tick tock...

Half an hour later, there was still no movement in the operating room, and Fang Qingyan's heart became more and more anxious.

She knew that the longer she was in the operating room, the slower the procedure, or the more severe the injury.

"Qingyan, what's wrong with you, why didn't you answer my phone." A gentle male voice suddenly sounded.

Fang Qingyan looked up dully, and said perfunctorily: "Gong Mohan has an accident."

"I said why I saw you today."

"I'm not in the mood to go to work after such a big incident. Don't worry, I will make up for the leave."

Fang Qingyan's attitude is particularly perfunctory, she doesn't want to talk to outsiders at all now.

Luo Jiacheng was stunned. Judging by her attitude, she was probably extremely worried. He knew that Fang Qingyan liked Gong Mohan, but did it go so far?

It seems that waiting for Fang Qingyan to fall in love with him may take forever.

"Then can I stay here with you?" Luo Jiacheng sat beside Fang Qingyan, looking at her affectionately.

Fang Qingyan didn't talk, she just stared at the door of the operating room, she didn't even catch what Luo Jiacheng said.

Li Bing on the side was not happy.

The young master doesn't like Luo Jiacheng anymore, the wife and the young master quarreled because of Luo Jiacheng, I really don't know how he has the face to sit here.

"Mr. Luo, you'd better go."

"I'm not welcome?"

"Our young master doesn't want to see you." As a man, Li Bing certainly knew what Luo Jiacheng was thinking.

"I don't want to see your young master. I'm here to accompany Fang Qingyan. You can control so much?" Luo Jiacheng replied recklessly.

"Ma'am, look at this..." Li Bing looked puzzled.

Fang Qingyan was like an old monk in meditation, unable to hear the conversation between Luo Jiacheng and Li Bing at all.

Hearing Li Bing calling her, she came back to her senses.

"Can you stop arguing, Gong Mohan is still alive and dead inside!"

Li Bing was silent. He knew that Luo Jiacheng had bad intentions, and if the young master woke up, he wouldn't want to see him.

"Madam, the young master doesn't like Luo Jiacheng in the first place, you should let him go." Li Bing suggested tactfully.

Fang Qingyan felt that what Li Bing said was right, she nodded, turned around and said to Luo Jiacheng:

"I accept Mr. Luo's desire to visit, but I don't have time, why don't you come back after Gong Mohan recovers?"

Luo Jiacheng looked unhappy, could this woman take his face into consideration, so he wouldn't be angry?

"Okay, then I'm leaving, come back another day."

"Yes." Fang Qingyan agreed casually.

Li Bing kept thinking in his heart, don't come here, it's really annoying.

After ten minutes, the lights in the operating room finally went out.

Fang Qingyan rushed to the door of the operating room immediately, pulling the doctor with snot and tears.

"Doctor doctor, how is the patient?"

Even Li Bing was not as fast as her. She didn't realize that maybe Gong Mohan's weight in her heart was getting heavier and heavier.

"Miss, don't get too excited. Except for the excessive blood loss, the patient's wounds are not fatal. Take good care of yourself and he will be fine for the time being."

"That's good! Thank you doctor." Fang Qingyan slumped on the ground, tears streaming down her face.

"Then what will my young master do next?"

After all, Li Bing had been with Gong Mohan for so many years, so he naturally knew how to deal with this matter.

"Just rest in the member ward." The doctor pushed his glasses:

"The patient just lost a lot of blood, and we took measures to just rest for a few days.

The wound on the patient's body has also been sutured. As long as it doesn't open or have a fever in the past few days, it will be fine if you take good care of it. "

"Thank you doctor."

"Doctor, can the patient be placed in the intensive care unit?" Li Bing suggested.

"Although the intensive care unit is sterile and recovers relatively quickly, the patient's condition is not serious.

What's more, the cost of the intensive care unit is relatively high, so I don't recommend you to use it. "

"It's okay, we are not short of money." Li Bing waved his hand richly.

"Okay, arrange it immediately."

The doctor realized, is this the rich man?

Fang Qingyan walked over and looked at Gong Mohan's pale face, her heart ached.

Gong Mohan was so fragile that he seemed to disappear at any moment. He was covered with a quilt and his head was wrapped with a bandage. There must be countless scars under the quilt.

She had seen Gong Mohan in all kinds of ways, but she had never seen him so fragile and so needing to be taken care of by others.

Fang Qingyan stood at the door through a layer of glass.

Silently watching Gong Mohan being pushed into the intensive care unit by the medical staff, infusing him with nutrient solution, and leaving one by one.

Fang Qingyan kept this posture for several hours, motionless, from morning till night, she couldn't eat even a bite of food.

In the evening, Wang Ma came over.

Wang Ma was rather haggard, her eyes were bright red, and she was holding a lunch box in her hand.

"Wang Ma..." Fang Qingyan's voice was hoarse and she could hardly speak.

"Ma'am, I've heard what Li Bing said, don't worry too much, the young master is out of danger and has undergone a blood transfusion.

I'm fine, I'll wake up soon. "Wang Ma patted Fang Qingyan's hand and comforted her softly.

"Wang Ma."

Fang Qingyan was flustered, she didn't know what she relied on to persevere, she only knew that she was extremely worried about Gong Mohan's safety.

"Ma'am, people are iron, and food is steel. If you stay here and guard the young master without eating or drinking, your health can't bear it." Wang Ma took out the lunch box.

Fang Qingyan refused: "Mother Wang, I don't want to eat anything."

"Ma'am, listen to me, you guard the young master so much, what if you also fall down, the young master doesn't want you to be like this either."

"Wang Ma...you are right. I will eat."

Fang Qingyan took the lunch box and dug into the rice with a dull face. Although the food was delicious, it was her favorite food, and she couldn't taste it.

"Ma'am, Ma'am, I'll pick you up at night, you should have a good rest."

"No, I'm watching him here, I'm not at ease."

She had to protect her body well so that Gong Mohan could only see her when he woke up.

"Okay, madam, I'll bring you a supper tonight."

"No need, Mama Wang, it's troublesome for you to toss back and forth. I'll order takeaway when I'm hungry."

Wang Ma was very kind to her, and Fang Qingyan could naturally feel that Wang Ma was getting older, so she couldn't make Wang Ma work too hard.

"The lady takes good care of her body. If you are tired, take a good rest."

"I know, Wang Ma should go back and have a good rest. I'm fine."

"Relax, ma'am."

She firmly believed that Gong Mohan would definitely survive this test, it was only a matter of time.

Wang Ma nodded in relief, hoping that the young master would wake up and that he and his wife would be fine.

Wang Ma has stayed at the Gong family for more than ten years, watching Gong Mohan grow up.

She couldn't bear the young master's ups and downs, and only when Gong Mohan really got married would she be at ease.

Fang Qingyan stood motionless in the intensive care unit, and the nurses couldn't bear to watch her...

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