Lin Shengsheng was stunned for a moment and realized that the current Leng Yuanyuan was just like herself back then, alone in a foreign country without any relatives or friends.

She loves her very much.

"Don't take their words to heart. When the child is born, we can do a paternity test. I believe the senior will love him very much." She looked at Leng Yuanyuan encouragingly.

Leng Yuanyuan's eyes lit up, it was a good idea, she suddenly felt that life seemed to have hope, and her complexion looked much better.

After queuing for more than an hour, it was finally Leng Yuanyuan's turn to go in.

After examining her, the doctor said that there was no major problem with the child, but that the pregnant woman was in a bad mood.

You have to be cheerful, walk more, get more sunshine, and don't worry about anything, even if it's for your children.

Leng Yuanyuan nodded and wrote it down.

The two of them were on their way back, and Lin Shengsheng saw a tall and erect billboard, which played a very realistic simulated intelligent robot in a loop.

The robot is extremely delicate, but the production company is a little-known small company.

It is said that this company was only registered a few years ago, and it has no reputation at all. It did not expect to develop such an advanced robot all at once.

Lin Shengsheng looked at the advertisement on the billboard and couldn't help showing a smile.

Even if Leng Gongchen didn't say anything, she knew that he had already started to act.

"Sister-in-law, you can still laugh." Leng Yuanyuan became a little anxious: "I heard that this company is very powerful. As soon as a new product came out, it hit the Leng Group. Now my second uncle is in a hurry."

"Yuanyuan, don't worry, you have to have confidence in your brother, even if he loses the Leng Group, he won't have a way out." Lin Shengsheng looked at her with a smile.

"Really?" Leng Yuanyuan thought for a while and shook her head: "Forget it, I don't know much about business, you can figure it out for yourself."

She has a shallow mind and doesn't want to think so much.

Lin Shengsheng smiled, she used to think like Leng Yuanyuan before and lived a carefree life.

But now everything is different.

Thinking about Chen Junkai married Leng Yuanyuan because of her, so it was because of her that Leng Yuanyuan was bullied like this, she couldn't calm down.

At this time, there was also a storm in the Leng Group, and everyone was obediently busy with their work, not daring to speak out.

In the president's office, Leng Xudong's face was gloomy, staring at the secretary in front of him and furious:
"Wang Kang, you gave me such a result after searching for so long? Can such a perfect product be made by a small company that is not well known!"

He said so angrily that he smashed the folder in his hand on Wang Kang's face in front of him.

Wang Kang didn't dare to hide: "Yes, CEO, it's because I didn't do well enough."

Leng Xudong paused, lit a cigarette, and took a deep breath.

"Wang Kang, you are an old man who follows me. You should be very clear about how critical it is now. You know what to do, right?"

"President, don't worry. Give me another three days. I will definitely find out the source of this company and see who is behind it." Wang Kang said respectfully.

"Go." Leng Xudong waved his hand.

But Leng Gongchen, the one who caused the Leng Group's mess, was really happy playing with his son at home.

"Daddy, when will Mommy come back?" Lin Mengmeng played for a while, feeling bored, and walked over to lean in his arms.

"Good boy, your mommy will be back soon, can you give mommy a little more time? Let him relax." Leng Gongchen coaxed his son.

"Alright then." Although Lin Mengmeng was reluctant, he still nodded in agreement.

Dad said that Mommy was working too hard and needed to go out to relax. Of course he couldn't object. In fact, he just missed Mommy a little bit, but he didn't want to disturb Mommy's journey.

Leng Gongchen sighed in his heart, he also felt sorry for the child.

Lin Shengsheng actually came back secretly at this time, she came back after sending Leng Yuanyuan back, hid in the corner and looked at Mengmeng, actually feeling very distressed in her heart.

After thinking about it, I decided to give the child a surprise.

At this moment, the phone suddenly vibrated.

She glanced at the number of the caller and hurried away, intending to answer it.

But the other party hung up.

Lin Shengsheng immediately called back. Leng Yuanyuan must have something urgent to call at this time.

But no matter how she called, there was only a cold reply from the machine: "The number you dialed is temporarily unavailable."

Lin Shengsheng had a strong bad premonition in his heart, and immediately rushed to the Chen family's villa.

The Chen family was empty, and the servants didn't even bother to talk to her.

She couldn't care less, she searched every room, even the garden and every corner of the house, but she didn't see Leng Yuanyuan.

She was completely panicked!

When walking out, I happened to meet Chen Junkai and his father coming back from the outside together. Both of them looked very gloomy, because the new product was hit, and the shares of Junkai Group almost fell by half.

"Senior, do you know where Yuanyuan is? She called me but I didn't answer, and I couldn't get through when I called later!" Lin Shengsheng eagerly stepped forward to ask.

Chen Junkai took a step back impatiently: "Can you not worry about it so much, can a living person like Leng Yuanyuan really get lost?"

Lin Shengsheng couldn't believe that this was the senior he had known. How could such a cold and ruthless man be the gentle and jade-like Chen Junkai back then?

Even if he doesn't love Leng Yuanyuan, as a husband, as a father, he must fulfill his responsibilities, right?
"Chen Junkai, why did you become like this! Yuanyuan still has your child in her stomach, and now she is missing, you are not in a hurry!"

Chen Junkai was obviously very impatient, and went upstairs without saying a word.

And Chen's father obviously didn't have the patience to deal with Lin Shengsheng:
"Okay, don't worry, Yuanyuan is an adult, she can't disappear for no reason, maybe she went somewhere to play, and she will come back later."

After speaking, he also returned to his room. The company's affairs made him feel irritable, and he didn't want to worry about other things.

Seeing that it was almost evening, Lin Shengsheng stood there bewildered, and finally remembered to call 110 with his mobile phone.

However, the police explained that a case cannot be filed for those who have just disappeared, at least 24 hours have passed.

Lin Shengsheng quickly revealed that Leng Yuanyuan's identity was the daughter of the Leng Group.

The other party immediately became polite and said that he would call her back later.

But when I called back again, I still got the same answer, saying that it would take 24 hours before the case could be filed.

What happened to Leng Yuanyuan?Could it be...

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