Chenchen stretched out her little finger: "Daddy, Mommy, you adults have a lot to say, don't lie to me. I want you to pull the hook, write down the paper, and sign it!"


A cool breeze blows, and the room is silent.

This brat, why does he follow a routine and ask for a signature?

Which bastard was it that instilled such thoughts in him at such a young age?Can I get it later?
Chenchen's eyeballs rolled darkly, revealing a hint of shrewdness.

However, the black and white pupils are so innocent, which makes people feel soft when they look at them.

"Okay, okay! Chenchen can do whatever she wants!"

After getting a copy of Shangfang's sword, Chenchen's eyes narrowed into smiles.

He immediately became active: "Daddy, Mommy, do you want to visit my school?"

As if to compensate them, Chenchen's service was extremely thoughtful, and her mouth was covered with honey.

Seeing the different Chenchen, Fang Qingyan was determined to send him here.

Now Chenchen is full of vitality, much more lively than at home!
"lead the way!"

Fang Qingyan gave orders majestically.

The kindergarten is very large, and the outdoor activity field occupies a large part of it, and there are all kinds of sports facilities.

In addition to the football field in the center, various types of venues are arranged around the perimeter.

Sure enough, it is indeed a leading kindergarten in the world. Children not only study hard, but also pay attention to the cultivation of hobbies.

The teaching buildings are connected by corridors, and some people stand on the rain-shielding corridors, looking into the distance from the sky...

They took the elevator to Chenchen's class.

Chenchen introduced in a low voice: "Mummy, that's the violin teacher, she's so gentle!"

Beautiful melody, jumping cheerfully in the air...

Even if she doesn't understand music at all, she can perceive the emotions conveyed.

People can't help but immerse themselves in it, this music teacher is really amazing!

No wonder parents are flocking to send their children here.

What she may have seen is the tip of the iceberg, but just this part of the display, she also feels that it is worth the money.

And this kindergarten is just the starting point, and they are required to train them from scratch along the way from elementary school, junior high school, and high school.

And the students who come out of this school are all well-known figures from all over the world...

She nodded: "That sounds good, how is Chenchen doing?"

Chenchen was a little tangled, he sighed: "Ms. He said she wanted me to study abroad with her, but Mr. Zhu also wanted me."

Fang Qingyan was stunned, but the kindergarten snatched her son away?
"Which teacher does Chenchen want to follow?"

Chenchen's eyes are bright: "Mommy, although I like music very much, I have something I like more, so I don't want to follow anyone."

"If so what do you like?"

"Programming!" Chenchen replied decisively, and he said proudly, "I want to be the best in the world!"

In this regard, he showed talent at an early age.

After fighting with Gong Mohan on the Internet, his unyielding personality was aroused even more, and he secretly made up his mind to defeat Daddy.

Although he also likes others, his ambition has always been firm.

Gong Mohan said with great interest: "You want to defeat me?"

Chenchen waved her fist and snorted coldly:
"Daddy, don't look down on me! In the world of programming, age is not important, and the best is the first. Accept my challenge!"

His gaze is like a rock, revealing the determination to never admit defeat...

so similar!This kid's character is really too similar to him!

Although he is still a naive young eagle, his enthusiasm is as hot as the sun.

He has that potential!

Gong Mohan was full of appreciation: "Okay, I'll wait for you."

Suddenly, a delicate voice interrupted their conversation: "Chenchen."

Fang Qingyan followed the shout and saw a little girl carved in pink and jade, galloping towards them like a bird.

Chenchen explained to them: "Mummy, this is Qinna, why did she run out? Isn't she in class?"

However, he didn't ask his doubts, but introduced like a little adult: "Qinna, this is my daddy and mommy."

Qin Na approached them carefully, and stopped in embarrassment, as if remembering the rules of a lady: "Hello, uncle and aunt, I am Qin Na!"

Fang Qingyan's eyes were gentle: "Hello, Qinna!"

Such a child who is like a doll, who can not love it?

Gong Mohan didn't dislike her either, he somehow felt that the child in front of him was a little familiar.

He glanced at Fang Qingyan and felt that he had found the answer.

If he and Fang Qingyan had a daughter, would she be so icy and cute?
However, Qin Na was very shocked. The woman in front of her was carved out of almost the same mold as her aunt?

She asked seriously: "Auntie, you look like my aunt!"

Chenchen was surprised: "Is your aunt as beautiful as my mother?"

He was suddenly curious, wanting to see how it looked like.

Some people grow up to be like Mommy, so will there be someone who looks like Dad?
Qin Na raised her head: "Of course my aunt is beautiful. If you don't believe me, she will secretly follow me later, and she will pick me up later!"

However, Fang Qingyan felt bad, even though there were so many similar people in the world.

But if Jeanna's aunt was who she thought it was, how would it end?

Before she could figure out a solution, Qin Na waved her hand excitedly to the side: "Auntie!"

The familiar figure made Fang Qingyan freeze in place.

The man lazily stepped on his high heels and walked towards this side.

The slim dress, with obvious curves wrapping her bumpy figure, looks like a peerless banshee in a painting...

As the characters approached, a trace of surprise flashed in Gong Mohan's eyes.

It turns out that there are really such similar people in the world. He almost asked Fang Qingyan if she had any siblings...

But he glanced at it, and turned his gaze to the distance.

It's just that his squinted eyes are obscure.

"Nana." The woman called out affectionately.

"Auntie, look at this auntie, she looks just like you!" Qin Na said excitedly.

The corners of Fang Qingyan's mouth were a little stiff, and she dared not speak: "You..."

She really didn't expect that the world was so small that she and Cheng Xuexin would meet here!
If she had the ability to foresee, she would hold back Gong Mohan no matter what she said.

Cheng Xuexin showed a decent smile: "Qingyan? I actually met you here. Nana, called Auntie, she is my aunt's cousin."

Qin Na was pleasantly surprised: "Really? It turns out that the aunt is really Nana's aunt!"

However, the happy little girl didn't notice something was wrong with the air.

Fang Qingyan bent down and said to Chenchen: "Take Qinna out first, I have something to talk to them about."

The precocious Chenchen actually already guessed the truth in his heart, and he clenched his fists and refused to leave.

At this time, the only mommy is him, how can he leave?

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