Why don't you go out and ask your assistant, Fang Qingyan asked:
"Li Bing! Come over and take a look, there is something wrong with Gong Mohan."

Gong Mohan sat motionless on the chair, as if falling into a deep sleep.

"President Gong? What happened?" Li Bing was very worried.

"Isn't he stupid?" The woman hesitated a little.

Gong Mohan thought of the former Beibei again. Beibei was so fragile that he couldn't catch it. In reality, without Beibei, Gong Mohan didn't want to come out.

"I'm fine..."

Fang Qingyan hurried over and put her little hand on Gong Mohan's head to feel it. If she didn't have a fever, it shouldn't be a big problem.

"Do you want to see a doctor?" Finally, Fang Qingyan was worried and asked.

"No. I'm in good health."

"You can do whatever you want, anyway, it's not me who hurts."

As soon as the words were finished, Gong Mohan walked up to Fang Qingyan, approaching her step by step.

"Fang Qingyan, come here."

No, Gong Mohan was appointed to be angry, she is not stupid, and she did not want to go there.

"Don't come here, don't come near me!"

Fang Qingyan moved quickly, and turned to the door at once, trying to escape from this dangerous place.


The door is locked, Ah Xi, this is because the heavens want her to bear Gong Mohan's anger.

"Hehehe, I want to see, how is the quality of this door?"

"how is it?"

"Of course, everything from my husband's house is good, and I really like it."

Gong Mohan stood where he was, looking at Fang Qingyan with deep eyes.

Fang Qingyan looked at the windows of the 20-storey high-rise next to her. The door was locked, so it was impossible to jump down.

Gong Mohan watched the woman glib and talking nonsense, he thought of teasing her:
"You said just now that I have a problem. You mean I'm out of my mind?"

This man shouldn't take his seat spontaneously.

Gong Mohan is really too narrow-minded, he also remembers trivial things.

Do you want to take a small notebook and help him write it down?

Pensive man!
"Hey, don't you know me yet? When I'm nervous, I tend to say the wrong thing. Husband, you're awesome, aren't you?

You are much better than others, I am really lucky to marry you. "

Hmph, the number one idiot in the Gong family.

Every time Fang Qingyan speaks out of conscience, her eyes roll. She must be thinking of some bad idea.

Originally, today's arrangement was to show Fang Qingyan a good tour of the office environment, and casually explain the company's operations to her, but it was all ruined.

Gong Mohan had a headache and thought, how can the embarrassing situation at this moment return to normal?
Li Bing rushed in at this moment, with unusual anxiety on his face.

"Li Bing, what happened?"


Madame is still here, do you want to speak out?

Gong Mohan glanced at Fang Qingyan: "Go and rest."

Fang Qingyan turned her eyes away from the two of them in puzzlement, wanting to stay and eat melons, but Gong Mohan stared at her to go out, she had no choice but to go out.

"Tell me, what happened?"

"Master, Lou Xiaoqian broke the news on the Internet just now, and posted a photo of drinking with you that day."

Gong Mohan's complexion was even worse, it was only for Lou Xiaoqian to be punished.

I didn't expect this woman to be so dishonest and jump out to make trouble.

"Are photos misleading?"

"Yes, it's a bit bad because of the misalignment." Li Bing held the phone and handed it to Gong Mohan.

The resolution of the photo is not high, and it can be seen clearly.

Although the content is not particularly exposed, it's just that the accompanying wine incident has just been suppressed, and now the photos are out again...

"Aren't these source files deleted?"

Gong Mohan had expected that Lou Xiaoqian would not trust her, and after the video was leaked, it was deleted.

Li Bing lowered his head, ashamed.

That day, he told the hotel manager in time, and the reply there was that the corridor camera was not working that day, and nothing was captured.

It turned out that someone else had already taken the lead!

I'm afraid the hotel manager has been bought long ago.

Gong Mo was furious, he had only become the president of the Gong family not long ago, the stool hadn't warmed up yet, and the results hadn't been made yet.

Anyone can't wait?
They tried to kill him one after another, fearing that they would become a thorn in their side.

"Find Lou Xiaoqian, let her hold a press conference, and make it clear!"


Li Bing received the task and immediately went to work.

Fang Qingyan was sitting in the lounge, the decoration style of the whole room made her suffocate.

It's too depressing, can Gong Mohan be safe in this kind of place on weekdays?
How can any normal person like to live in such a place?It was white and misty, except for the necessary furniture, there was nothing, and the space was scary.

There was a photo on the only desk. The two little boys looked exactly the same. They were carved in powder and jade. It should be a photo taken many years ago. The two are quite small.

One little doll is gentle and cute, while the other is indifferent and strong.

"That little boy with an indifferent face must be Gong Mohan. No wonder, he has been like this since he was a child, and he can't change it when he grows up."

"However, the two of them are really cute. I want to rub them."

The first time she saw Gong Mohan's resting place, Fang Qingyan looked around and touched it as if she had never seen it before.

Very strange.

The lounge is well lit, and there is a large bookcase near the balcony filled with various books.

Anyway, boring, might as well read a book.

"Hey, the book "One Hundred Years of Solitude" is recommended by many people."

Fang Qingyan leaned on the bookcase and quickly flipped through it from beginning to end, but she didn't expect a piece of paper to fall in the middle of the pages.

Gong Mohan is quite good at hiding things, there are little secrets everywhere, like a treasure hunt, fun and interesting.

Squat down and pick up the piece of paper.

Slightly slippery in the hand, this is not a piece of paper, this is a photo.

"Why, Gong Mohan still likes to collect photos."

Just wanted to check it out.

"Fang Qingyan, what are you doing?"

With the speed of the wind, the photo is no longer in her hands.

Gong Mohan quickly ran over, snatched the yellowed photo, and carefully blew away the non-existent dust.

Gong Mohan was so gentle and caring, it was an expression he had never faced Fang Qingyan before.

In an instant, the lounge was covered with ice and snow, and Fang Qingyan only had a few clothes that could not resist the invasion of the cold wind.

Looking at the strange man in front of him, he held the photo as a treasure, as if the photo was his wife, and Fang Qingyan was blocked from the two of them.

Fang Qingyan felt aggrieved, her mouth pursed, wasn't it just a photo?As for being so angry?

Besides, she didn't take it out on purpose, it fell out.

If you really value it so much, then don't put it in the book, just keep it well.

"I didn't mean it. Besides, I didn't see anything."

"Fang Qingyan, you don't deserve to touch her!"

This is Beibei who exists in the white moonlight in his heart, a ray of light in his dark place...

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