The Return of the Adorable Baby: Daddy Gao Leng Please Accept

Chapter 1332 Woman You Are Playing With Fire

Fortunately, Gong Mohan's physical strength is particularly good.

The man next to him was still sleeping, with a drowsy sleeping face, completely lacking his usual calmness, and his whole body looked extremely soft.

Most importantly, how could this man's eyelashes be so long?Long forget it!It's so dark and curly, it's so annoying, she's so jealous!

I have to say that Gong Mohan's facial features are really exquisite, and sometimes he is quite nice, but he is a little crazy.

It's over, she seems to really like him, she did it voluntarily yesterday, at that moment she didn't want to refuse any request from the man.

She gave herself, so what about men, do they also like themselves a little bit?
Once you like someone, you want more, and you want men to only look at you.

The plan can't keep up with the changes, have they overstepped?
In the beginning, the two people looked at each other disliked each other, but now it's out of control?
But the man never said he loved her.If she had said it, wouldn't it mean that she had surrendered?

My mother told herself that you shouldn't be too active with men, if you pamper them too much, they will get on top.

Fang Qingyan did not speak, but silently looked at the man.

Not long after the man woke up, the first sentence was: "What's the matter, are you fascinated by me?"

Fang Qingyan blushed, her ears turned red, and she said crisply: "How can it be? Stop being narcissistic."

The woman's delicate appearance stimulates the man's attention, what a pain in the morning.

Fang Qingyan didn't notice the man's change at first, she was still talking to herself.

Until the man grabbed her hand enthusiastically, not knowing where to take it.

"What are you doing, I don't want to!"

"I...can you do it again?"

Is this man crazy today?If you are so dissatisfied with your desires, don't you still have to go to work later?

"No! I'm very tired and I want to rest. I said no yesterday, but you kept lying to me and said it was the last time. Hmph, man!"

Although the fire was too much yesterday, the fire has not been vented.

I don't know why, but he can't help looking at a woman, always wanting to throw her down, pull her into his arms and love her dearly.

Ever since He Junjie told him about the woman's past, Gong Mohan felt the same way.

Women's current character is more or less caused by the past.

In the past, the treatment in the orphanage was not good. Some children often took the lead in fighting, and I don't know if women were ever bullied.

He understood all of Fang Qingyan's pains, the pains and inconvenient scars beneath her calm appearance.

If you have accumulated a lot of sadness and loss, you will not expose your inner emotions.

Fang Qingyan tidied herself up, turned around and hesitated to speak, and after thinking about it, she still asked:
"I miss Chenchen, can I go and see him?"

I haven't seen the child for four days, and I don't know the child's current condition. Will he cry or miss his mother?
She knew that kindergarten was one of the best in the world, and the teachers there were extremely responsible.

I heard that parents have to go through formalities to enter, and they have to be parents with strong backgrounds.

She knows that the child will always have a mother who is not around, and sooner or later he will face it, but she is still worried, after all, she is a child.

My heart is twisted.


Gong Mohan could feel the woman's depression: "What's the matter? Then you can go to the kindergarten, as long as you want to."

Fang Qingyan should be happy every day, instead of being listless like she is now.

Do you know that the old man won't let people pass?Or wait until I talk to the old man?This woman is quite accurate in her calculations.

"No, it's just my imagination. I stay at home every day, so I inevitably think too much."

Then she realized: "Then can I go and have a look? Really?"

I thought the old man said that they would not see each other once a week, and now they can finally go.

Thinking of the majestic and dignified manner of the old man, she was frightened for a while.

"Of course, if you have the conditions, do you want to please me?"

"There are still conditions?" Huh, this man isn't serious, is he?Was their tenderness last night fake?

This is the beginning of this or that?Forget it, if it's not too much, she can consider it.

"You said, what do you want?"

"There's a company event the day after tomorrow. Come with me. We'll go see the kids together the day after tomorrow."

"That's it?" No way?The man she remembered had never been so easily satisfied.

He's always been the kind who gets cheap and acts good, so he's satisfied today? ?

Gong Mohan wondered in his heart, he didn't let women lack this or that on weekdays, why did this woman show such a heroic and righteous attitude?

Is he asking a lot?Is this too much?

"Then let me think about it..."

"Don't mind me, I think this is very good." Fang Qingyan hugged the man's thigh excitedly and rubbed against it.

The woman was very close to him, she just got off with great difficulty, and now she came again.

"Woman, are you playing with fire? It seems that I didn't feed you yesterday?"

"do not……"

The woman shuddered and turned her body around quickly. She was about to turn over, but unexpectedly, her legs cramped in mid-air.

It seems that she still overestimated her situation, she was about to fall to the ground, ah, help, what should I do?

Fortunately, the blanket on the ground is relatively thick, otherwise, there might be something wrong with the fall.

Ow!How stupid!
I knew that my movement range should be smaller just now, but now I am embarrassed, woo woo woo, I don't want to see people.

"Haha, you are so stupid."

This woman is so funny, lying on the ground pitifully, so cute...

Fang Qingyan scratched the ground with her toes in embarrassment, she just wanted to cover her head, and didn't want to see anyone.

Cheng family.

Mo Xue was invited by Cheng's mother, and Cheng's mother was very urgent on the phone. In the past two days, her daughter Cheng Xuexin was in a particularly bad state, and she hadn't eaten for two days.

Mo Xue ran through several traffic lights in a hurry before arriving at Cheng's house.

Cheng's mother held Mo Xue's hand tightly:
"Xuexue, you're finally here, Xinxin...she hasn't eaten for the past few days, and she's very haggard."

Mo Xue is a close friend of Cheng Xuexin's boudoir. At this moment, Cheng's mother has nothing to do with her daughter. She is very anxious and can only ask Mo Xue.

inside the room.

Cheng Xuexin has always been proud, she has never been deflated, and now she is so wronged that she can't help but cry.

Mo Xue panicked, and quickly pulled her: "Xinxin, don't be like this, don't cry, what do you want to tell me?

We are good friends, I will help you, whoever bullies you, I will definitely help you. "

Cheng Xuexin was sobbing, tears streaming down her eyes.

Even if the beauty cried, it was still pear blossoms with rain, and Mo Xue was stunned by Cheng Xuexin's beauty:
"Xuexin, let me tell you, we women should not be too weak, just cry for a while, and I will listen to you!"

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