Gong Mohan looked at Fang Qingyan's uncomfortable appearance, and went to comfort her:
"I'm very busy this afternoon, you can just read a book."

After placing Fang Qingyan on the sofa, he went to work on his own affairs.

"Why are you still standing there? Don't stand, sit down. I don't care about this matter, but if there is a next time, hehe, you know what will happen."

Seeing that she had a good attitude, it happened that Gong Mohan was in a good mood.

"I won't. Don't worry, then you can go to work, I will not disturb you quietly."

Today's luck is good, but fortunately Gong Mohan is in a good mood, she escaped a disaster, otherwise it would be unimaginable.

The villain in Fang Qingyan's heart is rolling all over the floor with joy, if she is outside, she will eat two more bowls of rice happily!

Fang Qingyan spent the whole afternoon reading on the sofa in Gong Mohan's office.

Lie down for a while when you are tired.

Fang Qingyan was used to being alone since she was a child, and she also liked to read. She was so engrossed in reading that she completely forgot that this place was Gong Mohan's office.

Sitting on the chair, Gong Mohan couldn't help but glance at the woman, looking at her bright white face.

Being irradiated by the sun, there is always a feeling of tranquility, which makes Gong Mohan feel that he wants to spend a lifetime with her.

Gong Mohan was afraid that Fang Qingyan would be restrained, so he specially arranged for Li Bing to order several snacks and tea, which Fang Qingyan liked to eat on weekdays.

Fang Qingyan gradually got used to it, relaxed her mind, and ate a lot.

"It's time to get off work, shall we go?" Gong Mohan held his coat and helped Fang Qingyan's little hand with one hand.

"Get off work so soon." Fang Qingyan looked out the window.

Sunset westward.

Immersed in the world of books, some can't extricate themselves.

The two naturally held hands and left the office.

The employees who were packing up and getting ready to get off work all stopped and looked enviously at the way the two were holding hands and getting ready to get off work.

It was the first time I saw such a gentle president.

The president treats his wife differently.

Fang Qingyan felt Gong Mohan's hand gently brushing against hers, and suddenly felt that this was pretty good, if only she could live like this forever.

Fang Qingyan woke up after entering the elevator, Gong Mohan is not easy to get along with.

What he does is based on his mood. If he is in a bad mood, isn't he the one who suffers?
Fang Qingyan, be more sober, don't be fooled by the illusion in front of you!
After leaving the company's door, Fang Qingyan looked at the woman across the road, dumbfounded.

Rubbing her eyes, she was right.

This person is Cheng Xuexin who plotted against her not long ago.

What Cheng Xuexin suffered before, Gong Mohan told her clearly.

After only a few days, she recovered. Shouldn't she be decadent for a month on a normal person?
Cheng Xuexin is indeed a strange flower.

She was dressed brightly, wearing a beautiful tight dress, which clearly outlined the curves of her body.

Gong Mohan felt the sluggish movements of the people around him, and followed her gaze.

Cheng Xuexin was across the road, looking around, as if waiting for someone, and she came over.

Cheng Xuexin's ability to resist is really strong, I don't know if the two men are useless, or her recovery ability is too strong.

After being slept by someone, she still has the face to hang around. Is it the courage Liang Jingru gave her?
If he had known that Gong Mohan would have installed a camera in her room, if she was shameless, Gong Mohan would have his own way to deal with her.

After hearing what her mother said, Cheng Xuexin planned to come out to see what Gong Mohan's attitude was, and to lay the foundation for their future reconciliation.

Unexpectedly, when Cheng Xuexin came over, she watched Gong Mohan holding Fang Qingyan with a look of admiration.

She couldn't extricate herself from the sudden heartache.

Fang Qingyan quietly turned her head to look at Gong Mohan's expression, he didn't move at all, and his eyes gradually became disgusted.

Fang Qingyan was relieved, the ex and the incumbent met, and Gong Mohan was in a dilemma if they got into a fight, and didn't know where to help.

Now Fang Qingyan understood Gong Mohan's attitude.

Cheng Xuexin looked at the man and woman who were sticky together opposite her, and her heart was so full of jealousy that it was about to overflow, and she wished to give Fang Qingyan a big mouth.

She was turned by such a disgusting person, and she couldn't sleep all night because of the disgust.

If her mother hadn't comforted her that night, Cheng Xuexin wouldn't have been able to get out by herself.

Fang Qingyan is living a good life now, without any harm.

Why did Gong Mohan treat her like this?
She didn't succeed in that calculation, so why should she pay a heavy price?
It's all Fang Qingyan, she must have said something to Gong Mohan.

If she hadn't occupied her man, if she hadn't married Gong Mohan, none of this would have happened!

Cheng Xuexin was so angry that her teeth itch, the person opposite was indifferent, and even wanted to laugh a little.

Cheng Xuexin is like a jumping clown, with a glamorous appearance, but actually a rotten heart.

The man and woman on the opposite side happily held hands, got into the car, and left.

Cheng Xuexin's angry eyes were bloodshot.

Fang Qingyan, just wait, one day you will kneel on the ground and beg me to forgive you.

At that time, even if you lie beside me like a dog, I will not wait to see you.

Fang Qingyan's life is going well now, and Gong Mohan didn't make things difficult for her.

The only bad thing is that every time it is inconvenient for her to go out, Mother Wang always follows her.

She thought of a way to make Wang Ma wait for her in a restaurant near the rented house, and then went out to buy things under the pretext.

Her things were delivered to the door of the house, as long as she opened the door, it was very convenient.

Let someone tidy up and sneak back quickly.

After doing this a few times, Wang Ma didn't notice it, but there were a lot of things, and she brought one or two with her every time she came out, and slowly, she moved almost.

These things actually took her a month.

The project was huge, but fortunately she persisted.

After Fang Qingyan had almost prepared things, it happened to be Fang Chenchen's monthly rest time.

Tomorrow is the time to pick up the children from school, just in time to bring Chenchen there and work together.

After Fang Qingyan happily finished her dinner, she strolled around the garden of the villa to digest her food, and then went upstairs.

Gong Mohan sat at his desk to deal with unfinished business.

"Gong Mohan?"

Fang Qingyan pretended to have nothing to do: "Morning tomorrow afternoon after school, I'll pick him up, okay?"

Gong Mohan was busy with the matter in hand, while replying: "Well, then I will go with you."

"No, you're so busy these days, I'll go alone."

"And won't it be late when you get off work? I want to see the child as soon as possible."

Gong Mohan thought for a while and agreed.

"Well, then you ask the driver to take you there."

"That... I want to take Chenchen to the hotel we went to last time. I asked the driver to take me there. You can just go there after get off work."

Gong Mohan thought that the woman had behaved well this month, so he didn't want to embarrass her, so he agreed.

As everyone knows, this was all planned by Fang Qingyan.

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