"Okay." Lin Shengsheng leaned against the bed: "Well... I'm going to sit on the bed for the massage."

"It's not an outsider, let alone sitting on the bed, it's fine to lie on the bed." Li Qingzhen couldn't help laughing.

Lin Shengsheng also laughed, and he relaxed a lot.

Asking Li Qingzhen to roll up her clothes to her chest, Lin Shengsheng stretched out his hand to cover her stomach, and began to massage in order according to the massage techniques he had learned.

After a short time, Li Qingzhen felt that her stomach was much more comfortable than before. She couldn't help being a little surprised. She really didn't have any hope at first. She didn't expect Lin Shengsheng to be so powerful.

"How did you learn this?" Li Qingzhen couldn't help being curious.

"At that time, I was abroad alone with Mengmeng, and I had to work. I was often hungry and full, so my stomach was starved.

I have a friend who works in a massage parlor abroad. He said that this set of massage techniques is effective for stomach discomfort, and secretly taught me. "Lin Shengsheng explained with a smile.

Li Qingzhen could not help but deepen the guilt in her heart when she saw the calmness of what she said, and held her hand lovingly, almost bursting into tears:

"Shengsheng, what happened back then was all because of my aunt's fault, and you were wronged."

Lin Shengsheng couldn't help but her eyes were clouded with tears.

She could tell that Li Qingzhen was treating her sincerely at the moment, last time in the coffee shop, she only apologized reluctantly to let her persuade Leng Gongchen.

And now, she does it from the heart.

"Auntie, didn't I tell you the whole thing last time? The past is over, and what is he doing? It is my greatest wish that the whole family can live in harmony in the future." Lin Shengsheng smiled faintly.

"It was my fault in the past. It was because I didn't know people well. I believed in Fang Lingyue. From now on, I will never object to you being with Gong Chen again." Li Qingzhen said as if to promise.

Lin Shengsheng smiled and nodded.

In fact, before Leng Gongchen asked her if she hated his mother, she still kept some words, how could she not hate at all?

But now hearing her say such words, Lin Shengsheng still felt relaxed physically and mentally.

By the time the servant brought back the medicine, Li Qingzhen had already fallen asleep under her massage.

Lin Shengsheng looked at Li Qingzhen who was still smiling in her sleep, and the last trace of resentment in her heart completely disappeared.

In the early morning, Li Qingzhen took care of Lin Mengmeng and had breakfast, and stood at the door to help him tidy his clothes.

"Mengmeng, you have to remember, go to school..."

She started chattering as usual.

"Grandma, don't talk about it!" Lin Mengmeng couldn't help but interrupted her: "I remember clearly the words you said over and over every day, so you don't have to say them, grandma."

Lin Shengsheng couldn't help laughing.

Li Qingzhen also had a smile on her face, looking at the little guy lovingly:
"Do you really remember it so clearly? Then you recite it to me, and I'll see if you really remember it?"

"Forget it, grandma, please spare me!" Lin Mengmeng hurriedly begged for mercy: "I have to go, if I don't go, I will be late, goodbye grandma! Goodbye mother!"

As he said that, he walked into the yard and got on the car.

"Be careful." Li Qingzhen took a step forward worriedly.

Lin Shengsheng walked over and took her arm:

"Don't worry, Auntie. This child has been very independent since he was a child, and he is escorted by a driver and bodyguards. When he gets there, the teacher will take him directly to the classroom. There will be no problems."

"I know." Li Qingzhen nodded: "By the way, are you busy today? If you have time, let's go shopping? I want to add some clothes and buy some toys and snacks for the children."

Lin Shengsheng hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

She originally wanted to say that there were enough Mengmeng toys, so don't waste that money, but she was afraid that she would be unhappy, because that was her wish for the child.

Li Qingzhen didn't know what kind of toys Mengmeng liked, so she wanted her to accompany her.

"Then let's go upstairs and change our clothes." Li Qingzhen said and went upstairs.

Lin Shengsheng also went up and changed.

She was wearing a black dress, low-heeled leather sandals, and just a little makeup on her face.

Li Qingzhen really liked her more and more. She didn't deliberately dress herself up at all, instead she dressed a bit old-fashioned, obviously to complement her.

The two went to the largest department store in the city.

The Leng family also participated in the investment of this department store, so there is a [-]% discount card.

Lin Shengsheng didn't know about this situation, and thought that rich people like to buy such expensive things because they spend a lot of money.

After I found out about this card, she and I finally understood. It turns out that the rich people you see spending money are not what you think.

"Look, this dress is discounted to only 5000 yuan, isn't it very cheap?" Li Qingzhen gestured to herself with a skirt.

Lin Shengsheng smiled.

5000 yuan may be a month's salary for an ordinary person, but to the Leng family, it's not worth mentioning at all.

Leng Gongchen and Leng Yuanyuan's clothes are all hand-made, usually a set is worth a hundred million yuan, and there are millions of evening gowns.

But Li Qingzhen and his wife are relatively frugal, they only want to wear comfortable clothes, and they don't want extravagance.

Of course, if they attend an important occasion, they will also have custom-made clothes, after all, they can't look too poor.

"Actually, both your uncle and I think that even if we have money, we shouldn't waste it too much, so we wear some ordinary clothes, and often donate some money and things to those in need, so that we can feel more at ease."

Li Qingzhen chatted with Lin Shengsheng with a smile.

Lin Shengsheng nodded: "Uncle and aunt's love is already hard to come by. After all, many people have money but still don't have a dime."

She always felt that Li Qingzhen seemed a little unhappy, but it was hard for her to ask why.

Li Qingzhen was actually not unhappy, but she thought of her daughter whenever she went shopping, she was very worried about her, and also afraid that she would suffer hardship in the Chen family.

But the more you worry about and the more you love her, the less you can disturb her life. If the old people get involved, then the children's life will only be more difficult.

In fact, she also knows her daughter's character, she is indeed very stubborn, as long as it is something she has decided on, she will go to the dark one by one, and she will not turn back until she hits the south wall.

It was noon in a blink of an eye.

"I'll take you to a restaurant I often go to, it's delicious." Li Qingzhen said with a smile.

Lin Shengsheng naturally had no reason to refuse.

The two arrived at the hotel.

Lin Shengsheng couldn't help being a little surprised, this is actually an ordinary home-cooked restaurant, not some high-end restaurant that ordinary people can't afford.

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