my child, how could I not know you!"

Leng Yuanyuan's eyes were filled with tears, and her words were choked with sobs: "Mom, did you lie to me?"

Li Qingzhen hugged her in her arms, and couldn't help but redden her eyes:

"Why am I lying to you, you are my mother's caring little padded jacket, how can there be a mother who doesn't love her daughter?"

"But you have never visited me at Chen's house, not even once!" Leng Yuanyuan burst into tears as she said that.

"Do you think mom doesn't want to see you?" Li Qingzhen sighed:

"Because of your marriage, I had a very unpleasant fight with your mother-in-law. I'm afraid that if I go, she will treat you even more harshly. How can I bear it?

However, you have been wronged so much, why don't you want to tell your mother?Why don't you come back to your mother?I told you before, no matter what time your father and I are your backing! "

Leng Yuanyuan cried even harder: "Because none of you went to see me, I thought you abandoned me and didn't want me anymore.

They laugh at me every day, saying that you don't care about my life, that you think I'm ashamed, even if I go back to my mother's house, you won't accept me! "

"Nonsense!" Li Qingzhen was furious: "This bitch, I wish I could tear her mouth apart!"

She knew that it must be Chen's mother who said such words.

"By the way, Yuanyuan, how do you plan to deal with this matter?" Li Qingzhen calmed down and asked her.

Leng Yuanyuan raised her head and wiped her tears, looked at the specimens in the jar: "Mom, I've made up my mind, I don't want to live with him, let's get a divorce."

"Okay, okay!" Li Qingzhen repeatedly agreed: "Just do as you say, and Mom won't let you suffer any more."

She wished her daughter would escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

With their family's power, even if the Chen family didn't nod, the marriage would still be divorced.

They all unanimously did not tell Leng Yuanyuan that due to the heavy bleeding during the abortion, her uterus was damaged to a certain extent, and she may not be able to give birth to a child in this life.

When Li Qingzhen thought of this, her heart ached, and she looked at her daughter with even more pity.

"Mom, can you get Lin Shengsheng out of here, I get a headache when I see her." Leng Yuanyuan said with her head down.

In fact, she didn't want to treat Lin Shengsheng like that, but she couldn't control her emotions.

Lin Shengsheng simply bandaged the wound and went upstairs again, just in time to hear her words.

Immediately took the initiative to say: "Auntie, I am here to take care of Yuanyuan. Now that Yuanyuan's body has recovered, I will not stay here."

Li Qingzhen was a little embarrassed: "Shengsheng, don't be angry, Yuanyuan is just in a bad mood, and she will get better in the future."

"It's okay, auntie, take good care of Yuanyuan." She turned around calmly, packed her things, and left.

After thinking about it, she didn't even go home, didn't pack up her clothes, and went to a small restaurant that she used to frequent with her face turned upside down.

As soon as I walked in, I saw Chen Junkai. He always liked to sit in that position.

Lin Shengsheng was also polite, walked over and sat opposite him.

"Your mother asked Yuanyuan to beat the child, do you already know?" She asked straight to the point.

Chen Junkai didn't speak, and even his expression didn't change, he just nodded.

Lin Shengsheng immediately became angry: "Then did your mother tell you that the doctor has clearly told her that Yuanyuan is likely to bleed heavily, but she still insists on giving Yuanyuan an abortion?"

Chen Junkai paused for a moment with the hand holding the wine glass, apparently without knowing it.

Lin Shengsheng continued: "Also, do you know how deep Yuanyuan's feelings for that child are? She can't come out at all now, and made a specimen of that fetus and put it in her room. Watch there!"

Chen Junkai put down the wine glass in his hand: "So you came here today to accuse me?"

"I'm not trying to accuse you." Lin Shengsheng continued: "Your mother stubbornly thinks Yuanyuan is unclean, isn't it because Wang Beilei said she saw him get drunk in a bar? Have you investigated that matter carefully?

I tell you, I was with her that night and she asked me why on earth you don't like her and said to learn from me, then I sent her back, you think she has a chance to hang out with other guys Fooling around? "

After hearing her words, Chen Junkai suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, as if something was missing, he was a little confused.

"In addition, you can also go to that private hospital to investigate what happened that day, it was your mother and Wang Beilei who forced Yuanyuan to have an abortion.

Everything about the patient’s information is in it, and I’ve asked them to make the DNA of the aborted fetus. You can go and see the results. "

Lin Shengsheng said lightly.

Chen Junkai still had a gloomy face and said nothing, but his original thoughts had already begun to collapse.

Lin Shengsheng knew that Chen Junkai also had another side, which was not what she imagined, but no matter what, there was no one who did not love his own flesh and blood.

Besides, Leng Yuanyuan has been with him for so long, it's impossible for him not to feel anything?

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